21世纪大学实用英语综合教程 第二册 Unit 7 联系客服

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4 th period Practical Writing Personal Letters (2)

These days, increased access to the telephone and e-mail has resulted in people writing fewer letters, but people still enjoy receiving and reading letters. Informal Style

Knowledge of appropriate styles of language is an important social skill and one that teachers can help students develop. If you are writing a quick note to a friend, you do not need to worry too much about using the correct format or to include your address. Given below, however, is the layout for a personal (love) letter.

1735 Stanton Ave. Richmond, VA 22045 May 15, 2004

My Dear Cheryl,

Loving you is so easy.

There are so many reasons why I love you…

The little things you do, the simple gestures you make, the feelings and thoughts that you share with me. I adore the way you look, the way you move, and your infectious smile.

There are so many things to love about you!

Do you know I love it when you daydream and you think no one is watching?

Do you know I love the way your eyes sparkle when you tell a funny story? Do you know that I love the shape of your ears? I could go on and on.

It’s important to me that you know that I love you — and how much I love you. So whatever it is that you are doing, thinking or saying, as you go about your day

— know that I am there with you, loving you.

Much Love, Nathan



Friendly letters do not have to be as formal or serious as business letters, since normally they will be written to people you know. It is still a good idea to keep your audience in mind, however — don’t use slang if you are writing to your professors or bosses, or too many formal expressions if you are writing to a close friend. For example: Dear Fudge,

Hey, how is it going in Florida? Hope you’re having great weather. You wouldn’t believe the snowy winter we’ve had! Yuk! I miss going to the park in the afternoon.

So, what’s new with you? Are you going to try out for any spring sports? What new games did you get for your birthday? Hope you enjoyed the gift we sent you. Can’t wait until we come down to visit you at spring break. Let’s go to Universal Studios again.

Catch you later,


Dear Uncle Adam,

Thanks very much for the CD voucher you sent me for my birthday. I bought the soundtrack from “Titanic” with it, for I really loved the movie.

We’ve got a week-long study break in June, and Mum said I might get more work done if I came down and stayed with you. She doesn’t want all my mates to keep ringing me up and asking me out. Could I come down on Saturday (the 8th) and stay for the week?

You don’t need to pick me up from the bus station. I’ll get a taxi. If that’s cool with you, give me a buzz this weekend and I’ll tell Mum she can relax.

See you soon (I hope). Luv, Teri

5th period Text B

Questions About Paragraphs

1) Why did the woodcutter always whistle happily?

Because he believed he could earn enough to raise his children. 2) How was the woodcutter working one day? He had been / was working very hard.

3) What happened to the axe when the man tripped over a root? The axe slid down the bank and into the river. 4) Who came to help him? The water fairy of the river.

5) What did the water fairy do after she understood his trouble? She sank into the river to pick up his axe for him.

6) What did the woodcutter say when he saw the silver and gold axes? He told the water fairy the axes were not his.



7) What was the woodcutter’s reward?

His old axe as well as the silver and gold axes. 8) Why did the water fairy reward him? Because he told her the truth. Language Points

? woodman: n. person who lives in the woods, as a hunter, woodcutter, etc. 林区


? retell: vt. tell (a story, etc.) again, in a different way or in a different language再

讲,重述;以不同方式(或语言)复述 ? e.g. retell the text

German fairy stories retold in English

? out: ad. “Out” is used to emphasize the distance that someone or something is

from a town or city. out 用来强调远离城镇的地方。 ? e.g. I don’t want to live any further out.

She lives out in a village, ten miles away.

? silent: a. making little or no sound 寂静的;无声的 e.g. the silent desert

the old silent movie

? sparkle: vi. shine brightly with flashes of light 闪耀;闪烁 e.g. The sunlight sparkled on the surface of the water.

Her eyes sparkled as she laughed.

? trudge: vi. walk slowly or with difficulty because one is tired, etc. 步履艰难地

走;疲累(或费力)地走 e.g. trudging slowly back to the office

To get home from the station we had to trudge one and a half kilometers over rough roads.

? whistle: v. 吹口哨

e.g. He was whistling a familiar tune.

I could hear her whistling to herself in the kitchen. He whistled to his dog to come back.

? as long as: on condition that; provided that 只要,如果 e.g. As long as she’s in control there will always be problems.

We were perfectly warm as long as the sun was shining. I can come as long as I can leave at 4:30 p.m.

? bread: 在这里,bread不取本意,而是指一家人的生计。 e.g. He earned his bread as a top banker in the city.

Gardening is my bread and butter at the moment. ? poem: n. piece of creative writing in verse 诗

? fable: n. short story, often with animals as characters, that conveys a moral 寓言 ? woodcutter: n. person who cuts down trees as an occupation 伐木人;樵夫 ? Fontaine让·德·拉封丹(1621—1695,法国寓言诗人。以《寓言诗》12卷




Aesop伊索(公元前6世纪古希腊寓言作家,善讲寓 言故事,经后人汇编成现在流传的《伊索寓言》)

? chip: n. thin piece cut or broken off from wood, stone, glass, etc. (木、石、玻

