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B: Beginner’s luck?

C: It’s a fluke. That’s what it is, a fluke, matey. It won’t happen again. I’ll tell you what … It won’t happen the next time.

B: No, well, there won’t be a next time, will there? Because you’ve broken your rocket.

C: My racket! I’ll get a new one. I don’t care. I’ll get a new one. Look, mate. I’ll get a new one, and tomorrow morning, here, 10 o’clock, things will be different! B: Oh no, no. Sorry, old boy. No, not tomorrow. No can do. C: What do you mean, “No can do”?

B: I’ve got to go up to a place called Lords tomorrow. I’ve got to play a game called “cracket” or something.

Speaking for communication Role-play Scripts Conversation 1 D = Doctor; W = Woman

D: Hello. I’m Dr. Andrews. Now, what’s the matter?

W: Well, doctor, I feel terrible. I get these headaches and I feel sick. D: Oh. How long have you had this problem?

W: A few weeks now. And I can’t sleep at night because my head hurts. D: You can’t sleep?


W: That’s right.

D: And are you very worried or under pressure at the moment? W: No, I don’t think so. D: Do you have a healthy diet? W: Hmm. Quite healthy. D: Do you drink tea or coffee? W: Yes, I do. D: How much?

W: Tea? Er … probably about eight cups, or ten. D: A day? W: Yes.

D: I see. And has that changed in the last few weeks? W: Not really.

D: OK. Well the first thing is I think you should stop drinking so much tea and coffee. Try to drink just one small cup a day. I’ll give you some painkillers for the headaches. Take two of these three times a day. I don’t think it’s anything to worry about, but if your headaches continue … Conversation 2 D = Doctor; M = Man

D: Good morning. How can I help? M: Well, I’m worried about my foot. D: Your foot?


M: Yes. It hurts when I walk.

D: I see. Did you do anything to it? Did you have an accident? M: Um. Well, sort of. D: What happened? M: I kicked a wall.

D: I see. When did you do that? M: About a week ago. D: OK. Did you go to hospital? M: No.

D: Can I have a look? M: Yes, of course.

D: Where does it hurt? Here? M: Argh. Yes, there. D: Can you move it?

M: Yes, a little, but it’s very painful.

D: Hmm. I think it might be broken. It’s nothing to worry about, but I think you should go to the hospital for an X-ray. I’ll write you a note and if you just take this …

Group discussion Scripts

A: Does exercise make you feel relaxed?

B: Yes, I think it really does. Sometimes it’s difficult to find time to exercise, but I


play football after work on a Monday, and I play tennis at the weekend, and I feel so much better. If I don’t play one week, I feel terrible. So, yes, doing sport makes you feel really good. You feel much better, and more relaxed. A: How much exercise do you do in a week?

C: In a week, well I probably do about two or three hours of exercise, maybe more. I go to the gym once or twice, if I have time, and I sometimes go swimming. Oh, and I ride my bike at the weekend, so actually, probably three or four hours a week. More than I thought. Yeah, four hours, that’s OK. A: Do you have a sporting hero?

D: Oh yes, Pelé. He’s a hero, not just for me, but probably for all Brazilians. I think he is one of the greatest football players ever. He was such a good athlete, and he had so much talent. He was “King of Football”, and scored more goals for Brazil than anyone else. And he was born very poor. You know he didn’t have money for a football so he used to practice kicking a grapefruit, or a sock stuffed with paper. A: How much do you walk a day?

E: Oh my goodness. Well, I suppose. I don’t walk very much actually. I … um … I drive, the car everywhere. That’s terrible, isn’t it? Um. Yes, I probably only walk about, about maybe five minutes every day.

Further practice in listening Short conversations Scripts