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发布时间 : 星期二 文章初中英语完形填空解题技巧更新完毕开始阅读027dfa8b284ac850ad0242e0

drive home from the station? Then he had to drive his wife to the station to catch her train??Who was ill? ____________ ??

A? Mr?Baker B? Mrs Baker?

C? Mr? Baker's sister D? Mrs Baker's sister?


[答案] D.?


Like many other families in 1870, Katie Olson and her family had come to the grassy plains of Kansas? Katie liked the prairie and their new sold house? But with no friends to play with, she was very lonely? Besides her mother and father, she had only her little brother, Matt,

for company? She missed their old home in Wisconsir? ?Then one day her father had exciting news? Some settlers had bought the farm near the Olson's land? Katie became so excited on hearing the news that she thought she might burst? She begged her father to let her ride over with him to greet their new neighbors??The two rode across the prairie? They found Mr? and Mrs Laski were hard at working building their sod home? Katie was disappointed? She had hoped there would be some children to play with? But soon Mr Laski called out?\, and Carl, come out of the wagon?\ jumped down and came over to Katie? Katie didn't believe it? Her wish had come true??

1? Who was the most important person in the story??

A? Matt B? Katie C? Mr Laski D? Anna and Carl ?

2? What was Katie's problem in the story??

A? She had no friend. B? She didn't like Kansas.?

C? She couldn't ride a horse. D? She didn't like Anna and Carl. ?


阅读,理清人物关系,掌握中心思想,才能作出正确的判定。如第一问故事中人物众多,但一直到读完才知,故事讲述了一个女孩Katie的事情。则她是故事的中心,所以应选择B? 第二问是测试通过阅读是否了解了人物的心理情绪。这些信息必须通过线索,综合判定,从而其结论是A。?

2? 阅读理解的解题思路和方法?


(1) 通读全文,了解文章的主题和大意;了解作者的写作目的、对事件的态度上。?

People sometimes change their way of doing business? In a village in Africa, people are using money for the first time? They're doing business with the world? ?Before this tribe (部落) used money, people came to the market in the village to trade (交易) things they had for things they needed? Now people must use money to buy what they want??Before using money, people helped one another? Their father who was head of the family, gave food, and clothing to his sons and their families? In return, the sons worked for their father? Now

people no longer work for one another free? Instead, they are paid for the work they do??When a new road was needed. Everyone in the village helped build it, Now people must pay money to the village chief (首领) for roads and schools? The chief hires workers to build these new projects? More and better roads and schools are being built?It is not easy for people to change a way of doing business? To change from trading goods to using money takes time??

① The story doesn't say so, but it makes you think that ____________.?

A? family members often quarrel (争吵) about money?

B? Africans do not change their way of doing business?

C? Africans refuse to use money?

D? families do not help one another in the same way now ?

[答案] D.?

② On the whole this story is about ____________ ??