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1174 General English

Course Plan

1. Preamble

Course Title Course Number Credits Prerequisites

Comprehensive English 1174 4 None

2. Course Description

The aim of this course is, primarily through fundamental training and discourse analysis, to carry out the basic but rigorous training so as to develop students’ practical ability to use the language. It also aims to lay a solid professional foundation for entry into later school years.

General English is comprehensive English-language- skills subject. Its main purpose is to train and improve their comprehensive ability to use the language. The General English is the subject with a focus on language skills targeting to foster and improve students’ ability in using English in an all-around way.

3. Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, students will be able to: ? ? ?

do better in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation master and skillfully apply basic grammar and vocabulary in actual use

have a deeper understanding of the cultural and historical background in English-speaking countries as well as the diverse cultural differences

? know the essential elements of English and be able to express one’s ideas and communicate with others by proper application of the language

Knowledge Vocabulary

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

? ? ?

acquire no less than 700 new words,

be able to understand their meaning according to context,

master a certain number of commonly used words and idioms and be able to use them in written and oral speech


? Understand and be able to apply the following grammatical terms including: verb agreement, predicative clauses, object clauses, attributive clauses and adverbial clauses, direct and indirect speech, infinitive, active and passive voice and word building.



Students will be able to: ?

complete a variety of translation exercises independently with an accurate understanding of the source and target language.


Students will be able to: ?

read biographies, stories ,science articles containing less than 3 percent of new words at the speed of 60-90 words per minute with the correct comprehension rate of 70% and above ? ?

read simple practical writing

grasp the main contents and central ideas of the material through understanding

the facts and their details

4. Chronology Table

TIME WEEK DATE CHAPTER CONTENTS ? Ice Breaker ? Introductions ? Professor 1 wk 3 2011-09-05~2011-09-09 GAMBIT ? Students ? Course ? Approach ? Text Preparation ? Homework ? Passage A ? the First Days in College ? Grammar focus ? Word Formation ? Reading Skills ? Finding out the Meaning of Words 2-3 Wk4-5 2011-09-12~2011-09-23 Unit 1 ? Passage B ? How Can I Improve My English ? Test Zone ? Bank Cloze ? Error Correction ? Homework ? Passage A ? Should I Let My Son Play Computer Games? ? Grammar focus ? Word Formation ? Reading Skills ? Distinguishing between Facts and Opinions 4-5 Wk6-82011-09-26~2011-10-14 (10.1 Unit 2-Culture and Recreation ? Passage B ? School Sports an Leisure Activities ? Test Zone ? Bank Cloze ? Error Correction ? Homework Vacation Break) TIME WEEK DATE CHAPTER CONTENTS ? Passage A ? Should I Let My Son Play Computer Games? ? Grammar focus ? Word Formation ? Reading Skills 6-7 Wk 9-10 2011-10-17~2009-10-28 ? Distinguishing between Facts and Opinions Unit 3-Social Etiquette ? Passage B ? School Sports an Leisure Activities ? Test Zone ? Bank Cloze ? Error Correction ? Homework ? Passage A ? Should I Let My Son Play Computer Games? ? Grammar focus ? Word Formation ? Reading Skills ? Distinguishing between Facts and Opinions 8-9 Wk11-12 2011-10-31~2011-11-11 Unit 4-Food Culture ? Passage B ? School Sports an Leisure Activities ? Test Zone ? Bank Cloze ? Error Correction ? Homework ? Passage A ? Should I Let My Son Play Computer Games? ? Grammar focus ? Word Formation ? Reading Skills 10-11 Wk13-14 2011-11-14~2011-11-25 Unit 5-Festivals and Customs ? Distinguishing between Facts and Opinions ? Passage B ? School Sports an Leisure Activities ? Test Zone ? Bank Cloze ? Error Correction ? Homework 12-13 2011-11-28~2011-12-9 Unit 6-Romance and ? Passage A