2013年10月自学考试英语二真题试卷答案详解 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2013年10月自学考试英语二真题试卷答案详解更新完毕开始阅读00ef413300768e9951e79b89680203d8cf2f6a73

14.When we moved to California, I stopped ______. A.boasting about my experience B.talking about people around me C.enjoying the classical music alone D.making friends with my classmates 【答案】A


15.The writer would probably agree that _______ . A.good friends like the same kind of music

B.friends are more important than anything else C.similar background is the key to friendship D.a good friend never loses his/her temper 【答案】B



短文阅读主要测试考生对阅读的书面材料理解的程度,既可以为外语学习者提供运用语言知识、文化背景知识,又可以巩固所学语言知识技能、提高英语水平。所以是外语学习者必须掌握的基本技能,也是各种英语考试的重点内容。因此,阅读部分考试成绩的优劣在整个考试中起着举足轻重的作用,所以考生在备考的过程中必须加以重视。 阅读理解是对字、词、句法的进一步学习和综合运用。要提高阅读能力,除了掌握的基本语法规则知识外,还要进行有意识的阅读训练。提高阅读能力的训练主要可以从下面三个方面入手:词汇、方法、侧重点。 1)词汇


快速阅读的CPD公式 Context, Parts, Dictionary 每日学习词汇 study vocabulary daily 使用所学词汇 use the words you learn

创立你自己的词汇表 create your own word list 2)方法


方法二:先看问题后再读文章再做题。这种方法在时间紧、文章长的情况下更为实用。这样可以带着问题去阅读,文章中的内容与考题有关系时仔细阅读,与题目无关时,可以置之不理,很快跳过去。还有一些题目涉及一般常识或科普知识,可以在未阅读文章之前自己先行判断,在阅读时只要对自己的判断进行验证就可以了。 3)三个侧重点






第二部分 非选择题


Dormitory Life

①Living in a dormitory at college can be a great experience. However, if you take no steps to make this experience positive, dormitory life can become a misery. When you choose to live in a college dormitory, you will have a better chance to live a colorful and meaningful life. Meanwhile, you will have to give up many things as well.

②When you live in a dormitory, you can meet many people with different interests. And you can enjoy the various services there. Both are very important to make you successful at college. But you may have to give up much of your personal space. You will share a room with someone else. This means you need to make peace with the things and people around you.

③You will have to learn some important life skills. For example, you will learn how to get along with people. You will also learn to ignore things that you can’t change. But in the future, you will find these skills very helpful when you are working in the world.

④When you live in a dormitory, you can enjoy a wide range of campus services, which are not available to those who live off campus. If you have any school related problems, you have no difficulty finding someone to help, because the school hires people to help the students living there.

⑤Besides, living on campus means you don’t have to travel to and from school in rush hours. And you are more involved in campus life. For example, you can have a better chance to take part in the club activities and make you own contributions. If you want to live a rich campus life, living in a dormitory is your best choice. Task 1

A.Important life skills B.Other conveniences C.Colorful campus life D.Various campus services

E.Introduction to dormitory life F.Gains and costs of dormitory life 16.Paragraph ①:_____

【答案】E Introduction to dormitory life 【解析】第一段是对宿舍生活的介绍。

17.Paragraph ②:_____

【答案】F Gains and costs of dormitory life 【解析】第二段说明宿舍生活是有收获的。

18.Paragraph ③:_____

【答案】A Important life skills


19.Paragraph ④:_____

【答案】D Various campus services 【解析】第四段谈到了校园服务。

20.Paragraph ⑤:_____

【答案】20. B Other conveniences



本题题型Task 1是概括段落大意,或者说是给每段加一个小标题。此题是考查考生提取关键信息的能力。短文后边给出六个选项,其中一个是干扰项。C. Colorful campus life “多彩的校园生活”,文中并没有这一段。 Task 2

A.start a new life

B.losing much of your private life C.have an unhappy dormitory life D.many of the campus services E.traveling from home to school F.good relation with others

21.If you make no effort, you will _____. 【答案】C have an unhappy dormitory life

【解析】原文:However, if you take no steps to make this experience positive, dormitory life can become a misery.与选项C意思相符。

22.Dormitory life means_____.

【答案】B losing much of your private life

【解析】原文:But you may have to give up much of your personal space. 与选项B意思相符。

23.You need to master many skills like how to keep _____. 【答案】F good relation with others

【解析】原文:For example, you will learn how to get along with people.与选项F意思相符。

24.Those who live off campus cannot use _____. 【答案】D many of the campus services

【解析】原文:When you live in a dormitory, you can enjoy a wide range of campus services, which are not available to those who live off campus.与选项D意思相符。

25.Living on campus can save you the trouble of _____. 【答案】E traveling from home to school

【解析】原文:Besides, living on campus means you don’t have to travel to and from school in rush hours.与选项C的意思相符。


本题题型Task 2 是补全句子,也是六选五的模式,其中有一个干扰项。A. start a new life “开始新的生活”,文中并未提及。



Grandpa My Hero

My grandfather had only one child and that was my mother. He always wanted a son but it never happened. __26 __ When my mom got pregnant, he thought he finally had a boy in the family, but it turned out that her first child was my old sister. When I was born, Grandpa was very happy.

He was the first to give me a baseball glove and to play baseball with me. My first glove was as small as my whole hand is now. When Grandpa gave me that glove, I was very excited. __27__ It was my pride and joy.

When I was five, I played on my first baseball team and Grandpa was the coach. He wanted me to play one position, but I wanted to play another. __28__ I tried so hard that I made good progress. Grandpa was very proud of me. Ever since then, he has worked with me to make me a better player.

Grandpa has helped me become not only a better player, but a better person. __29__ Today Grandpa does not play baseball with me so often, but he still comes to every practice and game. He sits and watches my practices through rain and shine. __30__ I love him and hope he will be around for many more years to support me and baseball.

A.I was so happy I even slept with it at my side.

B.He wanted a son because he wanted to teach him to play baseball. C.I owe him all my success in baseball and in my life. D.In order to make me happy, he let me play what I wanted.

E.He was named our baseball team’s number one fan by my coach. F.My grandpa is still working at a store. 26.______ 【答案】B


27.______ 【答案】A


28.______ 【答案】D


29.______ 【答案】C


30.______ 【答案】E







姥爷不仅仅帮助我变成好的棒球运动员,而且成为一个好人。我的棒球生涯和我的生活成功归功于我的姥爷。今天我的姥爷不能经常和我一起打棒球了,但是他仍然来观看我的每一场训练和比赛。他坐着观看着无论下雨还是太阳高照。我的教练称他为我们棒球队的第一粉丝。我爱我的姥爷,希望他健康长寿继续支持我和棒球。 【试题分析】

本题题型是考查文章的语段特征。考生要把握文章整体结构,对内容了解透彻,上下句的连贯性和一致性,也是六选五的模式,其中有一个干扰项。F. My grandpa is still working at a store. “我的姥爷仍在一个商店工作”,文中并未提及。
