牛津译林版八年级下册英语Unit2单元测试题含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章牛津译林版八年级下册英语Unit2单元测试题含答案更新完毕开始阅读040dc7b94493daef5ef7ba0d4a7302768e996fa0

( )3. What did the writer probably think of the food festival? A. It was too short. B. It was wonderful. C. It was a waste of time. D. It was terrible.

( )4. What can we learn from the passage about Mr and Mrs White? A. They have a big house with a big garden. B. They have less than eight neighbours. C. They want to open a vegetable store. D. They teach people gardening online.

( )5. What is the passage mainly talking about? A. Nice neighbours. B. Gardening skills. C. A food festival. D. A great gift.


Here is our 5-day travel programme (旅行方案). I'm sure you will enjoy your trip. Day 1 — Arrive in Beijing

Arrive in Beijing in the morning. The guide will meet you in the airport and he will take you to the hotel. You will visit the National Science Museum. It will take you about one hour to go there by car. Day 2 — Beijing

After breakfast, you will go to Tian'anmen Square. You will stay there for one hour and then you'll go to the Palace Museum. Day 3 — Beijing

The most important part is a visit to the Great Wall. It is one of the most important symbols in China, and many people visit it every day. Day 4 — Beijing / Shanghai

Take a plane to Shanghai in the morning. After lunch, you will visit the Yuyuan Garden. It's very beautiful, and I'm sure you will like it. Then you can take a walk through the Old Town. It is full of stores, so you can buy some specialties (特产) for your family.

Day 5 — Shanghai

You will have a day trip to the Zhujiajiao Water Town and have a fast lunch there. In the evening, you will go back home by plane. Service ends. Fare (费用): $700 (half price for children aged 12 and under) Telephone: 040-7845768

( )6. How will travellers go to the National Science Museum? A. On foot. C. By bus.

B. By train. D. By car.

( )7. How long will travellers stay in Tian'anmen Square? A. For one hour. B. For two hours. C. For three hours. D. For four hours.

( )8. On the third day, travellers will visit _______. A. the National Science Museum B. the Zhujiajiao Water Town C. the Yuyuan Garden D. the Great Wall

( )9. On which day can travellers do some shopping? A. Day 2.

B. Day 3. D. Day 5.

C. Day 4.

( )10. How much should Adam pay if he wants to travel with his 10-year-old son? A. $1,400. C. $750.

B. $1,050. D. $700.


Without classes and exams, the summer vacation is an ideal time for Australian kids. For me, Nancy, it means much more than not going to school. It is also a golden chance (机会) to spend time with my family because I have little time with them during the school year.

Last summer vacation I travelled with my family to the Hawkesbury River in Western Sydney. It was one of the most unforgettable summer vacations in my life.

Staying by the river helps us escape (逃脱) from the hot weather and noise of the city. Every day, my family and I got up early to go swimming in the cool water. In the morning, we all took part in a big game. We enjoyed water-skiing, wakeboarding (尾波滑水) and other activities. These activities made our family feel closer.

In the warm afternoon, we peacefully (平静地) read books on hammocks hung among trees by the river. The days always ended with a campfire. We sat around the fire, talking and laughing.

The river is a perfect place for people to forget about all the stresses of life and simply enjoy the moment. To me, it is the perfect place to spend time together with my family. I can’t help thinking about those days again and again even though so many months has passed.

( )11. Nancy ______ before the summer vacation starts. A. is too busy to stay with her family B. has no chance to go back to Australia C. sees her parents very often D. is busy practising swimming

( )12. Hawkesbury is a river in the ______ of Sydney. A. east

B. west

D. south

C. north

( )13. What does Nancy mainly want to tell us in Paragraph 3? A. How she enjoyed swimming. B. Where her family spent the vacation. C. What activities her family enjoyed. D. Why she enjoyed those activities.

( )14. Hammocks are likely to be something like ______. A. roads

B. houses

C. libraries D. beds

( )15. We can infer (推断) from the passage that Nancy ______. A. is still a young student who often spends time at home B. misses the summer time with her family

C. will go to the river with her parents this summer D. won’t stay in Australia any longer


I'm David. When I was 13, my parents decided that I should go to England to improve my English. I had never been to other countries before, so I felt a little worried. My parents prepared everything for my journey. My plane was due (预期) to leave at 9:30 a.m. and arrive in two hours. I phoned the English family who I would stay with and they told me they would wait for me at the airport.

Unluckily my plane to London was delayed (延误). I tried to phone the English family again but I couldn't speak to them because they had already left home for the airport.

When I arrived in London, it was already 1:30 p.m. I went to get my luggage (行李) but I couldn't find it. I became very worried. Luckily, the airport staff (工作人员) was very helpful and efficient. I didn't wait long — they found it 10 minutes later. My English family were still waiting for me! I was so happy! Then my new life in London began. My English family were quite kind. I learned a lot of English because I spent most of the day talking in English. I played computer games with the little boy in my English family. I also taught him how to play chess. Sometimes I told him stories I learned from my family.

I missed my family during my stay in London, but I also felt sad when my stay there came to an end. My English family held a party for me. I enjoyed it very much. I'll never forget that summer in London! It is one of the most wonderful experiences I've ever had.

( )16. What do we know about David? A. He travelled a lot with his parents. B. He was happy to take a plane alone. C. He went to England to study English. D. He thought his parents were a little strict. ( )17. When did David reach London? A. At 9:30 a.m. B. At 11:30 a.m.