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2012温总理答记者问+张璐大神翻译 中英对照版(一)


Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Today we are delighted to invite Premier Wen Jiabao to meet Chinese and foreign press and take your questions. First, some opening remarks from Premier Wen.

[温家宝]记者朋友们,这是我在两会之后最后一次同大家见面了。我要感谢多年来记者朋友们对于中国改革和建设事业的关注。今年可能是最困难的一年,但也可能是最有希望的一年。人民需要政府的冷静、果敢和诚信;政府需要人民的信任、支持和帮助。[03-1410:53] Friends of the press, this is the last time for me to meet the friends of the press after the NPC and CPPCC sections. I want to first to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for your long standing interest in Chinese reform and development. This year may be the most difficult one, but it may also be the most promising year. The people need their government to be calm, resolute, and trustworthy. And the government needs people's trust, support and help.


In face of the deepening international financial crisis and the European debt crisis, what is most important is that we run our own affair well. In my last year in office, I will not waver in carrying out my duties and will remain true to my conviction. I’ll always be with the people. Thank you.

[温家宝]我愿意回答大家的问题。[03-1410:55] Now I am ready to take your questions.

[新华社记者]总理,您好,我是新华社记者,也是中国新华新闻电视网的记者。今年是本届政府任期的最后一年,请问总理,您如何评价自己的工作?谢谢总理。[03-1410:55] We are Xinhua News Agency and China Xinhua News Network Co. Mr. Premier, this year is the last in the term of the government. How do you evaluate your work?


I have served as the Premier for nine years. They have been nine difficult but momentous years. I often feel that much work remains to be finished, many things have yet to be properly addressed. And there are many regrets.


I know full-well that all power of the government comes from the people. And every piece of the work that has done for the people during my term of office is only a fulfillment of my due responsibilities. I feel truly encouraged and happy that I get to have this opportunity to serve the people as public servant.


I sincerely hope that the people will forget me and all the concrete things that I have done for them. And they will fall into oblivion as one day I shall go to my eternal rest.

[温家宝]由于能力所限,再加上体制等各方面的原因,我的工作还有许多不足。虽然没有因为不负责任而造成任何一件事情上的失误,但是作为国家最高行政机关的负责人,对于我在任职期间中国经济和社会所发生的问题,我都负有责任。为此,我感到歉疚。[03-1410:59] Due to incompetence of abilities and institutional and other factors, there is still much room for improvement in my work. Although I never committed any intentional error in my work because of dereliction of duty of duty as head of the top executive body of the country, I should assume responsibility for the problems that have occurred inChina’s economy and society during my term of office, for which I feel truly sorry.