(名师整理)最新英语冲刺中考“抗击新冠疫情”热点专题《选词填空题》精讲精练(含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章(名师整理)最新英语冲刺中考“抗击新冠疫情”热点专题《选词填空题》精讲精练(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读02b91332c8aedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b1c1

My family did not just stop there. Many relatives were very eager to help out and relieve the burden. Uncle Dong is a head chef from a family-owned restaurant.

He noticed that doctors and nurses from the front lines were 10 anxious to get food. Henceforth, he signed up for a voluntary program where he would make meals for medical staff members. This is meant as an appreciation and a boost of morale for medical workers on the frontlines of COVID-19 pandemic.

答案解析: 1、silence 2、since 3、put 4、health 5、went 6、after 7、worried 8、sent 9、temperatures 10、extremely








他注意到前线的医生和护士吃饭成问题,于是他报名参加了一个志愿服务项目,为医务人员做饭。以此表达对医务人员的感激 ,并为辛勤工作的他们加油打气。


看到战胜疫情的曙光 家庭群回归往日活力


activity other build thank take enjoy be develop without later

Soon, two new emergency hospitals and numerous quarantine centers were 1 in the city of Wuhan. 2 to the relentless efforts of the medical workers and volunteers patients were given the care that nursed many of them back to good health and saved countless lives. The situation started to turn around and we began to see a light at the end of the tunnel.

But it was really one month 3 when our Happy Family WeChat group started to sense any real relief.

Some relatives resumed their daily 4 and posted pictures of hot dry noodles they made at home. 5 made talks about how ordinary people can battle against coronavirus and some posted their public square dance videos. Em, not so much, technically, it was a living room square dance...

Up till now, my family has had seven volunteers. And my family is only one of hundreds of thousands of families in Wuhan doing their own bits to pull the city together.

If you think about it, my family has 6 in lockdown for 76 days, that's more than 1,800 hours of torturous isolation.


Hundreds of thousands of millions of people in China have to cope with the severe(严峻的) measures 7 to tame (使易于控制)this virus. But it is our fellow citizens in Wuhan that sacrificed the most to save us from the worst.

When we look at these stats they are not just dead figures they signify our feelings, ups and downs they represent countless families torn apart and heart-broken stories but they also symbolize the strength of unity. 8 Wuhan's sacrifice from joint efforts from people from all walks of life we wouldn't have what we have achieved so far...

Now coronavirus has 9 from an epidemic to a full-scale global major pandemic and it is still far from being beaten and we began to think about those in other countries in their struggle. Even in China, coronavirus still remains undefeated but I'm sure the end is approaching. By then, I hope everybody will be able to come to Wuhan to 10 delicious hot dry noodles, climb the famed Yellow Crane Tower and post funny selfies with your family. I firmly believe Wuhan will come out of its shock and everything will be back to normal...

答案解析: 1、built