八年级英语上册Unit6Birdwatching提高练习卷(新版)牛津版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章八年级英语上册Unit6Birdwatching提高练习卷(新版)牛津版更新完毕开始阅读03a606103e1ec5da50e2524de518964bcf84d2a2

1~3 D C A

B【文章大意】本文主要介绍盐城的黄海湿地的一些情况以及湿地对于野生动物的重要性.呼吁人们保护湿地。 4~8 A B C D B

V One possible version:

Saving Tigers

Have you visited zoos? Have you seen the tigers in the zoos? I think a tiger is one of the most favourite animals in the zoo. But now there are only about 3,200 tigers in the world, and the amount of them is reducing. What caused them to reduce? Because many forests are cut down and they have no place to live. In order to protect them we must build many nature reserves. And we must stop people from hunting tigers.