新译林版牛津英语六年级下册6B第一单元测试卷doc资料 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章新译林版牛津英语六年级下册6B第一单元测试卷doc资料更新完毕开始阅读07ae7090b207e87101f69e3143323968001cf434



学校_________________________ 班级______________________姓名_________________________ ------------------------------装--------------------------------订--------------------------------线--------------------------


一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或词组。(每小题听两遍。10分) ( )1. A. large B. laugh C. loud ( )2. A. shout B. sharp C. show ( )3. A. strong B. small C. sad ( )4. A. way B. what C. weak ( )5. A. happy B. happily C. glad ( )6. A. wake B. waking C. woke ( )7. A. sad B. wanted C. asked ( )8. A. in the hole B. in the forest C. in the ground ( )9. A. come out B. get out C. look out ( )10. A. cheer for B. look for C. well done 二、听录音,选择正确的应答。(每小题听两遍。10分) ( )1.A.He is in the forest. B.I was in the forest.

C.She was in the forest.

( )2.A.Yes,it is. B.Yes, he does. C.Yes, he did. ( )3.A.He’s sad. B.Because he’s in the net. C.Because he’s happy. ( )4.A.Yes,I do. B.It’s my car. C.By bus.

( )5.A.I'm in the library. B.I watch TV. C.I read an interesting book.

三、听录音,完成短文。(听三遍。10分) 1.A mouse_______ by and________the lion up. 2.There was a_______in the ______ .

3.The mouse made a big______ in the net with his_______. 4.He is a_______boy. He laughs_____ . 5.He is______at table tennis. ______done!





1. catch(过去式)___________ 2. wake(过去式) ___________ 3. bite(过去式)____________ 4. let(过去式) ___________ 5. sad(副词)___________ 6. quiet(副词) ___________ 7. loud(副词)___________ 8. happy(副词) ___________

9. strong(反义词)_________ 10. small(反义词)___________

二、翻译词组。( 10分)

1.就在那时 2.出来 3.第二天 4.走过,路过 5.把水倒入洞里 6.from then on 7. too deep 8. become friends 9. wake the lion up 10.in the forest


( )1. The man is too short. He can’t___________ the apples on the tree.

A. take B. reach C. eat

( )2.The teacher came into the classroom_________some books in

his hands.

A. for B. of C. with

( )3. _________ , an old man walked by the house.

A. The next day B. Sometimes C. Today

( )4. The teeth of the lion are very____________ .

A. sharp B. large C. weak

( )5. Father is tired. Don’t wake_____________ .

A. up him B. him up C. he up

( )6. The lion was strong, but the mouse was_____________ .

A. strong B. weak C. sharp

( )7. The lion didn’t___________ from the net.

A. get in B. get C. get out ( )8. ________ did the man catch the parrot?

A. How B. What C. Who

( )9. Willy looks at the beautiful picture on the blackboard___________.

A. happy B. happily C. sad ( )10. Wang Bing is good at___________ .

A. run B. runing C.running 精品文档



( )1.Who woke you up yesterday? A.They like living in the forest. ( )2.Did Mike eat the fish last night? B. No,he didn’t. ( )3.How did you go to school yesterday? C. They became friends. ( )4.What did the lion and the mouse become? D. My mother. ( )5.Where do the animals like living? E. By bike.

五、完成下列句子。(8分,每空0.5分) 1. 这只狮子很生气想要吃那只老鼠。

The lion was ________and _________ to eat the mouse. 2. 从那以后,这只狮子和那只老鼠成了朋友。

______ ______ on, the lion and the mouse ________ friends. 3. 那只狮子用他的尖牙咬网,但是那无济于事。

The lion ______ the net with his _______ ______, but that did not _______. 4. 比利和威利为他们大声地欢呼。

Billy and Willy _______ _______ them _______. 5.他很快弄来些水,并把它倒进了洞里。

He _______ some water _______ and ________it ______ the hole.


1. woke the walked up by and the lion mouse ( . ) 2. lion did the how men the catch ( ? ) 3. water from the on fish in the then lived ( , . ) 4. is a there in the hole ground deep ( . ) 5. bowel pour Miss Li the the into did tea ( ? )

七、用所给词的正确形式填空。(7分) 1. The man laughed___________(loud). 2. The boy said___________(happy).

3.He always __________(hit)the ball hard. 4.My brother swam_________(quick). 5.We were very________ (excited). 6.Sam __________ (have)an idea.

7.David __________ (play)table tennis now. 精品文档