牛津译林版-英语-五下-译林版五下(新版)Unit 5 Helping our parents教案(6个课时) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章牛津译林版-英语-五下-译林版五下(新版)Unit 5 Helping our parents教案(6个课时)更新完毕开始阅读023d81e78562caaedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4bfeb647


(4)将答案写在书上,同桌互查。 2. Listen, number and say. (1)Show the pictures. ss discuss what are they doing. (2)Listen to the tape. (3)Listen again and number. (4)Have a check (5) Read after the tape. (6)Say in group. Helen is in…., she’s….. (7) 小组展示 Step 4 Song time Homework 板书设计: 第5课时Ticking time


1. 通过复习,学生能说出简单的家务活。 2. 能正确运用现在进行时态句型与别人交流。 3. 能正确掌握字母组合ing在单词中的发音。 教学重难点:


能正确并熟练掌握现在进行时态的结构及变化规则,在一定的情景中正确表达交流。 Teaching procedure

教学设计(主备) Step 1 Sing a song Let’s sing a song first. Step 2 Presentation 1. Show teaching aims In this lesson, we’ll have some learning aims. First, I can name some homework. Then, I can use “are/is/are doing”. Finally, I know the sound of “ing”. PPT出示目标。 2. Act the story Now let’s come to the first aim. Can you understand “helping our parents”? 教师出示课文图片,学生根据记忆复述课文。 a. Work in groups b. Ask some students to act T: How many stars can you get? PPT出示ticking time 1. Step 3 Grammar time T: Let’s come to the second aim. 1.出示Fun time游戏,学生用现在进行时态问答。 2.总结现在进行时态的语法结构和动名词的变化规则。 3.教师给出易考易错的单词,让学生再次练习。 复备 英语-教学辅助资料-打印版

T: How many stars can you get? PPT出示目标。 Step 4 Sound time T: Let’s come to the third aim. 出示单词 bring, morning, sing, spring. Read and find T: What’s the pronunciation of “ing”? Can you say more words? T: How many stars can you get? PPT出示目标。 Homework 板书设计: 第6课时Ticking time( exercise) 教学设计(主备) 一、单项选择 1. What ______ your sister ______ now? A. are, doing B. is, doing C. is, do 2. Miss Li ______ us Chinese at school. A. is teaching B. teaches C. teaching 复备 英语-教学辅助资料-打印版

3. We are doing _________ homework. A. our B. us C. we 4. My mother usually_______ tv in the evening. A. watches B. watch C. is watching 5. They are signing and_________ in the classroom. A. dance B. dances C. dancing 6. You can’t ___________ the dog. A. play with B. playing with C. are playing with 7. Helen _______ listening to music in the bedroom.. A. is . B. does C. has 8. Do you ________ to school every day? A. are walking B. is walking C. walk 9. What are you doing? I’m _______ books. A. read B. reading C. looking 10. Look! The students __________ in the playground. A. run B. is running C. are running 二、按要求改写句子 1. I’m ridding a bike in the park.(对划线部分提问) _______ are you _________ in the park ? 2. They are swimming in the river. (对划线部分提问) _____ are they __________ ?