【小初高学习]2017-2018学年高中英语 Unit 2 Wish you were here S 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章【小初高学习]2017-2018学年高中英语 Unit 2 Wish you were here S更新完毕开始阅读06d798bdbdd126fff705cc1755270722192e59a6


1.(教材P38)Would you like the chance to discover a place of mystery and beauty in the south-west of China?

你希望有机会去中国西南部发现一个神奇又美丽的地方吗? beauty n.[U]美,美丽;[C]美人;美好的事物 ①This is an area of outstanding natural beauty. 这个地方的风景优美,浑然天成。

②Many beauties (beautiful) took part in the Miss Asian Competition. 许多佳丽参加了这次亚洲小姐选美比赛。

[名师点津] 英语中有些名词在表示抽象概念时是不可数名词,但它们被赋予了具体的含义后,可以看作可数名词,一般与不定冠词连用,含有“一个(件、次)……的人或事”之意。这些名词常见的有:

beauty(美,美丽)→a beauty(一个美人)

danger(危险)→a danger(一个危险的人,一件危险的事) failure(失败)→a failure(一个失败的人,一件失败的事) honour(光荣)→an honour(一件光荣的事) pity(怜悯,同情;遗憾)→a pity(一件遗憾的事) pleasure(愉快,快乐)→a pleasure(一件乐事) surprise(惊奇)→a surprise(一件/个使人惊奇的事/物) success(成功,成就)→a success(一个成功的人,一件成功的事) ③She wasn't a success as a teacher. 她教书没教出什么名堂。

④Jane is an honour to the profession. 简是这一行业的光荣。

2.(教材P38)There were arguments over which tourist spot would win the name of Shangri-la.

人们以前为到底哪个旅游景点应该获得香格里拉的名称争论不休。 spot

(1)n.[C]地点,场所;斑点;污迹 in a spot on/upon the spot=on the scene 教育精品学习资源

场,当下;在现场 于困境 教育精品学习资源

put sb. on the spot (提出难题)使某人尴尬,使某人为难 ①She was wearing a white skirt with red spots. 她穿着一件白底红点儿的裙子。

②The police were on_the_spot within a few minutes of my telephone call. 我打电话几分钟后警察就赶到了现场。

③You've put me on the spothere — I can't answer your question. 这你可把我难住了——你这个问题我答不上来。 (2)vt.看见,看出,注意到,发现

spot sb./sth. doing 发现某人/某物正在做…… ④The police spotted him driving (drive) a stolen car. 警察发现他在驾驶一辆偷来的汽车。

[名师点津] spot表示地点时,后面的定语从句要用where引导。

3.(教材P38)In September 1997, the government of Yunnan Province announcedthat Zhongdian was the Shangri-la of Hilton's story.

1997年9月,云南省政府宣称,中甸就是希尔顿小说中的香格里拉。 announce vt.宣布,宣称 (1)announce sth. to sb. announce that ... It is announced that ... (2)announcement n. announcer n. 某人宣布某事 布…… 宣布…… 告,布告 音员;广播员 ①The spokesman of the Foreign Ministry announced the news tothe reporters. 外交部发言人向记者发布了这一消息。

②They announced_that the flight would be put off. 他们宣布这一趟航班将被推迟。

③It is announced thathe is to take charge of the company next month. 据宣布他下个月将掌管这家公司。 [辨析比较] announce, declare

announce “宣告,宣布”,侧重告知人们关心或感兴趣的事情,尤指新闻 declare 选用以上单词填空 ④The country has declared war against the enemy.

正式或当众“宣布”,尤其是宣战、宣判等 教育精品学习资源



⑤Everyone was silent as he announced the news. 当他宣布消息时,大家都静静地听。

[名师点津] announce 后不接双宾语,常用于announce sth. to sb.结构,类似用法的动词还有:suggest, explain, report, say 等。

4.(教材P38)Their snowy mountaintops form a beautiful picture that will leave you at a lossfor words.

其白雪皑皑的山顶构成一幅美丽的图画,美得让你简直无法用语言来表达。 at a loss不知所措

①I was at a loss to give response to his challenge. 我不知该对他的挑战做出什么反应。

②We should not be at_a_loss in the face of such a simple question. 在这样一个简单的问题面前,我们不应该困惑不解。

[名师点津] 我们学过的与at a loss 意义相近的短语还有: ①at sea 茫然,不知所措 ②in a fog 糊里糊涂,困惑

5.(教材P38)Below the mountains, the sunshine reflects on the many lakes, making them shine like diamonds against the rich countryside.





①The literature of a period reflects its values and tastes. 某一时期的文学可反映出该时期的价值观念和审美观念。 refle


②His face was reflected in the mirror. 他的脸映照在镜子里。

(2)vt.显示,表明,表达(事物的自然属性或人们的态度、情感等) ③Her sad looks reflectedthe nature of her thoughts. 她面带忧伤显出心事重重。 教育精品学习资源


(3)vt. & vi. 沉思,认真思考

reflect on/upon sth. 沉思,思考

④The manager needed more time to reflect_on/upon what to do. 经理需要更多的时间来思考做什么。

6.(教材P38)Sheep, cattle and horses wander on the green grass, and the surrounding forests are home to many birds and animals.

成群的羊、牛和马儿在绿色的草地上徜徉,周边的森林则是众多鸟类和动物的家园。 wander vi.& vt.漫游,游荡;徘徊;漂泊;走神,开小差;蜿蜒,迂回曲折

形象记忆 ①She wanderedalong the lane full of fallen leaves in the evening in deep autumn. 深秋的傍晚,她漫步于布满落叶的小路上。

②The river wanders through_the beautiful village. 这条河蜿蜒曲折地流经这个风景秀丽的乡村。

③Her thoughts wandered_(wander) and didn't hear what her mother said. 她的思想开了小差,没听到妈妈说什么。 wander about 到处闲逛 wander off (从应该逗留的地方)离开

④Don't wander about_the room like that. Get something to do. 不要那样在房间里乱走,找点事情做。

⑤If you wander off_too far, my love will get you home. 如果你流浪得太远,我的爱将带你回家。

surrounding adj.周围的,附近的(只用于名词前) (1)surround v. 绕;围绕 be surrounded by ……环绕/包围 surround oneself with sb./sth. 某人/某物在一起 (2)surroundings n. 境 ①The lake reflected thesurrounding mountains. 湖面倒映出周围的群山。

②Surrounded (surround) by green trees, the red house looks very handsome. 绿树环绕,这座红房子看上去很漂亮。 教育精品学习资源