中考完型练习Chapter 3 历史地理 联系客服

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and spices. They thought the only way to reach the Indies was to go east. But Columbus believed he could sail (2) w__________ across the ocean to the Indies. He thought his route would be (3) e__________. He made a plan and wanted to have a try.

Columbus needed money to try his plan. He asked the King of Portugal (葡萄牙) for support. The King of Portugal said no because he thought Columbus’s plan was (4) i__________. Then Columbus asked the King and Queen of Spain (西班牙). They were interested in his plan. They agreed to help him. Columbus promised to bring (5) t__________ riches from his voyage (航行).

On August 3rd, 1492, Columbus set sail from Spain into the unknown.

On October 12th, 1492, one of the sailors saw a beautiful island. “Land! Land!” he shouted. Columbus claimed the land of Spain.

He thought they had reached a (6) n__________ part of the Indies. But this was not (7) t__________. This island was near America. Columbus never thought he was wrong.

Columbus returned to Spain in March 1493. Cheering crowds greeted Columbus. The King and Queen made him governor of the new land. 1. d__________ 2. w__________ 3. e__________ 4. i__________ 5. t__________ 6. n__________ 7. t__________

美言金句 哥伦布发现新大陆,一个耳熟能详的故事,激励了一代又一代人。心怀梦想,秉持恒心,再远的梦想也能实现。

Columbus’s discovery of the New World, a very familiar story to us, encouraged one generation after another. With determination and persistence in heart, even the distance dream can be realized.

C. Answer the following questions according to the above passage. 1. What was Columbus’s great plan?

______________________________________________________________ 2. The king of Portugal said no to Columbus’s plan, didn’t he?

______________________________________________________________ 3. What did Columbus become when they came back to Spain?


Text 9 勇敢勋章

A. Warming up exercise: Fill in the blanks with a proper word and its part of speech.

1. Since the first Chinese mainland A/H1N1 was reported on May 11, a total of 125 cases (例)

h__________ been found by June 11, 2009.

2. Passengers who were checked with a fever had to be sent to hospitals for m__________

observation (观察) before the month of June, 2009.

3. People l__________ flowers to show their sorrow for the passengers and the crew of Air

France Flight 447 on June 3, 2009. 1. h__________ 2. m__________ 3. l__________

B. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.

A Medal for Bravery

One warm May day, two eighteen-year-old students from San Francisco State College decided to cool off with a swim at Baker’s Beach. The two students were named Albert Kogler and Shirley O’ Neil. They headed out to sea over a (1) d__________ of 50 meters. Albert was in front.

“Suddenly I heard him scream (尖叫),” Shirley recalls, “I looked up and saw this great gray thing going up in the air. The water seemed to be (2) a__________. Kogler screamed again. “It’s a shark! Get out of here!”

An eye-witness, Army Sergeant (中士) Leo P Day saw (3) e__________ what happened next. “I could see this boy fighting with the shark in the water,” he said. “The sea was red with blood. He was shouting and signaling (发信号) someone to go back, go back. Then I saw the girl. She was swimming towards him. She completely ignored his warning.” Shirley O’ Neil reached Kogler, and tried to take his hand.

“When I pulled, all I could see was his arm, hanging by a thread,” (咬断的手臂连着一点点) she said. So she put her arm about Kogler’s back, and started to swim towards the bank. She kept praying “Don’t let it attack again!” That (4) j__________ to the bank seemed to last for hours. At last, as they neared the bank, a fisherman threw them a line, and pulled them (5) b__________ the rest of the way.

The young man had lost a lot of blood, and died two and a half hours (6) 1__________ From the teeth marks, experts identified the attacker was a Great White Shark.

For what Sergeant Leo P Day called “the (7) g__________ exhibition of bravery I have ever seen,” the President of the U.S. gave Shirley a medal for bravery. 1. d__________ 2. a__________ 3. e__________ 4. j__________ 5. b__________ 6. 1__________ 7. g__________

美言金句 勇敢并非没有恐惧,而是克服恐惧,战胜恐惧。

Courage is not an absence of fear, but a will to overcome it in the face of life’s many challenges.

C. Answer the following questions according to the above passage.

1. What happened to Albert Kogler when he was swimming in the sea?

______________________________________________________________ 2. Shirley O’ Neil failed to get him back to the bank, didn’t she?

______________________________________________________________ 3. What would you do if you found Albert Kogler was in danger?


Text 10 京剧史话

A. Warming up exercise: Fill in the blanks with a proper word and its part of speech.

1. In 2007, the Dragon Boat Festival, along with the Tomb-Sweeping Day and the Mid-Autumn

Festival, was added t__________ the list of public holidays of China, a measure designed to preserve (保护) and pass down traditional culture. Chinese people now have at 1__________

three days to cerebrate each of the festivals.

2. The seats in the Maglev trains are more comfortable than t__________ in the Underground. 1. t__________; 1__________ 2. t__________

B. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.

Beijing Opera

At the end of the eighteenth century there were many kinds of local operas in China. People who were rich and educated considered (认为) Kunqu Opera (昆曲) the best, because (1) i__________ singing and performance were refined (精致的) and serious.

However, other local operas had ways to attract (2) o__________ people. Their stories were more interesting. Their singing was clear, beautiful, and easy to understand and remember. The ugly duckling became so popular that even Kunqu Opera troupes (剧团) tried to learn their skills in order to keep the audience (观众).

Among these troupes the most famous (3) o__________ were from Anhui. Their singing combined the music from the local operas of Hubei, Beijing, and Shanxi with the music of Kunqu Opera. As a result, these troupes had rich and colorful music as well as many interesting plays. Their actors had (4) d__________ many performing skills.

In 1790, one of the Anhui troupes came to Beijing to take part in performances in celebration of the birthday of Emperor Qianlong. It was soon followed by three other troupes from Anhui. Their performance was a hit and then they stayed in Beijing. By this time Beijing Opera was born.

The (5) n__________ opera became very popular in the capital. Beijing Opera soon became the most important form of entertainment for the Emperor, his families, and the people in the street. It quickly spread all over the country.

In 1919, Mei Lanfang, a Beijing Opera genius (6) a__________, went to Japan to perform Beijing Opera. For the first time in history, Chinese performing art was (7) i__________ to other parts of the world. Since then people have considered Beijing Opera to be the most important opera form in China. 1. i__________ 2. o__________ 3. o__________ 4. d__________ 5. n__________ 6. a__________ 7. i__________

美言金句 你喜欢中国的国剧——京剧吗?你知道京剧发展的历史吗?

Do you like Chinese traditional opera — Beijing Opera? Do you know its history?

C. Answer the following questions according to the above passage.

1. What does “their” mean in the sentence “The ugly duckling became so popular that even

Kunqu Opera troupes tried to learn their skills in order to keep the audience.”? ______________________________________________________________ 2. What were the major characteristics of the local operas in the late 1800s? ______________________________________________________________

3. When did people begin to consider Beijing Opera the most important opera form in China? ______________________________________________________________

Text 11 这样做值吗?

A. Warming up exercise: Fill in the blanks with a proper word and its part of speech.

1. Schools should provide a good e__________ for students and teachers should also help

students d__________ an “attitude of gratitude” (感恩的心) and a sense of responsibility from childhood.

2. The Shanghai Expo is located b__________ the Nanpu and Lupu bridges that cross the banks

of the Huang River.

1. e__________; d__________ 2. b__________

B. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.

Is It Worth It?

It was a few weeks before Christmas 1917. The beautiful snowy landscapes of Europe were blackened by war.

The trenches (战壕) on one side were held by the Germans and on the other side the trenches were filled with Americans. It was World War I. The ___1___ of gunshots were intense (激烈的). Separating them was a narrow strip of no-man’s-land (狭窄的无人地带). A young German soldier attempting to cross that no-man’s-land had been shot and had become entangled in the barbed wire (被有倒钩的铁丝网钩住). He cried out in ___2____.

Between the shells all the Americans in that sector could hear him shout. When one American soldier could stand (忍受) it no longer, he climbed out of the American trenches and on his stomach crawled (匍匐前进) to that German soldier.

When the Americans realized what he was doing, they stopped firing, ___3___ the Germans continued. Then a German officer realized what the young American was doing and he ordered his men to stop firing. Now there was a ___4___ silence across the no-man’s-land. On his stomach, the American made his way to that German soldier and disentangled (解开) him. He stood up with the German in his arms, walked ___5___ to the German trenches and placed him in the waiting arms of his comrades, and then he turned around and started back to the American trenches.

Suddenly there was a hand on his shoulder that spun him around. There stood a German officer who had won the Iron Cross, the highest German honor for bravery. He jerked (猛扯) it from his own ___6___ and placed it on the American, who walked back to the American trenches. When he came ___7___ back to the trenches, they started firing again! 1. A) amount B) exchange C) centre D) light 2. A) trouble B) difficulties C) pain D) danger 3. A) but B) though C) however D) so 4. A) crazy B) gentle C) attractive D) strange 5. A) straight B) finally C) around D) exactly 6. A) clothes B) uniform C) shirt D) skirt 7. A) quietly B) immediately C) safely D) suddenly

美言金句 一个令人震撼的故事,一个让人内心充满矛盾的故事。这位美国士兵这样做值吗?对吗?他会受表彰还是会被上军事法庭。我们只能说,尽人事,听天命。