2017丰台高三期末英语试卷(DOC) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2017丰台高三期末英语试卷(DOC)更新完毕开始阅读076aa41732687e21af45b307e87101f69e31fb27


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) A. waited A. why

A. will have taken

B. have waited B. whose B. take

C. am waiting C. where

C. have been taking

D. will wait D. which D. are taking

21. My friend hasn’t answered my letter yet, and I _________ for a reply.

22. Everyone tried to help the family _________ house had burned down in the fire.

23. Don’t worry about the work. By the time you get back from your vacation, we _________ care of everything. 24. We must do _________ we can in order to save oil, as it is an irreplaceable natural resource. A. however

B. wherever

C. whoever

D. whatever

25. I _________ snow before I moved to Canada last year. A. wasn’t seeing

B. don’t see

C. had never seen

D. would not see

26. — Hello, this is Dan speaking.

— Hi, Dan. It’s Milly. I’m calling _________ about your guitar lessons. A. asked

B. to ask

C. ask

D. asking

27. Take the mask with you _________ the air is bad. A. so that

B. as if

C. in case

D. even though

28. Knocking loudly on the desktop, Mr. Brown made his anger _________.

A. knowing

B. to know

C. having known

D. known

29. One advantage of having a car is _________ you don’t need to rely on public transportation. A. that

B. whether

C. what

D. why

30. The coffee _________ when I walked into the kitchen. A. was being made C. has been made

B. had made D. was making

31. “You _________ have a wrong number,” she said. “There is no one of that name here.” A. would

B. need

C. must

D. could

32. Newly-built wooden cottages line the street, _________ the old town into a dreamland. A. turn

B. turning

C. to turn

D. turned

33. _________ you paid for the taxi fare, please let me pay for our dinner. A. Since

B. Until

C. Unless

D. Although

34. If we _________ a ticket earlier, we would have watched the film. A. have booked

B. booked

C. book

D. had booked

35. An elephant _________ is the earth’s largest land animal has few natural enemies other than human beings. A. what

B. which

C. when

D. where

高三英语第1页(共16页) 高三英语第2页(共


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)

What I Regret

At lunchtime, Jimmy, Patrick, Devon, and I began our regular routine of our lunches. I glanced across the busy cafeteria and saw the 36 student, Joel. He was holding his plate and waiting in lines.

Patrick 37 him too. “Why’s the new kid dressed like the headmaster?” he asked. Devon and Jimmy laughed.

“Joel’s cool. He’s in my English and history classes,” I said. However, I kept the 38 that Joel and I had become friends when we worked on a project together. We 39 that we were both enthusiastic readers––something I would never admit to Patrick, Jimmy, and Devon.

I saw that Joel was 40 toward us. “Don’t do it,” I thought, but in seconds he was at our table. My friends raised their eyebrows. Jimmy, Devon and Patrick piled their backpacks on the table and chairs so that there was no 41 left for another person to sit down. Patrick said, “I don’t think we have room.”

This 42 situation froze the air. I could 43 Joel looking at me, but I stared at my 44 as if it contained precious pearls of wisdom instead of rice and beans. After a long, uncomfortable pause, Joel 45 . I 46 have spoken up for him, but I couldn’t walk away from my three friends, could I?

Joel didn’t speak to me after that 47 . He was soon 48 around with another group of kids. A few months later, I saw an announcement about Joel being chosen to be president of the class book club. I was 49 for Joel’s achievements, but I realized I had made a big mistake 50 I said nothing at the lunch table that day. Why was I so 51 that my friends might find out that I like to read?

As I stared at the announcement, I knew I needed to 52 to Joel––even if he did not want to become my friend again. I was certain that my three friends would not 53 . I was also certain that I 54 losing them as well. However, I knew that I would lose myself if I did nothing.

As the dismissal bell rang, I gathered up my books, took (a) deep 55 , and went to find Joel. 36. A. good 37. A. noticed 38. A. words 39. A. forgot 40. A. nodding 41. A. book 42. A. awkward

B. new B. helped B. ideas B. argued B. flying B. food B. dangerous

C. lucky C. examined C. truth C. discussed C. walking C. time C. pleasant

D. top D. called D. promise D. discovered D. driving D. space D. comfortable

高三英语第3页(共16页) 高三英语第4页(共


43. A. taste 44. A. face 45. A. left 46. A. need 47. A. greeting 48. A. turning 49. A. happy 50. A. if 51. A. confused 52. A. adapt 53. A. refuse 54. A. risked 55. A. delight

B. smell B. lunch B. laughed B. should B. change B. looking B. sorry B. until B. surprised B. apologize B. agree B. permitted B. silence

C. hear C. backpack C. started C. would C. meeting C. showing C. thankful C. when C. excited C. smile C. mind C. tried C. breath

D. feel D. table D. stopped D. must D. lesson D. hanging D. anxious D. where D. afraid D. refer D. choose D. suggested D. thought

第三部分 阅读理解(共两节 40分)


A To Whom It May Concern: On August 27, 2016, I ordered a Skunk Scooter from your website. I was very excited when it arrived because I bought it with money I saved from doing odd jobs over summer. Unfortunately, I have experienced several problems with my Skunk Scooter. First of all, the front wheel shakes from side to side, making the scooter difficult to ride. And also, it makes a horrible sound. The sound is louder and more annoying than a roaring engine. My dad and I had to tighten the screws (螺丝). However, it did not help. The wheel continues to shake. The scooter is faulty and cannot be repaired. In addition, I cannot adjust the handlebars. According to your website, they can be easily raised to a height of thirty-six inches. This does not seem to be true. The handlebars are set at thirty inches, and they cannot be raised or lowered. It appears that the knob that is used to adjust the height is jammed into the handlebars, which makes it impossible to turn in either direction. Although you advertised the Skunk Scooter as “the quickest, slickest scooter on the planet,” my purchase was an exception. Since your website promises to accept returns, I want my money back. I have sent you a copy of my receipt. Please let me know how I should ship the scooter back to your company. I know that you would not want customers to keep broken products. Therefore, I would like to thank you in 高三英语第5页(共16页) 高三英语第6页(共


advance. My money can be mailed to me at 3260 N. Main Street, Clarks, TN 37040. Sincerely, Natasha Greene 56. Natasha bought her scooter ________. A. on a website

B. at a supermarket C. in a second-hand store

D. from a scooter factory

57. According to Natasha, the scooter _________.

A. loses its front wheel B. makes a loud noise C. has no handlebars D. runs too slowly 58. Natasha felt _________ about her purchase. A. nervous

B. pleased

C. disappointed D. excited

59. Natasha wrote this letter to _________.

A. buy a new scooter B. get her money back C. advertise the scooter D. ask how to use the scooter


Climbing in the Clouds

Edmund Percival Hillary was one of the greatest explorers of the twentieth century. He was born in Auckland, New Zealand, in 1919. He discovered an interest in mountain climbing while he was still in high school and began climbing New Zealand’s Southern Alps.

Like his father, Hillary earned his living as a beekeeper. However, he continued to climb mountains. His goal was to climb Mt. Everest, which is the highest mountain in the world. By the early 1950s, several expeditions (探险队) had attempted to reach the summit of Everest, but all had failed. Then, in 1953, Hillary and a Nepalese climber named Tenzing Norgay became the first two people to reach the top of the world.

Hillary’s spirit of exploration was not satisfied. He joined an expedition to Antarctica and reached the South Pole in 1958. He also made an expedition up the Ganges River to its source in the Himalayas. Sir Edmund Hillary was a brave adventurer. He went where no man or woman had gone before.

Although Hillary was best known as the young man who climbed to the summit of Mt. Everest in the 1950s, he continued his journeys to far-off places into his senior years. For instance, in his mid-sixites Hillary flew to the North Pole with Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon. Moreover, Hillary authored many books. However, his most lasting gift, perhaps, was the Sir Edmund Hillary Himalayan Trust (信托基金). It raised millions of dollars and contributed to schools, hospitals and many other public improvements in the Sherpa villages of Nepal. In January 2008, Sir Edmund Hillary died at the age of 88.

Despite being a great adventurer and known for the treasure he left, Sir Edmund Hillary always modestly referred to himself as a simple beekeeper from New Zealand.

60. Hillary was interested in _________ when he was in high school.

A. mountain-climbing B. bee-keeping C. money-raising D. story-writing 61. Hillary became well-known because _________.

高三英语第7页(共16页) 高三英语第8页(共
