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发布时间 : 星期三 文章高二写作讲义李赵宏更新完毕开始阅读0342d4aae53a580216fcfe8e


第一,使用连词进行过渡 (连词与副词搭配可以是句子行云流水般流畅)

例:Tom had a little toy bear. He liked it very much. He went to school and took it. One day Tom lost his toy on his way back home. He didn’t find it. He was very sorry. His sister knew it and bought a new toy bear for him. Tom was happy. He has a new friend.

修改: Tom had a little toy bear and he liked it very much. he always took it with him, even when he went to school. One day Tom lost his toy on his way back home and he couldn’t find it. How sad he felt ! After her sister knew it, she bought him a new one. Tome felt happy and smiled, because he got a new friend.

并列连词: and, as well as, both… and …, or, either… or, nor, neither nor, not only, but (also); not only, but …

as well; and then. but, however, yet …

从句连词: after, when, before, as, while, since, until; if, even if, whether; because; so that/ in order that; as

soon as, as long as, …. that (名词从句); 第二,使用插入语过渡 1、插入语拓展句子

例: Tom speaks Chinese very well. What’s more / In addition/ Besides, he is good at math.

Zhanghua likes sports very much. And he is good at some sports. For example/For instance, he is a football star in our school team and an excellent badminton player. 2、插入语衔接上下文,形成连贯的句群

例如: Our monitor is a girl. She is responsible for her work and takes good care of classmates. She studies hard. She is good at all subjects. Her math is especially good. She likes sports. She is a key member of our volleyball team. She has set us a good example.

修改稿: As we all know, our monitor is a good girl, who is responsible for her work and cares much of her classmates. She studies so hard that she is good at all subjects, especially math. What’s more/ In addition/ Besides, she likes sports very much and she is a key member of our volleyball team. In a word, she has set us a good example.

3 议论文开头:I have several suggestions to put forward as follows

There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____. ______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.

______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. 论证主体:First of all, to begin with, initially,

In addition, Apart from this, moreover, besides,

Some people think that__On the contrary, there are some people in favor of ___. There are several measures for us to adopt. First, we can______

We should take a series of effective measures to______. For one thing,______For another, ______ It is high time that something was done about it. For example. _____. In addition___. 论文结尾:all in all, in total, in conclusion, to sum up.

From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that

All in all, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ……Only in this way


can ……in the future.

附:必须熟练使用的插入语 句首插入语

to begin with; first of all = above everything else; as you know, as we all know, as is known; 结尾插入语 (总结)

therefore / thus; all in all / in a word/ to sum up ; in brief ( in short); in other words 引出细节的插入语

(on / upon) seeing …. / at the sight of ….. ; (on/ upon) hearing ….; at the thought of … compared with ….; from the table / chart/ pictures above we know/ see/ find …. As is reported; as is believed; as is known ( to all) ; as (is/ was/ had been) expected 转折\\否定插入语

however; yet; on the contrary; on the other hand; conversely (相反地); much to one’s surprise ( disappointment, delight, joy); beyond one’s expectation; unexpectedly; 结果插入语

as a result; therefore; hence; consequently; accordingly (相应地); in turn (反过来产生了…结果) thus; in this way; for this reason; for these reasons; at last; finally; in the end 列举插入语

on one hand, … on the other hand; for one thing, …. for another; for example / for instance; that is ( that is to say); take … as / for an example; …. is a (case) in point (…是个恰当的例子) 递进插入语

worse still; to make things worse; especially; in particular ; what is worse ; what’s more ; furthermore; in addition ( to this); besides (this/ that) …. 强调插入语

what surprised us is that … ; what matters/ counts is that … ; what is the most important is that … what interested me most is that …; in fact; in effect; in reality; actually; as a matter of fact to tell (you) the truth; to be honest; to be frank; frankly speaking; generally speaking ; believe it or not; more importantly;


第四节 应用文与看图作文

1 应用文

考试中的写作(书面表达)中应用文大致有这么三类:书信、通知、发言稿。 书信


1.信头:寄信人的地址和写信日期,写在信的右上角。注意英语中地名的写法与中文不同,要从小到大;日期的写法也与中文不同,不是写在签名之下,而是写在寄信人的地址之下。习惯上人们采用美式英语表达,即月、日、年,月,日与年之间用逗号隔开,月份尽量不要缩写,如June 8,2009;而英式英语表达则为日、月、年,中间不用逗号隔开,如8 June 2009。 日期的几种写法:

a. July 7, 1998 c. 30 Nov., 1997

b. 1st October, 1998 d. Sep. 3 rd, 1999

2.称呼:自成一行,顶格写。称呼语常用:Dear Sir/Madam/Manager/Editor/friends/Bob,称呼之后一般用逗号。


正文的开头语常用:Thank you for your last letter asking about...;I’m glad to...。

正文的结尾语是正文的一部分,常常另起一行,常用的结尾语有:I’m looking forward to your reply;Thanks and all the best;Best wishes;Wishing you a pleasant journey。

4.结束语:结束语与正文的结尾语不一样,它要写在结尾语的下一行,位于书信的右下角,后面用逗号。常用的结束语有:Yours sincerely/faithfully/truly;Sincerely/Truly yours;Yours等。 5.签名:签名写在结束语的下一行,与结束语对齐,也就是签上写信人的名字。

March 10, 2010

Dear David,

I’ve learned it from the Internet that you want to make a Chinese friend so as to learn the Chinese language and culture._________________________________________________I’m looking forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours, Li Hua 通知


第一, 写清时间、地点、对象、事件、要求、注意事项。正文部分开门见山,直接点出主题。 第二, 语言上要简练,一般正文使用一般现在时。

第三, 时间、地点要遵循“从大到小”的原则。一般地点在前,时间在后。也可把时间、地点分放在句首和



请按下列要求,用英语为学生会写一个举行英语演讲比赛的通知,要点如下: 目的:提高学生英语口语水平 组织者: 学生会 参加学生:高三学生 报名时间:3月10日前


比赛时间与地点:3月20日晚上7点,学校礼堂,5位英语老师将被邀请当评委,前十名优胜者将获奖。 要求:写成意思连贯、语句通顺的短文,不要写成条文形式。


①In order to improve the students’ spoken English, an English-speaking contest will be held among senior


three students in the school hall at 7p.m on March 20th, 2010. ②The contest is organized by the Students’ Union. ③Those who would like to take part in it may sign up in the office of the Students’ Union before March 10.

④Five English teachers will be invited to work as judges. ⑤The first ten winners will be given rewards. ⑥All are welcome to join in the contest.

March 1, 2010

The school Students’ Union

本文解读:同学们可以依照本文巩固上述所讲的通知的文体特点。 ① 一个长句把活动的目的、对象、时间、地点综合的表达出来。 ② 长句后接短句,体现句式变化。

③ 正确运用 who would…it定语从句,及sign up. ④ 词组work as 的使用 ⑤ 被动语态 ⑥ 通知惯用语 发言稿


常见的作文话题如“如何竞选班长”、 “你升入大学的打算”、“向朋友介绍……”等当然属于发言稿的范围,而常见的作文命题形式如申请、介绍、计划、总结等其实也可以归类于发言稿。


1.书写格式。发言稿的格式和书信类似,也由称呼语、正文、结束语和签名(也可以不写签名)构成。 2.发言稿的结构。一般来说,我们应该开门见山提出本人要谈的问题,然后说明自己对此问题的看法并陈述必要的理由,最后照应主题、作简明扼要的总结。在汇报经验、介绍情况一类的发言中,重点在于对情况的叙述、介绍以及自己的体会与收获等。写作过程中注意不要遗漏要点,各要点之间要做好衔接。 3.语言简洁。发言稿是直接面向听众的,所以我们在语言的选择上要简短,尽可能多使用口语化的语句,便于听众接受信息。


5.发言稿应感情真挚,这样才能打动听众引起兴趣和共鸣;发言稿更应观点鲜明,表现出说话者对客观事物的理性认识,这样才能有说服力。 我们用一个具体事例来讲。 2009天津卷

假设你是晨光中学的学生会主席李华。学生会将举办每年一度的英语演讲比赛,本年度的主题为“The English Novel I Like Best”。作为组织者,你将在演讲比赛开幕时发言,请根据提示用英语写一篇发言稿。 1. 说明比赛的意义,如提高英语听说能力,养成读书的习惯等;

2. 说明比赛的注意事项,如每人演讲不超过5分钟,语言流利,发音准确等; 3. 预祝比赛圆满成功。 注意:

1. 词数:不少于100词;2. 可适当加入细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 发言稿的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入词数。

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to this year’s English speech competition.

Thank you! 写作分析


