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The trumpets blared. 喇叭嘟嘟吹着。

The captain's voice lbared in the tuble. 般长在传达室话筒里大吼。 staff 全体工作人员

He and his staff began throwing furniture our of the window. 他和店员动手向窗外扔家具。

The editing,production,and sales staff grew fast. 编辑、生产、销售方面的职员增长很快。

By September he had manged to assemble his own staff of experts to run the department.

到九月分他已婚经召集了自已的专家班子来掌管这个部门。 raid 抢劫,偷袭

The raid was all over in three minutes. 这场抢劫三分钟结束了。

Once during an air arid he helped seven people into the underground.


The starving children made a raid on the kitchen and took all the cakes.

饥饿的孩子对厨房发动了一次袭击,偷走了所有的蛋糕。 scramble 爬行

The men scrambled back into the car and it moved off at a fantastic speed.

那些人争先恐后地爬上汽车,以惊人的速度开跑了。 On all fours,he scrambled to the next ledgs 他手脚并用,磕磕绊绊地爬向另一堵墙,

and then turned and looked back;the man was still standing.


The thief scrambled up the high fence and disappeared over it on the instant.

那贼爬上高高的围墙,一翻过去就不见了。 fantastic


In his old age the mathematician developed a fantastic enthusiasm in anthropology.


The whole thing was so fantastic that nobody knew what to say.


ashtray 烟灰缸

Mr.Taylor rushed out and ran after it throwing ashtrays and vases,

泰勒先生从店里冲出来,跟在车后追赶,一边朝车上扔烟灰缸、花瓶、 but it was impossible to stop the thieves. 可贼是怎么也拦不住了。

I am fond of his design of the tear-shaped ashtray 我喜欢他设计的眼泪形状的烟灰缸,

and bought one for every one of my smoking friends. 于是给每个抽烟的朋友都买了一个。

This ashtray seems deep enough to hold all the cigarette ends in the world.


新概念英语词汇随身听速记手册3新概念3词汇 7-9

mutilate 使残缺不全;歪曲

His left hand was mutilated and there was something wrong with his ankle.


I hate that false plan of mutilating the truth. 我痛恨那个歪曲真相的虚伪计划。 chew 咀嚼

Dogs,it seems,love to chew up the money. 看起来,狗很喜欢咀嚼钞票。

People sometimes bite off more than they can chew. 人有时候贪多嚼不烂。

Some books are to be chewed. 有些书需要反复咀嚼。 fiance 未婚夫

A recent case concerns Jane Butlin whose flance,John, 最近的一个例子与简.巴特林有关, runs a successful furniture business. 她的未婚夫经营着一家生意兴隆的家具店。

Sue and her flance are planning a tour around the world by bicycle.


Meg's flance encourages her to give up her work and pick up what she really likes.