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发布时间 : 星期五 文章实用建筑英语更新完毕开始阅读0062110f76eeaeaad0f33079

安全出口:safety exit

防火分区:fire compartment

防火间距:fire separation distance 防烟分区:smoke bay

防烟楼梯间:smoke-proof staircase 封闭楼梯间:enclosed staircase 消防车道:Fire engine path:

登高场地:rescue field\\ fire engine platform 登高面:Rescue fa?ade, 前室:vestibule

测绘局:mapping department 规划局:planning bureau,

审图公司:drawing check company 地上总建筑面积:GFA 容积率:plot ratio

Floor area ratio\\ FAR 标准层:typical floor 层高:storey height

室内净高:ceiling height

Interior net storey height 建筑密度:building density

Building coverage rate 公共绿地:public green space 绿地:green space 绿地率:greening rate

建筑高度:building altitude 规范:code



群房:skirt building /podium /annex 非结构构件:non-structural element 商住楼:business-living building 台阶step 栏杆 railing 阳台:balcony 门斗foyer 回廊cloister

围护结构envelop enclosure 雨蓬canopy 飘窗bay windou

永久性顶盖permanent cap 骑楼overhang 过街楼arcade



储藏空间:store space 走廊:gallery

8*4 multiply 8 by 4

套型:type of flat 中庭:atrium

轮椅坡道:ramp of wheelchair 管道井:pipe shaft 风管:air duct

土建风管:air shaft

烟道smoke uptake\\smoke flue 管道:conduit

挡烟垂壁:hang wall \\ smoke curtain 自然通风:natural ventilation

防、排烟系统:smoke control system 办公建筑:office building

公寓式办公楼:apartment-office building 酒店式办公楼:hotel-office building 综合楼:mutiple-ues building

商务办公楼:business office building 油烟:cooking fume

中空玻璃:sealed insulating glass unit 透明幕墙:Transparent curtain wall 民用建筑:civil building

居住建筑:residential building 公共建筑:public building

无障碍通路:barrier-free passage 无障碍设施:accessibility facilities 建筑基地:construction site

道路红线:boundary line of roads

用地红线::boundary line of land \\ property line 建筑控制线:building line 设备层mechanical floor 避难层refuge storey 架空层open floor

变形缝 deformation joint/ 吊顶suspended ceiling 装修 decoration \\ finishing 采光delighting 通风ventilation 噪音noise

公共厕所WC\\public toilets\\lavetory 盥洗室washroom 厕位cubical


第三卫生间third public toilets 抽水马桶water closet\\toilet bowl 围护性幕墙enclosing curtain wall

装饰性幕墙decorative faced curtain wall 高程、标高elevation

防护工程protecting engineering 护坡slope protection 挡土墙retaining wall 台地stage

平坡式tiny slope style 台阶式stage style 无障碍barrier-free

无障碍入口barrier-free entrance 无障碍通道barrier-free path

无障碍专用厕所toilets for disable people 无障碍厕位barrier-free toilet stall 无障碍电梯barrier=free elevator 无障碍客房barrier-free guestroom 人行通道pedestrian path 人行pedestrian

上下客vehicular drop-off 入口平台entrance platform 中间平台mid landing

智能建筑intelligent building 种植屋面planted roof 节能energy efficiency 汽车库garage

地下汽车库underground garage 停车场parking area 电梯elevator \\ lift 自动扶梯 escalator 宴会厅banqueting hall 酒吧bar

餐厅dining hall 营业厅business hall 问讯厅information hall 石头stone 大堂lobby

迎客厅arrival lobby

旋转餐厅revolving restaurant 垂直的vertical 水平的horizontal

后勤车入口service access

可能对结构造成的影响possible structural implications

主坐标轴primary axis

引人入胜的景观spectacular views 设计方案scheme

室内游泳池indoor pool 曲线的墙体curving wall 厨房布局kitchen layout 核心筒tower elevator cores 景观电梯open lift 膜结构film structure

百叶shutter\\window blind\\window shade 钢结构steel structure

混凝土框架结构concrete structure 剪力墙shear wall 支撑 bracing 柱子column 梁beam 跨span 索cable

效果图 representation to convey design intentions 概念总图conceptual site plan

外立面exterior elevations(4 primary sides) 平面level plan

节能玻璃energy saving glass 金属metal

工程施工阶段construction stage 工程精装修阶段fine fitment station 工程竣工阶段completion stage 工程量work amount

文件和资料documents and information 轮渡码头ferry

行人foot passenger 摩托车autobike 女儿墙 parapet

地下室底板 met slab / bottom plate 侧壁 sidewall 外墙Exterior wall 审核 review

深化图纸 deepen drawing 建设单位 construction unit 安装单位 installation unit 厚度 thickness

机房 machine room


锅炉房boiler room 动力专业 energy

泻爆口 explosion relif 烟道井 chimney shaft 防爆墙explosion wall

日用油箱间 day oiltank room

锅炉房操作控制室boiler control room 水处理间 water treatment room

消防喷淋设备间 sprinkler system room 水泵房 pump room

热交换机房 heat exchanger room

游泳池水处理机房 swimming pool water treatment room

隔油处理间 kitchen wastewater treatment room 污水处理机房 sewage disposal room 冷却塔 cooling tower

变配电间 power distribution room 配电间 distribution room

消防控制室 fine protection control room 柴油机房 power generation room 冷冻机房chiller room 风机房 fan room 空调机房 AC room

弱电进线室 cable intake room

通信+网络机房 communication & network room 无线覆盖机房 wireless facilities room 卫星电视机房 satellite TV room

消防安保机房Fire & security facilities room 弱电配电间 distribution room 平行parallel

垂直perpendicular 人行道footway

建筑控制线(地上、地下)setback lines(below and above)

路边线street curb 生物钟biology clock 毗邻 adjacent to

与—合成一体Incorporated 建筑专业 architecture 结构专业 structure、civil

给排水专业 water supply & drainage\\ plumbing & drainage

暖通专业 HVAC_ heating ventilation air condition 弱电专业 ELV _extra low voltage \\weak current 强电专业 electrical


Here is our proposed agenda for our meeting this coming Sunday which starts at 9:30 in our office (first floor meeting room):

Morning: begin with Mix's presentation of two schemes, plus exterior elevation. Then, discuss and decide which scheme to go ahead.

Afternoon: LTW's presentation of different room

layouts. Discuss. Also try to finalize the layouts of each level, including restaurants, lobby lounge, spa, parking and etc.

We reserve the following morning for further discussion if necessary.

Please kindly advise if this tentative agenda is acceptable and should you have any suggestions,

please feel free to put forward and we will be happy to review with all of you together.

This Sunday I will be in Mexico. Pan Yuen can represent me.

Please kindly be informed that our scheduled meeting on 1-2 March has been formally postponed by one day to 2-3 March. Get prepared and will see you all at 9:30am 2nd March at Pengxin Office. Hope it will be a fruitful meeting together.

Kindly propose the topics to be covered and we will try to work out the agenda accordingly in advance.

As there is only a short time before the workshop, please forward any other comments as quickly as possible.

Thanks for your mail. Below is the reply to your queries:

1)It's up to you where to put the fire engine platform so long it meets the government requirements. Anyway, please forward us the designs before the March meeting.

2)Yes, any area under the ramp above 2.2m will be counted as GFA. However, it will be calculated as half if remained open and not enclosed.

Hope that helps.

Best regards.

We would appreciate if you could speed up and forward us all the necessary plans asap. Thank you very much.

Hope you are well. It’s been a while since our last meeting. We had a few clarifications we hope you can help us with on the Banyan Tree Hotel. Thank you and best regards,

KC…appreciate your comments. Our further dialogue below in blue.

My comments in red.

All of this is subject to much further development so appreciate all input in the meanwhile.