译林3下Unit1第三课时教案 联系客服

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教 学 3下Unit1 In class 内 容 Cartoontime 共几课时 第几课时 5 3 课 型 新授 主备人 城南新区伍佑小学 王静 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用单词:robot/ rubber/ parrot. 学 习 2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Look at the…/ Don’t … 目 标 3. 能快速用It’s a…来回答What’s this?的提问。 4. 能用Don’t…来造句。 教学重点 教学难点 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用单词:robot/ rubber/ parrot. 2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Look at the…/ Don’t … 1. 能快速用It’s a…来回答What’s this?的提问。 2. 能用Don’t…来造句。 教 学重 难 点 教 学 多媒体课件 资 源 学 程 预 设 Step 1 Warm up 1. Greetings. 2. Show Learning goals. T: Boys and girls, we are in class now, so let’s look at the Learning goals.(PPT) 3. Let’s play. T: First, let’s play a game. When you see a instruction , please say it out loudly, when you see a bomb, please say “bomb”.(PPT) 4. Say and complete. T: They make a rhyme, let’s complete it. (PPT) (学生完成后,一起核对,强化window的拼写,并读一读这首小诗。) (板书:open/ close the door open/ close your book(S) open/close the window look at the … ) Step 2 Cartoon time & Ticking Time 1. Lead in. (由刚才的小诗,学习单词bird. b, b, b, — b, b, b, — bird) T: This bird is the parrot.( PPT)(学习单词parrot. ? ? ?, parrot) 2. Read and choose. T: This parrot and Sam are in class now, Bobby is teaching them. How is Bobby ? Is he angry? (PPT)Please open your books at page 9. Read the story by yourselves . (学生自由朗读课文) 二次调整 T: How do you know? S1: Don’t listen to the parrot, Sam! T: Great! (PPT) Don’t listen to the parrot, Sam! Don’t =Do not (领读这句话3遍) T: Why? Why don’t listen to the parrot? You can speak in Chinese. S2: …… T: Boys and girls, Sam doesn’t look at the blackboard, and doesn’t listen to Bobby in class. Yes? Ss: … 3. Watch and read. T: It’s interesting. Do you want to watch the cartoon?.... T: Ok, let’s follow it, and find out the words you can’t read. (PPT)(学生观看并跟读) (Robot rubber的发音) 4. Read in pairs. T: Now it’s your turn, please read in pairs.(PPT) 5. Let’s read. T: Hello, boys and girls, (PPT) choose one picture you like to read. (每幅图至少让4个同学来表达) Who can be better? 6. Read in roles. T: You all did a good job. Now let’s read in roles.(PPT) Girls act as Bobby, Boys act as Sam, and Miss Du act as the parrot. Ok, are you ready? let’s go! 7. Ticking time. T: Now it’s time for ticking. (PPT) For No.1 and No.2, how many stars can you get? (同桌互评) T: Great! Do you want to get more stars? Ss: … Step 3 Checkout time & Ticking Time 1. Look and say. T: Now let’s play a game.(PPT) Turntable—Rules: … But before do it, don’t forget “ please” , 出示小贴士( Tips: 礼貌用语Please别忘记吆!Please… .=…,please.) 并板书。 T: Are you ready? Let’s go! 师先转,一个学生说指令,其余学生回答。接着让学生来转, ( S—S, B—G, Group—Group, S—Ss) (Tips:×××,please… .=Please…, ×××. 如:Liu Tao, please stand up .=Please stand up, Liu Tao.) 2. Ticking time T: Ok, how many stars can you get for No.3 and No.4? 3. Good memory. T: You can say now, can you write? (PPT) Look, who has a good memory? 2 minutes! Remember the words quickly! (学生记忆单词) 4. Look and write. T: Let’s check. (PPT)(请3位同学板书) (学生做好后,同桌互换。) 5. Ticking time T: How many stars can you get for No.5? Step 4 Do exercise & Ticking Time 1. Do exercise. T: Look, here’s more exercise for you.(PPT) (4.师教生动作:listen, listen, listen,—look, look, look.) 2. Ticking time T: If you can get 3 stars of each of the learning goal , Congratulations! But if you can’t, it doesn’t matter, please come on! 教学反思: