七年级上册英语期中试卷 - - 答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章七年级上册英语期中试卷 - - 答案更新完毕开始阅读01ba5e0302768e9950e73822

七年级英语 笔试部分(80分)

一、单项选择。(共15分) ( ) 1. —Is Amy from America? —No. Amy is an girl, but she's in now.

A. America; England B. English; America C. American; English D. England; America ( ) 2. — —They're fine, thank you.

A. How are you? B. Who are you? C. What are they? D. How are your mother and father? ( ) 3. —What colour is that teddy bear? —Oh, . A. it's an orange B. it's an orange teddy bear C. it's orange D. it's a teddy bear

( ) 4. Millie writes e-mail to Daniel. She wants to know how to look her e-dog.

A. a; for B. an; at C. /; like D. an; after ( ) 5. —Is this your bicycle, David? —No, it's not . It's Helen's. A. his B. yours C. mine D. hers ( ) 6. When you meet your teacher at 8:30 a.m., you say “ ”

A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Good evening. D. Good night.

( ) 7. is my hobby.

A. Listening to pop music B. Being a doctor C. Living on that floor D. Doing homework

( ) 8. Jim often has lunch at school. he eats at home. A. But B. Sometimes C. And D. Usually

( ) 9. After class, I like playing computer games and chatting my friends the


A. to; by B. with; on C. for; I D. about; through ( )10. Daniel and I in Class1, Grade 7. are classmates.

A. am; They B. am; We C. are; We D. are; They ( )11. Jane ,with her friends, often about sports after school. A. talks B. are talking C. is talking D. talk

( )12. —Would you like to give me juice? —Sorry. There isn't in the bottle. A. some; some B. any; any C. some; any D. any; some ( )13. Bill Gates is from the . A. UN B. USA C. PRC D. HK ( )14. —Who is she? — . A. It's Kate's desk. B. He's my father.

C. She is Aunt Mary. D. She is Mary Aunt

七年级英语(第 1 页 共 6 页)

( )15. In China, people walk of the street(街道). A. on the left B. on the right C. in the middle D. A or B 二、词汇运用。(15分)


1. Sandy and Millie are (都) the members of the school football team. 2. We can't find the way. Let's ask those (警察)over there. 3. It's Lucy's (女衬衫) . It's very new.

4. Listen! They are (聊天) with each other in the room. 5. Please give my best (希望,祝愿) to your parents. B)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。

6. T is the third day of a week.

7. My father often reads n after supper. 8. On the g floor, there are four classrooms. 9. There are eleven football p in a football team.

10. June 1st is C Day. My daughter likes that day best. C)用所给单词的正确形式填空。

11. Our classroom is very big .What about (you )? 12. Look at the sign. (not put ) your bike here. 13. There are some (library) in our school. 14. Our classroom is on the (one) floor. 15. There are some (read) rooms in our school. 三、句型转换。(每空填一词,10分)

1. Tom does his homework every day.(改为否定句)

Tom his homework every day. 2. She is from England.(同义句)

She England.

3. I watch TV at seven in the evening.(用Sandy代替句子主语) TV at seven in the evening. 4. They enjoy going fishing at the weekend.(对划线部分提问)

they enjoy at the weekend? 5. She is tall and strong. (对划线部分提问)

does she ? 6. Miss Lu is our English teacher. (同义句) Miss Lu English. 7. Her birthday is on March 8th.(同义句)

She on March 8th.

8. It's time for games now .

It's time games now.

9. He likes apples best.

fruit(水果) is apples.

四、从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,并将字母代号填在横线上。(有两项多余选项) (5分)

A. Sure. I'd love to. B. I am an English teacher. C. Where do you come from? D. I am in the Reading Club. E. I play badminton with my friends on Sunday. 七年级英语(第 2 页 共 6 页)

F. Can I ask you some questions? G. I often do some reading.. ( )A:Hi, Miss Zhang. 1 B:Yes, of course.

A:You are a teacher ,right? ( )B:Yes. 2

A:Teachers are always busy. What do you often do when you are free? ( )B: 3 A:Do you often do sports at weekends ? ( )B:Yes, 4

A:Would you like to go to play it with me this afternoon? ( )B: 5 Let's meet at the school gate. 五、完形填空。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

Mr Charles Buffington is an Englishman.He lives in London,but he 1 many different 2 .His first 3 is Charles,and his family name is Buffington.Buffington is the name 4 a very old city.Mr Charles Buffington teaches and 5 to different countries(国家).He 6 English,and he can speak 7 other languages(语言).He can speak Chinese and French very 8 .

When he goes to Australia,Japan,America,France 9 Canada,many people want to 10 him because he is so clever. ( ) 1.A.comes B.walks C.visits D.runs ( ) 2.A.restaurants B.places C.hospitals D.rooms ( ) 3.A.name B.trip C.age D.team ( ) 4.A.to B.of C.for D.in ( ) 5.A.go B.goes C.to go D.going ( ) 6.A.tells B.talks C.speaks D.says ( ) 7.A.some B.any C.much D.a lot ( ) 8.A.OK B.well C.nice D.great ( ) 9.A.and B.or C.then D.but ( )10. A.talk with B.talk about C.talk D.talk for 六、阅读理解。(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


Mr and Mrs Martin live in New York.Mr Martin is a doctor and his office is in New York.Mrs Martin teaches music at a school in New York.

They have two sons.Their sons' names are Ted and Roy. Ted is twenty years old.He is now in Taiwan.He is studying Chinese.He went to Taiwan last month and he is going to stay there for two years.

Roy is thirteen years old.He goes to high school.He likes sports very much,He likes swimming best.He can swim faster than his father.He wants to be the best swimmer in his school. ( )1.What is Mr Martin? A.He is an American. B.He is a teacher. C.He is a doctor. D.He lives in New York. ( )2.How many people are there in his family? A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six. ( )3.What does Ted study?

七年级英语(第 3 页 共 6 页)

A.Chinese. B.English. C.Music. D.Sports. ( )4.How long will Ted stay in Taiwan? A.Twenty years. B.Two years. C.Seven years. D.Thirteen years. ( )5.What does Roy want to be? A.He wants to be a doctor. B.He wants to teach music at a school. C.He wants to go to Taiwan to study. D.He wants to be the best swimmer in his school.


阅读广告告示板上的活动,选择正确答案。 1.Free Movies(电影) for Kids 2.Kung Fu Demonstration(功夫表演) Every Monday in Children's Room Friday April 6 City Library Town Hall 7:00p.m Free 3.Street Game Show 4.Comic(喜剧的)Book Show Saturday and Sunday June 11,12 May at noon, Monday—Friday Hiland Smith Streets July 15 to August 5 $2.00 All day starting at 9:00 a.m Palace Hotel, 10:00a.m—4:00p.m ( )6.On what days of the week can children see free movies? A.Mondays. B.Thursdays. C.Wednesdays. D.Saturdays. ( )7.What can you go and see in the evening?

A.Free movies. B.Kung Fu demonstration. C.Street game show. D.Comic book show. ( )8.How many days can you go to the street game show every week? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five. ( )9. What time does the comic book show start?

A.7:00a.m. B.8:00a.m. C.9:00a.m. D.10:00a.m. ( )10.Amy's parents go to the comic book show. How much should they pay for it?

A.$2.00. B.$3.00. C.$4.00. D.$5.00.


I study in Hongqing Middle School. (1) is, the, beautiful, clean, school, and. There are 24 classes, 100 teachers and 800 students in it. There are two buildings in our school. (2)Our classrooms and teachers offices are in the buildings. 在我们学校有一个阅览室和一座图书馆。(3)We often read books there. I like my school very much. Welcome to our school. 请阅读短文,按要求完成下面练习。



13. 请将文中(3)句的中文翻译成英文。

14.How many people are there in the school?

七年级英语(第 4 页 共 6 页)