美国教师教育质量保障体系的历史研究(洪明 福建师范大学) - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章美国教师教育质量保障体系的历史研究(洪明 福建师范大学) - 图文更新完毕开始阅读04dd1a80ec3a87c24028c4d3

Council of Chief State School Officers the Council on Cooperation in Teacher CCTE 教师教育合作委员会 Education CHEA 高等教育认证协会 Council of Higher Education Accreditation COPA 后中等认证委员会 Council on Postsecondary Accreditation CTE 教师教育委员会 the Commission on Teacher Education the Committee on Teacher Preparation and CTPC 教师培养和证书委员会 Certification the Department of Normal School of the DNSNEA 全美教育协会师范学校部 National Education Association ECS 州教育委员会 Education Commission of the States ELC 教育领导者委员会 Education Leaders Council GAO 统计总署 the General Accounting Office the House Education and the Workforce HEWC 众议院教育和劳工委员委会 Committee high objective uniform State standard of HOUSSE 州际评估客观统一高标准 Evaluation LEA 地方教育机构 local education agency Interstate New Teacher Assessment and INTASC 州际新教师评价与支持联合体 Support Consortium National Association of Colleges and NACDE 全美教育学院和教育系协会 Departments of Education National Advisory Committee on Institutional NACIQI 全美机构质量和诚信顾问委员会 Quality and Integrity NAEP 全美教育进展评估 National Assessment of Educational Progress The National Association of State Boards of NASBE 美国州教育理事会协会 Education National Association of State Directors of NASDTEC 全美教师教育与州证书主管协会 Teacher Education and Certification NASU 全美州立大学协会 the National Association of State University National Association of Teacher Education NATEIIA 全美城区教师教育机构协会 Institutions Inetropolitan Areas National Association of Teacher Education NATEIMD 全美城区教师教育机构协会 Institutions in Metropolitan Districts NCA 全美认证委员会 National Commission for Accrediting NCAC 全国选择证书中心 National Center for Alternative Certification The North Central Association of Colleges NCACSS 中北学院和中学协会 and Secondary School National Council for Accreditation of Teacher NCATE 全美教师教育认证委员会 Education National Consortium of Competency Based NCCDEC 全美能力本位教育中心联盟 Education Centers The North Central Council of State Normal NCCSNSPP 中北州立师范学校校长委员会 School Presidents and Principals NCEI 全美教育信息中心 National Center for Education Information NCES 全美教育统计中心 National Center for Education Statistics NCF 全美科学基金 the National Science Foundation NCLB 不让一个孩子落伍法 No Children Left Behind Act NCREL 中北地区教育实验室 North Central Regional Education Laboratory the National Council of State Normal School NCSNSPP 全美州立师范学校校长委员会 Presidents and Principals the National Commission on Teaching and NCTAF 全国教学与美国未来委员会 America's Future NCTC 全美师范学院委员会 the National Council of Teachers Colleges the National Commission on Teacher NCTEPS 全美教师教育和专业标准委员会 Education and Professional Standards NCTQ 全国教师质量委员 the National Council of Teacher Quality NBCT 全美教学专业标准证书教师 Nation Board Certified Teachers the National Board for Professional Teaching NBPTS 全国专业教学标准委员会 Standards NEA 全美教育协会 National Educational Association NES 全美评估系统公司 National Evaluation Systems, Inc. The National Partnership for Excellence and NPEAT 全美优质教学和绩效伙伴关系 Accountability in Teaching NRC 全美研究学会 National Research Council



全美教师协会 全美教考试 表现本位教师教育 进步政策机构 学习和教学原理考试 职前学术能力测试 州教育机构 州高等教育执行官协会 南部地区教育委员会 教师教育鉴定委员会 为美国而教 西部文实中学协会和教育理事会 西部文学协会和专业教师学会 National Teachers Association National Teacher Examinations Performance- Based Teacher Education the Progressive Policy Institute Principles of Learning and Teaching Tests Pre-Professional Skills Assessments State Education Agency The State Higher Education Executive Officers association Southern Regional Education Board Teacher Education Accreditation Council Teach for America the Western Academic Institute and Board of Education the Western Literary Institute and College of Professional Teachers 26