(4浠借瘯鍗锋眹鎬?2019-2020瀛﹀勾浜戝崡鐪佸悕鏍¤嫳璇叓骞寸骇(涓?鏈熸湯璐ㄩ噺妫娴嬫ā鎷熻瘯棰?- 鐧惧害鏂囧簱 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章(4浠借瘯鍗锋眹鎬?2019-2020瀛﹀勾浜戝崡鐪佸悕鏍¤嫳璇叓骞寸骇(涓?鏈熸湯璐ㄩ噺妫娴嬫ā鎷熻瘯棰?- 鐧惧害鏂囧簱更新完毕开始阅读0741bfb4a517866fb84ae45c3b3567ec112ddc7f

2.C 3.D 4.D 5.B 27.1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C 八、书面表达

28.My Life in 20 Years

In 20 years,I think I will be an artist. Because I love art very much. I will have my husband/wife and children and I'll live in Beijing. I think it's really a beautiful city. And I'll have a car. I'll drive it to work every day. In my free time,I will play tennis because I like playing tennis and I'm good at playing it. In the future,people will have robots so they'll probably have more vacations,so I'll take a vacation in Hong Kong when possible. One day I'll even go to France.



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。




1.There are ___________ of students in our school but only three ___________ are girls. A.hundreds; hundred C.hundreds ; hundreds A.1ike

B.be like

B.hundred; hundreds D.hundred; hundred C.likes

D.looks like

2.What will your life ___________ tomorrow?

3.It worries our government a lot that the air in our city is _______than it used to be. A.very good B.much better C.rather bad D.even worse 4.— _________ hours do they exercise every week? — About 40 hours. I think.

A.How many B.How long C.How often D.How 5.I want to see a TV play. Can you _____ the TV set? A.turn on B.turn off C.turn up D.turn down

6.(题文)It's windy outside. ______ your jacket, Bob.Don't catch a cold. A.Try on B.Put on C.Take off

7.—__________________? —It's Saturday, the 15th. A.What's the date? C.What day is it today?

B.What time is it? D.What's today?

8.---What do you think of the show you saw last night? --- It’s so ______ that I want to see it again. A.exciting A.reach

—It’s Jan. 17th. A.What’s

B.What’s the date C.What day is it

D.When is

11.—I'm busy with my schoolwork these days.

—That's great!You won't get good grades ________ you study hard. A.until A.for

B.because B.at

C.unless C.on

D.though D.in

12.Tom is my best friend. We both have a lot _________ common.

B.boring B.appear

C.tiring C.happen

D.terrible D.visit

9.I thought he would come to the party, but he didn’t ___________. 10.— ______ today?

13.It's dark outside. My teacher advises me now. A.leave



D.to leave

14.—How do you usually go to school?

—By ________ subway. But yesterday I took ________ taxi to go to school. A./;/ A.reach

B.a;the B.choose

C./;a C.share

D.the;a D.dream

15.---Why did you ____ me to do the job? --- Because you are excellent. 16.Wait a moment! I’ve important to tell you. A.something B.nothing C.evertthing D.anything 17.—I plan to make fruit salad. How much honey do I need? —________. A.Two cup of honey C.Two cup of honeys

B.Two cups of honey D.Two cups of honeys

18.They seem ______ what they are doing. A.knew B.to know C.knowing D.know 19.The soup is very ______. I’d like some more. A.delicious B.awful C.well D.cheap

20.(题文)The man ____ a big tree, but he planted three new ones. A.fell down B.turned down C.cut down D.wrote down 二、单词填空

21.(题文)根据句意及汉语提示, 填写恰当的单词

1)(小题1)Many famous people like to live a ________ (平静的) life. 2)(小题2)—What's the ________ (形状)of your gift? —It's round.

3)(小题3)It is ________ (危险的) to meet strangers alone. 4)(小题4)—We'd better book a room before we set off. —I________(同意)with you.

5)(小题5)We are trying our best to make the ________ (环境)of our city better and better. 三、句型转换 22.

1)He put on his coat quickly (变一般疑问句) _______he __________on his coat quickly ?

2)They are going to help their parents at home .(提问) _______are they going to ________at home .

3)The resolution is so hard that he can’t keep it .(同义句) The resolution is ______hard for him _____keep . 4)我的爸爸答应来年给我买个iphone.

My father ______ ______buy me an iphone for the new year . 5)北京是中国最大的城市之一。

Beijing is one of the ______ ______in China . 四、完成句子 23.完成句子


I_________ ________Sanya this morning with my family. 2)我想吃点东西.(feel)

I_______ _______ _________something now. 3)他如此小不能独自待在家里.

He is______ young __________ he can't stay at home alone. 4)今天我决定待在家里.

I_________ _________ _________ at home today. 5)大卫非常喜欢读书.(enjoy) David_________ __________very much. 五、完形填空

24.Everyone needs to sleep. This is a fact of life that everyone has to deal with and 1 that they get plenty of it. Your body needs time to get back the energy that you 2 during the whole day. This usually happens when you are sleeping. Your body is building your energy again to 3 you to work.

If you don’t get enough sleep, your body will have a(n) 4 time fighting against illnesses. You have to give your body enough time to rest or you will get 5 Have you ever 6 that when you are very tired, you have 7 thinking or dealing with problems? This is because not only your 8 but your mind is tired. So sleep is 9 to your mind, too.

By getting enough sleep, you will be able to 10 your body and mind, feeling relaxed and energetic. So sleep as much as you can, and let your body and mind rest. 1)A.talk with B.make sure C.make up D.use up 2)A.caught B.saved C.used D.bought 3)A.ask B.stop C.make D.help 4)A.shocked B.unhappy C.hard D.free 5)A.rich B.busy C.angry D.ill

6)A.watched B.replied C.noticed D.created 7)A.trouble B.records C.matters D.things 8)A.body B.feeling C.sleep D.energy 9)A.final B.enough C.important D.difficult 10)A.wake up B.take up C.live up D.leave off

六、用所给的词正确形式填空 25.(题文)

1)I think there will be ___ (little) pollution in the future because of the new law. 2)More action must be taken to stop ______ (pollute).

3)I think the earth will be in great ______ (dangerous) in the future. 4)There won’t be ______ (much) paper money in the future. 5)I think there will be more ______ (build) in 20 years.

七、阅读理解 26.Dear Miss Lee,

My 14th birthday is coming and I'm ready to plan my birthday party. I've spent a lot of time planning my party to make it interesting. I am thinking about doing a \