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person or a woman living with HIV. The Human Library encourages people to challenge their own long-held beliefs—to truly get to know, and learn from someone they might otherwise make a quick judgment about.

According to its website, the Human Library is “a place where difficult questions are expected, appreciated and answered.” It provides the opportunity for the community to share and understand the experiences of others in their community.

The Human Library Organization came to be in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2000. Ronni Abergel, his brother Dany, and some colleagues hosted a four-day event during a major Northern European festival, hoping to raise awareness about violence among youth. After the success of this event, Abergel founded the Human Library Organization, which has been growing ever since.

Though there are a few permanent human libraries, most aren’t places at all, but events. Though many do take place at physical libraries, you don’t need a library card—anyone can come and be part of the experience. There have been human library events all over the globe, in universities and in pubs, from Chicago to Tunis to Edinburgh to San Antonio.

The stories these \And that's the very point of the organization—to prove that no person can be summed up in just one word. It seeks to show people that you truly can't judge a book by its cover---or by its title or label. 39. The “books” in human libraries are ________. A. long-held beliefs attracting individuals B. inspiring stones motivating people in trouble C. events in which people can talk to volunteers D. unfairly-treated people sharing their experiences

40. The event in Copenhagen is significant because it ________. A. aimed to help the young suffering from violence B. attempted to replace traditional physical libraries C. laid a foundation for the Human Library Organization D. led to a pleasing development for the community with racism 41. In human libraries, the readers are likely to ________. A. deepen their understanding of people B. enrich their own personal experiences

C. hear the stories from all over the world D. make quick judgments about the “books” 42. The main purpose of the passage is to ________. A. compare and evaluate B. inform and explain C. discuss and persuade D. analyze and suggest 【答案】39. D 40. C 41. A 42. B 【解析】

这是一篇介绍说明类文章。文章介绍了有关“the Human Library”的相关信息。在the Human Library,读者可以和来自各行各业志愿者们交谈,了解他们的经历和故事,加深对他人的了解。 【39题详解】

细节理解题。由第二段中的“At a Human Library, instead of books, you can “borrow” people. Individuals volunteer as human “books” and participants in the event can “read” the book--meaning they would have a one-on-one conversation with the volunteer and share in a dialogue about that individual's experience. “Books” are volunteers from all walks of life who have experienced discrimination (歧视) based on race, religion, class, gender identity, age, lifestyle choices, disability and other aspects of their life” 可知,Human Library的“书”实际上人,这些人来自各行各业,他们经历了种族,宗教,性别等方面的歧视。读者们可以和这些人交谈,了解他们的经历。D选项正确。 【40题详解】

推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的“The Human Library Organization came to be in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2000. Ronni Abergel, his brother Dany, and some colleagues hosted a four-day during a major Northern European festival, hoping to raise awareness about violence among youth. After the success of this event, Abergel founded the Human Library Organization, which has been growing ever since”可知,Ronni Abergel,他的兄弟Dany以及一些同事举行了为期四天的活动,希望提高人们对青年人暴力的意识。在这次活动成功之后,Abergel建立了the Human Library Organization,该组织一直在发展中。由此可知,在Copenhagen举行的活动的成功导致了the Human Library Organization的成立,结合选项可推知,该活动奠定了该组织的基础,故C选项正确。 【41题详解】

细节理解题。由第四段中的“It provides the opportunity for the community to share and understand the experiences of others in their community”可知,the Human Library给社会提供了分享和了解别人经历的机会。由此可知,通过the Human Library,人们可以加深对他人的了解。故A选项正确。 【42题详解】

写作意图题。文章介绍了the Human Library(真人图书馆)的情况。在the Human Library,读者可以和来自各行各业志愿者们交谈,了解他们的经历和故事。文章还介绍了the Human Library的成立的情况。很明显,作者希望通过这篇文章让读者了解the Human Library,结合选项,其写作目的应为B选项:告知解释。


Norman Garmezy, a development psychologist at the University of Minnesota, met thousands of children in his four decades of research. A nine-year-old boy in particular stuck with him. He has an alcoholic mother and an absent father. But each day he would walk in to school with a smile on his face. He wanted to make sure that “no one would feel pity for him and no one would know his mother’s incompetence.” The boy exhibited a quality Garmezy identified as “resilience”. Resilience presents a challenge for psychologists. People who are lucky enough to never experience any sort of adversity (逆境) won't know how resilient they are. It's only when they're faced with obstacles, stress, and other environmental threats that resilience, or the lack of it, comes out. Some give in and some conquer.

Garmezy's work opened the door to the study of the elements that could enable an individual’s success despite the challenges they faced. His research indicated that some elements had to do with luck, but quite large set of elements was psychological, and had to do with how the children responded to the environment. The resilient children had what psychologists call an “internal lens of control(内控点)”. They believed that they, and not their circumstances, affected their achievements. The resilient children saw themselves as the arrangers of their own fates.

Ceorge Bonanno has been studying resilience for years at Columbia University's Teachers College. He found that some people are far better than others at dealing with adversity. This difference might come from perception(认知) whether they think of an event as traumatic(创伤), or as an opportunity to learn and grow. “Stressful” or “traumatic” events themselves don't have much predictive power when it comes to life outcomes. \

predict later functioning,” Bonanno said. \other words, living through adversity doesn't guarantee that you'll suffer going forward.

The good news is that positive perception can be taught. \easily hurt by how we think about things,\Kevin Ochsner has shown that teaching people to think of adversity in different ways—to reframe it in positive terms when the initial response is negative, or in a less emotional way when the initial response is emotionally “hot”—changes how they experience and react to the adversity. 43. According to the passage, resilience is an individual's ability________. A. to think critically B. to decide one’s own fate C. to live a better life D. to recover from adversity

44. What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 3 refer to? A. The psychologists B. The resilient children C. Positive elements D. Internal locus of control

45. According to Paragraph 4, we can learn that____________. A. your positive perception may turn adversity around B. stressful events are more predictive than delightful events C. experiencing adversity predicts that you will go on suffering D. a negative response doesn't guarantee you will suffer all the time 46. What is the author's purpose of writing this passage? A. To teach people how to be resilient.

B. To encourage people to live through adversity. C. To indicate people’s perception varies from each other. D. To compare different research findings about resilience. 【答案】43. D 44. B 45. A 46. A 【解析】

这是一篇介绍说明类文章。文章介绍了一种品质:韧性(resilience)。文章介绍了什么是韧性,韧性的作用,如何培养韧性等内容。 【43题详解】

推理判断题。由第二段中的“People who are lucky enough to never experience any sort of adversity (逆境) won't know how resilient they are. It's only when they're faced with obstacles,