二轮语法定语从句专题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章二轮语法定语从句专题更新完毕开始阅读0012ccd64b35eefdc9d333b3



1. Last night, John was answering the letters that ___________________(寄给他的)during the past two weeks.(arrive)(2007年34题)

2.The city______________(我成长的) is very hot and damp in summer.(grow)(2008年33题)

3. Learning strategies, to_____________________(老师们认为) importance, have not yet drawn enough of students.(attach)(2009年80题)

4.My mother was so proud of all ________________(我所做的) that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing.(do)(2010年77题)

5. _________________(正如我们强调的那样) many times, ―serve the people‖ is our first policy.(stress)(2010年80题) The keys:

1.had arrived for him 2. in which/where I grew up 3. which (the) teachers attach/have attached

4. that I had done 5. As we have stressed 二.高考给我们的启迪:

定语从句是高考的重点和难点。重点考点有:1.介词+which/whom(如2008年33题,2009年80题)2. all/both/none/neither/some/any/many of which/whom引导的定语从句 3.the younger/older of which/whom 引导的定语从句 4. 分数/百分数/the rest of which/whom引导的定语从句 5.当先行词是situation/position/point/case/system等,定语从句用where 引导6.当提供的动词是know/report/announce/stress/explain/describe/mention/see/hope时,若判断是定语从句,用as引导。做题时应注意时态,语态和主谓一致。


1.The speaker seemed to be looking for the words___________________ his concern about public safety. (express)


2.The novel _____________________ for children is written by a famous American writer. (adapt) 这本小说是一位美国作家为孩子们写的,这部影片就是由此而改编的。

3. Buses in many cities are now equipped with hammers ________________ the windows to escape in case of an emergency.(break)

在许多城市里,公汽安装了锤子,在紧急时刻乘客能用锤子砸破玻璃逃生 4.The project ___________________ is of great significance to our school. (pay) 我们在关注的这个项目对我们的学校非常有意义。

5. He lived in a big house, ___________________stood a big tall tree.(front) 他住在一幢大房子里,房前有一颗大树。

6. Amok, _____________________ last month, died in his apartment. (come) 艾莫克的书上个月出版了,他死在他住的公寓里。

7.He is the English teacher ________________ we have made great progress. (with) 他是我们的英语老师,在他的帮助下,我们取得了很大的进步。

8.There are many people present at the meeting, ____________________ the same school. (belong) 出席会议的有许多人其中三分之二属于同一所学校

9. After college I hope to have a job_________________ and take pictures of places around the world. (travel) 大学毕业后我希望有一份工作,我可以旅游和拍摄全世界各地的照片。

10.Australia is home to a variety of plants and animals, ________________ in any other continent. (find) 澳大利亚是多种多样动植物的家园,其中有些在其他州找不到。

11.I may be late this afternoon, ________________ I will telephone and put off the meeting. (case) 今天下午我或许会迟到,如果那样我会打电话推迟会议。

12 Some students think cellphones are important to them, _____________________their life will become difficult. (without)


13 Japan’s arrest of the Chinese captain was illegal, _______________ in the waters of Diaoyu Islands belonging to China since ancient times. (operate)


14 According to the diary he kept in his blog, they have reached the point_________________ with each other. (separate)


15 It was on the shelf__________________ that I found my car keys. How careless I was. (put) 在我放鞋子的地方我发现了我的新钥匙,我多粗心啊﹗

16 After enjoying Dinosaur World, the children came to Panda Park, _______________ . (see) 欣赏完恐龙世界,孩子们来到熊猫公园,在那里他们看见了两只大熊猫。

17 In the rent, there were many poor students from the earthquake stricken area, _____________________10 to 20. (vary)


18 A healthy diet should include a variety of food, _________________ nutrients. (rich) 健康饮食应该包括多种食物,大部分富含营养。

19 Jim took out a package and placed it upon the table; it was the set of very precious combs that Della__________________________. (long)

吉姆拿出一包裹把它放在桌上;这是德拉一直渴望的那套非常珍贵的梳子。 20–How did you get to know each other?

- It was in the case__________________________ cheating in the exam and were kept in the same office.(suspect)


-我们是在被怀疑考试作弊被留在同一间办公室的情况下认识的。 21. I called the clothing agent________________ on the Internet. (find) 我打电话给服装经纪人,她的电话号码是我在网上找到的。

22. He wrote a long letter to his son,______________________ that it was unwise to make emotional decisions. (point)


23.My sisters, ____________________ yesterday, will come to see us this evening. (show) 我的姐妹们今晚会来看我们,昨天我给你看过她们的照片的。

24.Across the lake are two small villages, ______________________ a historic reform in China. (see) 穿过这条河是两座小村庄,其中之一已见证过中国的历史变革。

25.I can remember very few occasions____________________ on the way to his office. (break) 我记得去他办公室的路上,他的车很少有坏的时候。

Keys:1.with which he can express 2. from which the film has been adapted 3. with which passengers can break 4. to which we are paying attention 5. in front of which 6. whose book came out

7. with whose help 8. two thirds of whom belong to 9. where I can travel 10. some of which aren’t found 11. in which case 12. without which

13. whose fishing boat has operated 14. where they have to be separated 15. where I put my shoes 16. where they saw two pandas 17. whose ages vary from 18. most of which is rich in

19.had been longing for 20. where we were suspected of 21.whose telephone number I (had) found 22. in which he pointed out 23.whose photos I showed (to) you 24.one of which has seen 25. when his car broke down