(通用版)2020高考英语二轮复习 第二部分 考前冲刺30天 附录Ⅲ 熟词生义 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章(通用版)2020高考英语二轮复习 第二部分 考前冲刺30天 附录Ⅲ 熟词生义更新完毕开始阅读009b58ca02d8ce2f0066f5335a8102d276a2618b

I’m about to explode!He broke my violin.v.勃然大怒;大发雷霆 11.exploit(熟义:v.开发;开采;剥削)

You must exploit every opportunity to learn new things.v.利用 F


(2020·高考天津卷)As her eyes began to fail,low read to her.v.衰退 2.fancy(熟义:adj.想象的;奇幻的;昂贵的) He fancied himself as an authority.v.自负地认为 3.fashion(熟义:n.时尚,时装)

He behaves in a peculiar fashion.n.方式 4.fast(熟义:adj.&adv.快的/地)

(2020·高考江苏卷)However,another is fast obtaining an advantage.adv.快速地;完全地


The man will get a fine if he parks the car there.n.罚款 6.fix(熟义:v.固定;安装;修理)

The extraordinary man fixed our attention.vt.吸引 7.force(熟义:vt.强迫)

The policeman forced the knife from the criminal’s hand.vt.夺取 8.foreign(熟义:adj.外国的;外交的) The subject is foreign to me.adj.不熟悉的 9.freeze(熟义:v.结冰,凝固) Freeze!Or I’ll shoot.v.不许动

Grandfather froze in fear.Was he going to lose the job?v.吓呆 10.fresh(熟义:adj.新鲜的)

She is quite fresh to office work.adj.无经验的 G


It goes by electricity.vi.(机器)运行,运转 2.govern(熟义:v.管理;控制)

The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods.vt.影响;支配


Eggs are graded from small to extra large.v.分等级 4.green(熟义:adj.绿色的,青的)

Greens are vital to our health.n.(pl.)绿色蔬菜

A group of green recruits will undertake the work.adj.年轻而无经验的 H


(2020·高考江苏卷)Despite the thumbs-up (点赞) given to the old lady,some argued that attention should be paid to our heavy road traffic. adj.(交通)拥挤的

My father is a heavy smoker.adj.超出一般数量的 2.hit(熟义:v.击中,打击)

The film Hero by Zhang Yimou is quite a hit of that year.n.成功;红极一时的事


Students are hungry for knowledge.adj.渴望的 4.hunt[熟义:v.追猎;猎杀(鸟兽)] He is hunting for a good job.vi.搜寻 I


Her work didn’t exactly inspire me with confidence.vt.使产生(感觉或情感)


Our family has an interest in the business.n.股份 3.introduce(熟义:v.介绍)

The company is introducing a new family saloon this year.v.采用 4.invent(熟义:v.发明)

He invented an excuse for his being late.v.捏造,虚构 5.invite(熟义:v.邀请)

The dishes are really inviting.adj.诱人的 6.iron(熟义:n.铁)

Mother is ironing my shirt with an electric iron.vt.用熨斗熨 J


The accident jammed the main road for 2 hours.vt.堵塞 2.job(熟义:n.工作)

Removing the table is quite a job.n.费力的事 3.just(熟义:adv.正好,恰好) You are a just person.adj.公正的 K


Your coffee shop seems to be well kept.v.经营 2.key(熟义:n.钥匙;答案)

(2020·高考重庆卷)The house structure is a key factor customers consider.adj.关键的


Take it easy.I’m just kidding.v.开玩笑 4.kill(熟义:v.杀掉;害死)

How does the man kill time?v.消磨(时间)


1.last[熟义:adj.最后的;v.延续;够用(多久)] He is the last person to tell a lie.adj.最不可能的 2.late(熟义:adj.&adv.迟到的/地;晚的/地) She missed her late husband very much.adj.已故的 3.lay(熟义:vt.放置;产卵;下蛋)

The foundations of the house are being laid today.v.铺,铺设 4.life(熟义:n.生活)

The children are full of life.n.活力,劲头 5.lift(熟义:v.抬高;n.搭便车) His report gave us a lift.n.鼓舞 M


We can make 10 more kilometres by nightfall.n.前进 2.mark(熟义:vt.做标记;留下痕迹;评分)

This speech may mark a change in government policy.vt.表明;是……的迹象


She masked her anger with a smile.vt.掩饰 4.match(熟义:n.火柴,旗鼓相当的人)

(2020·高考江西卷)She matched the carpet with some very nice curtains in colour.v.与……匹配


(2020·高考湖北卷)Albert said sharply,“Don’t be so mean.”adj.小气的

6.monitor(熟义:n.班长;(电脑)显示器;监视器) The police had monitored all of his phone calls.v.监控