新世纪大学英语综合教程第四册讲义Unit5 联系客服

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第一讲 Unit 5 Lifestyle (Listen and Talk)



1. Enable students to talk about a healthy lifestyle and an unhealthy lifestyle.

2. Enable students to understand the definition of shopaholic, and how to cure shopaholic. 3. Enable students to make a comparison between a luxurious life and a simple life.

4. Enable students to know the true meaning of a simple life, the importance of living a simple life and how to live a simple life. 二、教学时数 2学时 三、教学方法: Discussion

四、教学重点:To understand the definitions of different lifestyles. 五、教学难点: Learn how to make a comparison. 六、教学内容(详细具体)

StepI Discussion

▇ Work in pairs or groups and discuss the following questions. 1. What kind of lifestyle do you live now?

2. Do you believe in the saying “a penny saved is a penny earned”?

3. What are some of the things that come to your mind when we talk about healthy lifestyles?

Make a list of healthy lifestyles and share your answers with your group members. Healthy Lifestyles a. balancing study and play b. doing physical exercise every day c. d. … ▇ Answers for reference: 1. A sample answer:

As a university student, I live a simple and plain life. I get up early in the morning and then attend classes. In the late afternoon I play basketball or football. If I do not have classes during the day, I usually go to the library to do some reading or go to the computer center to search for some information related to my studies. In the evening I review or preview my lessons either in the classroom or in the dormitory. During weekends I sometimes go shopping or go to a movie with my classmates. 2. A possible answer:

Yes. This saying tells us that saving money is as good as earning it. Saving is not only a good habit but also an important step on the way to financial well-being, both in the short term and in the long run. In the short term, it gives us an emergency cushion in the event that an unforeseen, large and urgent expense arises. In the long term, a consistent pattern of saving


can enable us to accomplish our financial goals, such as financing a college education, a home purchase, or a retirement. So we should be thrifty and don’t spend money on things we don’t really need. 3. A sample answer:

Healthy Lifestyles a. balancing study and play b. doing physical exercise every day c. drinking at least 2 litres of water every day d. sleeping at least 7 hours a day e. having at least an apple a day f. seeking professional help if you feel depressed or anxious

Step II Quotes

▇ Study the following quotes about lifestyles and discuss in pairs what you can learn from them.

Jack Kerouac

⊙ Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion.

— Jack Kerouac


Trends and fads come and go quickly, and popular opinions of the day may not represent ever-lasting truth. Those who wish to accomplish something extraordinary must not be slavish to trends and fads or popular beliefs. Instead, they should break away from the “following the herd” mentality and be extraordinarily innovative.

About Jack Kerouac (1922-1969): a US writer who was a leading figure of the1950s Beat Generation. His most famous novel is On the Road 《(在路上》), which describes the adventures of two friends as they travel across the United States.

Margaret Mead


⊙ We are living beyond our means. As a people we have developed a lifestyle that is draining the earth of its priceless and irreplaceable resources without regard for the future of our children and people all around the world.

— Margaret Mead


In this quote, Margaret Mead rightly points out that the American way of life has given rise to a wasteful society and that it is doing a lot of harm to the earth and hence to mankind as a whole. If we do not make changes in our lifestyles today, our children are doomed to suffer from lack of irreplaceable resources in the future.

About Margaret Mead (1901-1978): a US anthropologist, who studied the ways in which parents on the islands of Samoa, Bali, and New Guineas taught their children. She also tried to discover whether males and females are born with the differences in behaviour that they show, or whether they lean to behave differently as they grow up in a particular society.

Charlie Chaplin

⊙ The saddest thing I can imagine is to get used to luxury.

— Charlie Chaplin


In this quote, Chaplin points out the danger of seeking luxuries. Luxuries are not necessities. Many people work hard to seek luxuries in life — they purchase luxury goods and services and always long for possessions that they do not necessarily need. In doing so, they have gradually become slaves to those luxuries. They may feel “abundance” for a while but they can never enjoy ever-lasting happiness, and their souls can never be uplifted. Moreover, those who are used to luxuries may live beyond their means and get into debt, and debt robs a man of his self-respect. Indeed, it is sad to see a person indulge in luxuries and possessions.

About Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977): a British actor and director who worked mainly in the US in humorous silent films during the 1920s. He usually appeared as a humorous character who had a small moustache, a bowler hat, and a walking stick, and who walked in a funny way with the backs of his feet together and his toes pointing out to the sides.


Samuel Johnson

⊙ Without frugality none can be rich, and with it very few would be poor.

— Samuel Johnson


Here Samuel Johnson advises us to be thrifty or economical with the use of our resources. Frugality is a virtue while extravagance is a sin. One can never become rich if one lives a spendthrift lifestyle, but anyone can feel that he is rich enough if he or she carefully manages his or her money and other resources.

About Samuel Johnson (1709-1784): a British critic and dictionary writer. He is famous for his Dictionary of the English Language (1755), the first comprehensive dictionary of the English language ever published. He was considered an excellent conversationalist (善于辞令的人). His intelligent, amusing, and interesting words are still widely quoted today.

Step III Watching and Discussion

Confessions of a Shopaholic is a 2009 American romantic comedy film based on the Shopaholic series of novels by Sophie Kinsella.

Watch the following video clip “Confessions of a Shopaholic” and do the tasks that follow: 插入视频片段:“Confessions of a Shopaholic.wmv”

1. What makes shopping a beautiful experience, according to Rebecca?

? the sheen of silk draped across a mannequin;. ? the smell of new Italian leather shoes;

? the rush you feel when you swipe your card. And it’s approved. And it all belongs to you;

? the joy you feel when you’ve bought something, and it’s just you and the shopping…

2. What do you think of shopaholics? (Open.)


Confessions of a Shopaholic

- - - - - -

Keep comin’ back, OK? Give him some support. Keep comin’ back. Which store?

Rebecca, why don’t you share your story.

Um ... Hello, everybody. Uh, I’m Rebecca Bloomwood. Hi, Rebecca.

I just actually came here as a favor to a friend. Uh, I mean, I like shopping. Is there anything so wrong with that? I mean, stores are put there to enjoy. Uh, the experience is enjoyable.