北师大版高中英语必修二第7讲:Unit6 Design-词汇篇1(学生版)-学习文档 联系客服

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Unit 6 Design 词汇篇1

__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 1、掌握第六单元第一课及第二课的重点单词,短语及句型。 2、灵活运用第六单元第一课及第二课的重点单词,短语及句型。 1. design vt. 设计,构思,绘制…的图样,计划 n. 图案,花样,意图 短语拓展:

①design sth. for sth. 为…而设计

The gloves wew designed for extremely cold climates. 这些手套是为气候寒冷的地区设计的。 ②design sth. to do sth. 设计…来做某事

These measures are designed to reduce pollution. 采取这些措施旨在降低污染。 ③be designed to do 旨在做某事

④by design = on purpose 故意的,有意的 2. pain n. 痛苦,疼痛 vt. 使痛苦 词汇拓展:

Painful adj. 疼痛的,痛苦的 短语拓展:

(be) in pain 疼痛,在苦恼中

have a pain in one’s leg/back, etc. 腿/背等疼 spare no pains (to do sth.) 煞费苦心(做坏事) under pain of sth. 违责受到某种惩罚 3. fix v. 将(某物)固定到另一物上;安装

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①fix a post in the ground 把柱子固定在地上 ②fix time/date/place for… 为…确定时间/日期/地点

③fix one’s eyes/attention on/upon 注视,凝视,集中注意力于…

He stands by the window, with his eyes fixed on a car outside. 他站在窗户边,眼睛盯着外面的一辆汽车。 ④fix up 修补,修理好,安顿 ⑤fix on sb./sth. 选定,决定 4. leave+宾语+宾语补足语 考点释义:

这是leave的复合结构,即leave+宾语+宾语补足语,其中leave意为“使…处于某种状态”。Leave 的复合结构的构成: ①leave sb./sth. + n./adj./adv.

His illness has left very weak. 生病使他很虚弱。 ②leave sb./sth. + 介词短语

This left her without a ray of hope. 这使她感到没有一丝希望。 ③leave sb. To do

You can leave me to deal with the matter. 你可以让我去处理这件事。 ④leave sb. Doing

His words left us talking all the time. 他的话使我们谈论了一整天。 ⑤leave sb. Done

The bad weather left the project half finished. 糟糕的天气使工程只完成了一半。 ⑥leave sb./sth. + 从句

Leave the medicine where the children can’t reach it. 把这药放在孩子们够不着的地方。 5. valuable adj. 有价值的,宝贵的,贵重的

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Real friendship is more valuable than money. 真正的友谊比金钱更珍贵。 词汇拓展:

①value n. 价值;用途 ②value n. 重视

③invaluable = priceless adj. 级宝贵的,极有用的 ④valueless = worthless adj. 无价值的,不值钱的 短语拓展:

①be valuable to… 对…有价值/重要 ②of great valuable to sb. 对某人很有价值 6. typical adj. 典型的,有代表性的 短语拓展:

①be typical of 是…的典型,是…的代表

The painting is fairy typical of his early work. 这幅画是他早期作品的典型代表。 ②It is typical of sb. to do sth. 某人一向做…;做某事是某人的风格 It was typical of him to be so rude. 他一向都是这样粗鲁。 7. emphasise v. 强调,重视 词汇拓展: emphasis n. 强调 短语拓展:

①emphasise the importance of… 强调…的重要性

He emphasised the importance of daily practice. 他强调了日常训练的重要性。 ②put/place/lay emphasis on… 强调… ③with emphasis 强调

8. detail n. 细节,详情 v. 详述,选派

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detailed adj. 详细的,细致的 短语拓展:

①further/full details 详细

②go into details (about/on) 详细叙述…

He refused to go into details about his plans. 她(极)详细地描述了那次事故 ③for further details 为了知道详细情况 ④in detail 详细地

⑤detail sth. to sb. 向某人详细叙述某事 9. add…to… 在…上增添/增加…

Local color added interest to the novel. 地方色彩增加了这部小说的趣味。 短语拓展:

①add fuel to the fire 火上浇油 ②add sth. in 包括某物,把…加进去 ③add to(=increase) 增加,增添 ④add sth. up 把…加起来 ⑤add up to 合计为 ⑥add that… 补充说

10. ruin v. 毁坏,毁灭 n. 毁坏,破产,废墟 考点释义:

①ruin n. in ruins 毁坏;严重受损;破败不堪

In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. 在可怕的十五秒内,一座大城市就成为了一片废墟。 ②bring…to ruin 使…毁灭;使…没落 ③come/fall + to/into ruin 破坏,毁灭

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