北京师达中学小升初英语模拟试题2 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章北京师达中学小升初英语模拟试题2更新完毕开始阅读04ea1428c77da26925c5b0c0


一、单项选择:请从每小题的A,B或C 三个选项中,选择一个正确选项并把

选项代码A,B或C填到答题纸上。(每题2分,共20分) 1. There is university near the supermarket . A. the B. an C. a 2.Can you give ?

A. a advice B. some advice C. some advices 3. I have to tell you.

A. something important B. important something C. anything important 4. ----You’d better help you. ----Certainly.

A. asked she B. ask her to C. asked her

5.---- everyone here today? --- Yes, we all here today.

A. Is ; are B. Does; are C. are; are 6. The new dress Sally 15o yuan.

A. pays B. costs C. takes 7.We are all looking forward a great trip ! A. to having B. to have C. for have 8. The pair of boots looks cool, Could I ? A. try it on B. try them on C. try on them 9.That story took place a hot afternoon. A. in B. on C. at 10. Molly is very . She doesn’t work hard.

A. shy B. polite C. lazy

. 二、完形填空:阅读下面的短文并根据内容从每小题的A,B,C或D,四个选项

中,选择一个最佳答案。把选项代码A,B,C或D填到答题纸上。 (每题2分,共14分)

Everyone needs vegetables 1 .There 2 much food we can 3 .But do you know what food is good for 4 ? If we have healthy food every day,we can 5 longer and happily.Fruit like apples,oranges and bananas are good for our health.Vegetables 6 tomatoes,cabbages and potatoes are also healthy food.We also need eggs,milk and fish to give us nutrients(营养).Don’t eat too much fast food

like KFC or dessert.They will 45 you fat. ( )1.A.live B.to live C.lives D.living ( )2.A.are B.is C.have D.be ( )3.A.eat B.buy C.see D.drink ( )4.A.our B.I C.we D.us ( )5.A.live B.play C.work D.be ( )6.A.likes B.are like C.like D.liking ( )7.A.make B.help C.ask D.tell 三、阅读理解:阅读下面两篇短文并根据短文内容从每小题的A,B,C或D, 四个选项中,选择一个正确的答案。把选项代码A,B,C或D填到答题纸上。 (每题3分,共24分)


Kim’s Diary

7:00 a.m.:Wake up.It is Sunny but there is a cold wind blowing(吹). 7:30 a.m.:Have breakfast quickly because I get up late. 7:45 a.m.:T0ny arrives on his bike.

8:00 a.m.:Spend morning riding our bikes.We visit Mingming and Gordon. 12:30 p.m.:Have lunch at Tony’s house.His mother makes hamburgers.They are good to eat.

3:00 P.m.:Go home after playing computer games.See Simon in the Park on the way home.

4:00p.m.:Watch TV until(直到)dinnertime. 1.What is the weather like the day Kim writes her diary?

A.Cloudy. B.Windy. C.Wet. D.Hot. 2.Who does Kim see on the way home?

A.Gordon. B.Mingming. C.Tony. D.Simon 3.The right order(顺序)of the things Kim does is to___________. A.watch TV,eat lunch,ride a bike and play computer games B.eat lunch,ride a bike,watch TV and play computer games C.ride bike,eat lunch,play computer games and watch TV

D.play computer games,watch TV,eat lunch and ride a bike 4. Use a word to describe the day of Kim, it’s . A. awful B. wonderful C. empty D. final


Once an old man was walking in a street with his horse. It was raining hard. The old man was cold because he was walking in the rain. He wanted to stay in a restaurant. It was a quarter past three in the afternoon. The old man got to a small restaurant. There were a lot of people in it. The old man couldn’t come near the fire. He thought and thought. At last he said to the waiters, “take some fish to my horse.” The waiter and the people were very surprised. The waiter said,” A horse doesn’t eat fish.” The old man told the waiter,” This horse is very interesting. It can sing, dance and does all kinds of things. It can eat fish, too.” So the waiter brought the horse some fish. All the people in the restaurant ran out to see the horse eat fish except the old man. Now the old man sat beside the fire. After a while the waiter came back and said,” Your horse didn’t eat any fish.” The old man said,” All right, take the fish back and put it on the table. I’ll eat it.”

1. The old man felt very cold because______.

A. was a cloudy and windy day. B. It snowed. C. he had traveled in the heavy rain D. he was hungry. 2. The people in the restaurant all ran out because _____. A. they wanted to see the old man.

B. they wanted to see the horse eating fish. C. they had been told there cam me the horse. D. there was no fire over the stove.

3. All the people in the restaurant rushed out_____ but______. A. see the horse sing; the old man

B. watch the horse play games; the waiter C. look for the horse; the old man D. see the horse eat fish; the old man

4. Why did the old man ask the waiter to take some fish to his horse? Because


A. his horse liked eating fish B. he was cold

C. wanted to sit by the fire, but wasn’t able to do so at first. D. himself also liked to eat fish.

四、任务型阅读:请阅读下面的短文,并根据短文内容简略回答问题。 (每题4分,共16分)

Many famous people had dreams when they were young. They often worked

hard to make their dreams come true.

When I was only 13 years old, I first thought about what I should do in the future. I used to dream about being a basketball player, a soccer player, or a baseball player. However, I gave up these dreams because I was too short. Then I thought about going into music, so I bought a guitar. But I couldn’t play it very well. Then I had to give up my dream again. After that I thought about being a reporter and I worked really hard at it. At the age of 25, my dream came true and I became a reporter.

Finally, I learned the truth about making dreams come true. I should never give up and I must work hard.

1. How old was the writer when he first had a dream? 2. Why did he give up being a basketball player? 3. How many dreams did he give up?

4. What can you learn from this passage?


1. me, come, my math, you, and, can ,help, with .(连词成句)

2.. make, body , helps , your , exercise , and, healthy , strong. (连词成句) 3. Alice usually gets up at 6:30 in the morning. (改成一般疑问句) 4. My parents watch a film every evening. (对划线部分提问)

六、完成句子:请根据中、英文提示完成下列句子,每空一词。 (每空1分,共10分) 1. 你明天要去上海旅行吗?

to Shanghai for a trip tomorrow? 2. 这个箱子太重了,我搬不动。

The box is heavy me . 3. 喝太多的冷饮,对你的健康不利。

_______ too much cold drink _______ _______ for your health.


1. He was 13 years old when he first had a dream. / 13. / 13 years old. / When he was 13.

2. Because he was too short. 3. 4. / He gave up four dreams.

4. I should never give up my dream and I must work hard. / I should never give up my dream and I must work hard at it. / We should never give up our dreams and we must work hard. / We should never give up our dreams and we must work hard at them.