外研版必修一重点短语句型及翻译 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章外研版必修一重点短语句型及翻译更新完毕开始阅读005a9c4233687e21af45a91e

Module 1

tell the differences between A and B =tell A from B

be similar to…in … the attitude to/towards… a city not far from … write down… on the computer on the screen

information from websites a woman called…. be nothing like speak a lot in class have fun

I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s class

introduce oneself in groups

give sb instructions work by oneself

improve one’s spelling in a fun way in other words

for one’s homework a description of

look forward to doing…

be impressed with/by/make a impression on sb

A is the same size as B the number of

be fluent in Chinese

speak Chinese with fluency make a lot of/much progress

The father is disappionted at his disappionting son. at the beginning of write to sb

all over the world the smell of move to…

Would you mind answering my question/ if I asked you questions Here are my answers


so have I

have the biggest smile

the American school systems secondary school cover 7 years at the end of…

receive the high school diploma go to college

divide….into../separate from September through December take part in be free to do…

after-school activities


module 2

make sure at any time

be well organised

It is said that/ they say… one’s first impressions of so….that so that

avoid doing…. make sb do… dare to do… say a word

appreciate doing sth apppreciate it if …. do scientific experiment as a result( of )

with Mrs Chen teaching me this is because…/that is why… in fact fall asleep good-looking wave one’s hand get bored tell jokes prefer to do

would rather do than do would rather do It’s up to you That’s settled a couple of take a look at get good marks be true of

be relaxed with

have problems with/in doing pay for

revise for a maths test translate from A to B get to know

be ready to do… refuse to do… be willing to do…



finish,keep,practise,mind,imagine, suggest……+doing sth

module 3

match A to (with) B travel on roads in the air use…to do…

travel a long distance

refer to (refer to a dictionary refer to sb for information) by train

train sb to do sth

in the central part of… on the coast

one’s first ride to…. meals cooked by…. abandoned farms during the day

look out of the window at midnight

a way to do/of doing sth… be short for…

supply sth to sb/ supply sb with sth pass a law

allow sb to do sth/allow doing sth shoot ….. 与 shoot at….的区别 Could I see your ticket?

Would you mind if I saw your ticket? Would you mind showing me your ticket?

I am sorry ,but…. out of date

for the first time one’s first visit to…. all the time

try to do…与 try doing 的区别 teach sb sth at kindergarten so many…. next door

show sb how to do… be sick

in downtown Shanghai


at a speed of… on 月,日,年

the opening ceremony happen to sb

on ones’s journey know…about.. set off from… on the third day be fond of..

Module 4

sixteen-year-old Zhang Hua in (on to) the south of… in a suburb

on the third floor of a five-storey apartment block

about fifty miles away from…

be made of (from, in, by, out of ,up of) on the coast by the seaside

pretty hot and wet in summer sounds OK to me I’m starving buy…from… for a while

a nice little fish restaurant up to now/so far/till now exchange ideas the beauty of nature get away from… a great many things such as

at weekends/on weekdays go up

can’t afford to do…. make money

make friends(with sb)

in the same neighbourhood take part in fill… with.. in poor health

have very little contact with sb The house is two storeys high

It’s been six years since we last saw


each other.

This is the first time I have visited your hometown.

This is one of the most attractive places I’ve been to.

I feel very fortunate living here. What’s the climate like?

The rent for an apartment there is very high

They have put up a lot of high-rise buildings recently.

It’s a gorgeous island with some really interesting architecture. You remain clever remain to be done

The countryside would be a sadder and urglier place without them


a report on; as ... as;

mix A and/ with B together; mix A into B; a mixture of...; a quarter/a half three quarters two fifhts

point seven one the same as

two-thrids of the earth’s suface is covered with water

20% our class are from the city put...in order

bigger than

as big as that one twice

the size of

10 meters long draw/arrive at/reach/get to / come to a conclusion

it is hard to think of a world without metals


electrical equipment a set of /some equipment be equipped with react with

have a slow/fast reaction with at the top/bottom(of)

Below is a description of a simple scietific experiment find out

leave with the tube for a week add…to…/add to keep…out of

ordinary water/people get colder and colder

the closer you are, the more you’ll see much/a lot/a great deal/ far /by far/a bit/ a little /still / even / yet +bigger no more than/ no more…than not more than/not more…than a bigger apple You’ve got it It’s your turn to go ahead

used to do/be used to doing/ be used to do

the last(最新的)equipment four times a term make a diacovery in one’s area of … first-class scientists in the last twenty years win the Nobel Prize

be proud of/take in pride be supposed to do

Module 6

on the Internet

computer hardware

the biggest source of information be accessible through a computer consist of…

millions of pages of data three thousand books two hundred of us


develop a way to do sth as well

become known as/for/to via the Internet at the moment go down at University

come up with the idea

make it +adj for sb to do… from that moment on rise from A to B

thousands of millionaires access the Internet work as…

the percentage of…. concentrate on… as much time as I can agree with

last for+some time work independently in one’s opinion

the importance of doing… be expected to do take advantage of have access to… wrap…up…

don’t hesitate to do sth talking on a mobile phone with the help of..

point out one’s mistakes a serises of

instead of/instead shorten sth

There are a number of reasons for this. It became possible for sb to do…

At the moment,about 80% of web traffic is in English.

We need software to use a computer. It would be much better if we spent the time working on a computer


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