高考英语大一轮复习Module4SandstormsinAsia讲义外研版必修3 联系客服

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Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia

狂背单词//////////////////////////////////////////// Ⅰ.单词语境记忆

1.recycle old metals 重新利用旧金属 2.the complicated process 复杂的过程 3.a friendly atmosphere 友好的气氛 4.a mass layoff 大规模裁员 5.the sales campaign 销售活动 6.an average citizen 普通市民 7.wear a mask 戴面罩

8.the ice which is melting 正在融化的冰 9.throw the garbage everywhere 到处乱扔垃圾 10.the natural environment 自然环境 Ⅱ.词性转换与派生记忆

1.forecast vt.预报;预告→n.预测;预报 2.dust n.沙尘;灰尘→dusty adj.满是灰尘的

3.cycle vi.骑自行车;循环→cyclist n.骑自行车的人→recycle v.重新利用;再循环 4.frightening adj.吓人的;可怕的→frighten vt.吓唬;使害怕→fright n.恐惧;害怕→frightened adj.受惊的;害怕的

5.strength n.力量;力气→strengthen v.加强→strong adj.强壮的;坚强的→strongly


6.concerned adj.关心的;担心的;有关的→concern n.& v.关心;担心→concerning prep.关于

7.evidence n.根据;证明→evident adj.明显的;显然的 8.major adj.主要的;多数的→majority n.大多数

9.urgent adj.紧急的→urge v.催促;极力主张→urgency n.紧急;紧急情况


10.pollute vt.污染→pollution n.污染

11.complain vi.抱怨;发牢骚→complaint n.抱怨 12.protection n.保护→protect v.保护

13.scary adj.恐怖的;吓人的→scare vt.使……受惊→scaring adj.使人恐惧的;吓人的→scared adj.受惊吓的;吃惊的;吓坏的

14.absolutely adv.绝对地;完全地→absolute adj.绝对的;完全的 15.chemical n.化学药品→chemist n.化学家;药剂师→chemistry n.化学『联想记忆』

1.表示“主要的;首要的”的形容词一览 ①major 主要的;重要的 ②main 主要的

③primary 主要的;首要的 ④chief 首要的 2.“说”之种种 ①insist v. 坚持说 ②joke v. 开玩笑地说 ③add v. 继续说 ④complain v. 抱怨说 ⑤go on 接着说 ⑥warn v. 警告说 ⑦come on 说吧 ⑧whisper v. 低声说 ⑨murmur v. 小声说,抱怨说 3.“可怕的”形容词小结 ①frightening 吓人的 ②scary 恐怖的 ③terrible 可怕的 ④horrible 恐怖的 ⑤terrifying 令人惊恐的 4.表示“能力;力量”的单词荟萃


①power n. 能力;力量;权力 ②ability n. 能力

③competence n. 能力;胜任 ④energy n. 精力;能源 ⑤force n. 武力 ⑥strength n. 力量

5.前缀fore-表示“前面,预先” ①forecast v. 预报 ②foretell v. 预言 ③foresee v. 预见 ④forehead n. 前额 ⑤foreword n. 前言


1.cut down 砍倒;减少;缩减 2.look through 浏览;翻阅;翻找

3.be caught in 突然遭遇(风暴等);陷入;被困于 4.take in 吸收;欺骗;理解

5.give out 放出;发出;分发;用完;耗尽 6.in a nutshell 简言之;概括地讲 7.put...into... 把……放进…… 8.take away 取走;拿走 9.wake up to 意识到 『词块积累』

1.ride a bicycle 骑自行车 2.can’t but do sth 禁不住做某事 3.in the 1970s 在二十世纪七十年代 4.have a bad effect on 对……有坏影响 5.can’t help but 不得不

6.as a result of 由……产生的结果


7.one after another 一个接一个地


1.They are often so thick that you cannot see the sun,and the wind is sometimes strong enough to move sand dunes.


2.The garbage is then taken away and,if possible,recycled.然后垃圾将被运走,如果可能的话,予以回收利用。

3.The storms sometimes continue all day and traffic moves very slowly because the thick dust makes it difficult to see.暴风有时持续一整天,车辆开得很慢,因为浓浓的尘埃降低了能见度。

4.“To have been caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience,” he said.他说:“遇上沙尘暴是一种可怕的经历。”

5.Sandstorms in China appear to have increased in recent years as a result of “desertification”.



1.You should be patient because taking off weight is a long slow process (过程).

2.We all consider him as a hero for he was wounded in the campaign (战役) in defense of our country.

3.I wonder why there are a mass (大量的) of people at the city hall.

4.It is urgent (紧急的)that the food and clothes should be sent to the disaster-stricken area as quickly as possible.

5.We talked in a friendly atmosphere (气氛)where we reached an agreement on our contract easily.

6.We can recycle (重新利用) these materials in order to protect the environment. 7.It is difficult to forecast (预告) what will happen in the future.

8.Smoking is one of the major (主要的) causes of the disease,so you’d better give it up at once.