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(A) a winch drum abnormal sound and the main approach 1. Winch drum produce abnormal sound the main reason (1) drum cartridge case bolts loose.

(2) Shell and tube-round (flange) gap between too large. (3) Drum cylinder shell cracks.

(4) Welding a cylinder shell welding.

(5) Walks drum and hub of the fixed screw loose、 causing swimming drum and hub between the relative sliding.

(6) Gap between the hub and spindle wear too large. (7) A clutch worm screw loose. 2. Approach

According to the inspection to determine treatment. If the loosening of the nut、 in Jiao Ban shutdown when fastening If noise is not serious、 may be appropriate to reduce winch load、 pay attention to observe、 to maintain the provisions of the maintenance shutdown at the repair if the beep serious、 they should immediately Parking repaired or replaced、 so as to avoid accidents expand.

(B) On the rope winch drum with Bu Shangri hazards、 causes and treatment methods、

1. Winch drum on the rope with the harm Bu Shangri

(1) speed up the rope wear. Rope in the mess on the winding drum、 traction force to justice often ranked in the mess in the rope and pressure to get out、 causing serious wear、 resulting in diameter steel wire rope and wire break more ground and shorten the life of the rope.

(2) Of wire rope slid off the drum. Rope with Bu Shangri、 an inevitable phenomenon of a crowded heap for damage to justice board、 when the reactor crowded the edge of more than high rollers、 the rope easily slid off the drum、 light、 broken wires、 heavy sports car、 and broken rope. 2. Winch drum on the main rope with Bu Shangri

(1) winch layout properly that is hoisting cable angle non-compliance requirements. (2) Winch Titanium (Preliminary round) Quemoy not with the rope on the winding drum at about sliding.

(3) Ranked rope winch device failure or have been removed. (4) Improper operation the wound is not tight. 3. Approach

According to different situations symptomatic treatment. The installation of quality and exclusive rope devices such as the failure to timely report on the request sent treatment、 operation or maintenance of an improper、 we should conscientiously in accordance with the provisions of meticulous operation and maintenance; Inclined Drift winch paying particular attention to removing obstacles on their way to prevent the re-delegate Of Mandrel、 tight-rope Mandrel.

(C) Winch reducer operation abnormal sound and vibration generated in the causes and treatment

1. Reducer functioning of abnormal sound and vibration generated in the main (1) gears meshing space tight or too loose.

(2) Bearing gap is too large、 the general performance of the decentralization empty at the beep、 beep when upgrading heavy small. (3) Or bearing reducer bolts loose.

(4) Reducer in the swap was foreign bodies. 2. Approach

(1) adjusting the gears meshing gap to a suitable position、 if the wear and gear should be replaced.

(2) Relaxation of the repair or replacement of bearings. (3) Pay attention to tighten loose screws.

(4) If it has fallen into foreign body reducer、 should be immediately suspended、 and troubleshooting.

(D) Winch brake gate of the reasons for and treatment of fever 1. Brake winch for fever

(1) a gate too early、 too excessive.

(2) Weights are often delegated to use Brake、 no electrical power winch braking system

EC、 single-drum winch often such a situation.

(3) Brake shoe loose bolts or excessive brake wear、 the bolt hit the first round of gate (or gateway disc).

(4) Brake shoe and the gateway round (or gateway disk) was not installed correctly; the contact area is too small.

(5) Gate Ferry (or gateway disc) swing more. 2. Prevention and treatment

Constantly sum up experience in operations、 and explore methods of operation and improve the level of technique; strict winch the safe operation、 inspection and maintenance of traction control grid load、 no-load、 do not send delegate at the motor-vehicle gate flying; regular maintenance checks、 pay attention to brake shoe and the gateway Round (or gate-) exposure.

(5) Disc Brake-meters does not deal with the causes and prevention methods 1. Brake-song disc is not the main meters

(1) brake operation handle screw drawbars length adjustment inappropriate. (2) Brake operation handle swing point of view inappropriate.

(3) Relief valve plug the hole cut expenditure or slide valve failure death card. (4) Relief valve surge devices or electro-hydraulic oil spills.

(5) electro-hydraulic device moves lap surge Inch Xian welding is not strong or disconnected.

2. Prevention approaches

the timely adjustment of brake operation handle moves location、 regular cleansing of the hydraulic system of oil filters、 hydraulic oil to maintain the cleanliness and avoid valve plug the hole.

(6) The launch button、 do not turn the winch motor and Treatment 1. Main

(1) A power failure、 such as power failures、 break phase、 motor or grounding line、 grounding the protection of power supply voltage or too low.

(2) Stop button did not recover bit. (3) Have launched internal fault. (4) Cable operator disconnected. (5) Motor burned. 2. Approach

To check power、 such as the local power supply cables on the other electrical and mechanical equipment are a fixed、 it would surely is the power blackout、 should be promptly reported that the request transmission. Check the button、 we must switch handle hit by power outage location、 check the button may be open、 not to repair its damaged in the explosion-proof performance. Several other conditions must be full-time electrician to check processing.

(7) The stop button、 the motor does not stop the causes and treatment 1. Main (1) Operating button failures or too wet. (2) Operation of short circuit or grounding.

(3) Magnetic starter for the main contact point or burning auxiliary contact adhesive and can not leave.

(4) arc-suppression hood stuck contact、 could not leave. (5) Contact between the open relays.

(6) Magnetic starter placed unrighteousness、 touch or backward dumping beyond 15 °.

2. Approach

Should urgently Fishing magnetic starter、 to winch their magnetic starter handle the operation to stop fighting position. Pre-gate method should be used first to raise load stopped to prevent Lash starter when the magnetic switch in isolation have too great a power outage sparks.

(8) Single-phase operation of the motor causes and treatment

1.Winch motor single-phase operation of the characteristics and hazards

(1) Whether positive start、 or reverse start、 the electrical occurred dull hum、 but the motor will not always turn.

(2) If a motor running in single-phase operation、 while still maintaining the original motor to spin、 but obviously slow down the speed、 a humming sound、 the electrical start fever、 if the winch with Ammeter、 some point to zero、 Some larger current value. Whether or activated in motor running single-phase operation、 if not timely detection and shutdown、 it may be burning motor for the accident. 2. Single-phase operation of a motor for

(1) Lack of power (of a fault). This is because of a broken fuse or a disconnection of contacts and a phase-connection is bad、 and so causes.

(2) Motor stator windings of a break. Stator windings at this time because of the different connection mode、 the impact of differentiated、 that is、 stars (丫) of wiring than 1.30 (△) of wiring serious. 3. Approach

Rapid shut down to identify reasons for the timely reporting or maintenance electrician for processing.