2017年天津市高考英语试题(带答案和解释) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章2017年天津市高考英语试题(带答案和解释)更新完毕开始阅读0194d391b1717fd5360cba1aa8114431b90d8eca

This pht, ith the unique beaut that unflded befre e and that an h “ruined” it, n hangs n a all in bedr hat uld she thin if she ne that her figure is aptured(捕捉) and frzen n se stranger’s bedr all? A bedr, after all, is a ver private spae, in hih se an I dn’t even n has been irtalized(使……永存) In se as, she lives in huse

Perhaps e all live in eah thers’ spaes Perhaps this is hat phts are fr: t reind us that e all appreiate beaut, that e all share a n desire fr pleasure, fr nnetin, fr sething that is greater than us

That pht is a reinder, a aptured ent, an unspen nversatin beteen t en, separated nl b a thin square f glass

41 hat happened hen the authr as abut t tae a pht? A Her aera stpped ring B A an bled her vie Sene ased her t leave D A friend apprahed fr behind

42 Arding t the authr, the an as prbabl_______ A ening herself B lsing her patiene aiting fr the sunset D thining abut her past

43 In the authr’s pinin, hat aes the pht s alive? A The rih lr f the landsape

B The perfet psitining f the aera The an’s existene in the pht D The sft sunlight that suer da

44 The pht n the bedr all enables the authr t better understand ________ A the need t be lse t nature B the iprtane f private spae the f the vaatin in Ital D the shared passin fr beaut

4 The passage an be seen as the authr’s refletins upn _________ A a partiular life experieneB the pleasure f traveling the art f phtgraphD a lst friendship 41【答案】B 【解析】

试题分析:根据第二段第一句Unfrtunatel, ust as I t ut aera, a an apprahed fr behind, and planted herself right in frnt f vie考点:考查细节理解。 选B。

考点:考查推理判断。 42【答案】A 【解析】

试题分析:根据第三段的句子She seeed s ntent in her bservatin可知选A。

考点:考查细节理解。 43【答案】

【解析】考点:考查细节理解。 44【答案】D 【解析】

试题分析:根据第五段的句子This pht, ith the unique beaut that unflded befre e and that an h “ruined” it, n hangs n a all in bedr可知选D。 考点:考查推理判断。 4【答案】A 【解析】


考点:考查推理判断。This nth, Geran’s transprt inister, Alexander Dbrindt, prpsed the first set f rules fr autnus vehiles(自主驾驶车辆) The uld define the driver’s rle in suh ars and gvern h suh ars perfr in rashes here lives ight be lst

The prpsal attepts t deal ith hat se all the “death valle” f autnus vehiles: the gre area beteen sei-autnus and full driverless ars that uld dela the driverless future

Dbrindt ants three things: that a ar alas hses prpert(财产) daage ver persnal inur; that it never distinguishes beteen huans based n age r rae; and that if a huan reves his r her hands fr the driving heel — t he eail, sa

— the ar’s aer is respnsible if there is a rash

“The hange t the rad traffi la ill perit full autati driving,” sas Dbrindt It ill put full driverless ars n an equal legal fting t huan drivers, he sas h is respnsible fr the peratin f suh vehiles is nt lear ang ar aers, nsuers and laers “The liabilit(法律责任) issue is the biggest ne f the all,” sas Natasha erat at the Universit f Leeds, U

An assuptin behind U insurane fr driverless ars, intrdued earlier this ear, insists that a huan “be athful and nitring the rad” at ever ent

But that is nt hat an peple have in ind hen thining f driverless ars “hen u sa ‘driverless ars’, peple expet driverless ars” erat sas “u n — n driver” Beause f the nfusin, erat thins se ar aers ill ait until vehiles an be full autated ithut peratin

Driverless ars a end up being a fr f publi transprt rather than vehiles u n, sas Ran al at Stanfrd Universit, alifrnia That is happening in the U and Singapre, here gvernent-prvided driverless vehiles are being launhed That uld g dn prl in the US, hever “The idea that the gvernent uld tae ver driverless ars and treat the as a publi gd uld get abslutel nhere here,” sas al

46 hat des the phrase “death valle” in Paragraph 2 refer t? A A plae here ars ften brea dn B A ase here passing a la is ipssible An area here n driving is peritted