年产3000吨乳酸的生产车间工艺设计说明书 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章年产3000吨乳酸的生产车间工艺设计说明书更新完毕开始阅读0027944327fff705cc1755270722192e453658c6



摘 要 目前乳酸是世界上应用广泛的三大有机酸之一。本设计综述了国内外乳酸的生产工艺及其发展前景。在对各种乳酸生产工艺进行了详细比较后,选择了糖化发酵的生产工艺。通过物料衡算、热量衡算、主体设备设计、辅助设备选型以及车间布置,完成了,绘制了主体设备图、工艺流程图及车间布置图等,并对整个工艺方案进行了经济、环保和安全评价,表明该工艺设计经济合理。

关键词: 乳杆菌,大米和麸皮,糖化发酵法,工艺设计


The annual output of 3000 tons of lactic acid production workshop

process design矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖。 Abstract Lactic acid is one of the three organic acids which is widely used in the world. This design reviewed the production technology of lactic acid and its prospects for development both at home and abroad were. In production technology for a variety of lactic acid after detailed comparison, I chose the diastatic fermentation production process. Through the material balance, heat balance, main equipment design, selection of auxiliary equipment and layout of the plant, I’m done the annual output of 3000 tons of lactic acid production workshop process design,map the main equipment and process flow diagram and workshop layout, etc., and probes into the whole process of economic, environmental and safety evaluation, which shows that it’s an economic and reasonable process design.

聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净。 Keywords: lactobacillus, rice and bran, diastatic fermentation, process design
