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发布时间 : 星期四 文章unit 1 全单元教案1 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读08aed111cc7931b765ce15d2

Unit 1 Art




Warming up部分共有四个问题,引导学生讨论本单元出现的所有绘画,包括宗教绘画、文艺复兴时期的绘画、印象派风景画和抽象画等。通过为教室选张贴画、为家居选布置画、谈个人对绘画等艺术的喜好等活动,让学生交流对绘画等艺术形式的认识,并在此过程中学习本单元即将出现的生词。


Reading部分主要介绍西方绘画史。文章开头阐述导致艺术发展的因素:生活方式和人们的信仰,并由此得出结论:西方艺术不断变化发展,而中国艺术相对保持稳定。随后文章从四个方面介绍了主要的西方艺术绘画流派。中世纪的绘画主题主要与宗教有关,这个时期的作品充满了宗教符号,表达作者对上帝的崇敬和热爱。直到13世纪,意大利画家乔托(Giotto)才开始描绘现实的宗教活动。文艺复兴时,人们的思想和价值观发生了根本性的变化,绘画主题从宗教转向人与自然,绘画手法更为现实。意大利画家马萨乔(Masaccio)采用透视法绘画,开创了现实主义绘画的新纪元。19世纪晚期,欧洲的工业化导致了巨大的社会变革,也使绘画风格产生了变化。在法国的巴黎出现了印象派艺术画家,他们走出家门,捕捉瞬间作用于物体的光线。印象派绘画一段时间引起了争议,但如今被公认为现代艺术的开端。无论是抽象画还是现实画,都得益于印象派艺术的启发。阅读文章中有四幅图,分别为:1.亚博拉罕接待天使(大圣母教堂侧壁)432—440 ——中世纪 2.巴?卡斯蒂利昂伯爵像(拉斐尔)1515 ——文艺复兴 3. 日出(莫奈)1872-1873——印象主义 4.海边人物形象(斯塔尔)1952——现代艺术


Learning about language的词汇部分,通过三个练习帮助学生理解并运用课文中的生词。练习1为词语释义练习。练习2要求学生用课文中出现的词填空。练习3是词汇分类练习,并要求学生在完成“思维图”后写句子或短文。语法部分学习虚拟语气。练习1通过“热身”中的两个问句,让学生认识虚拟语气,要求学生从阅读课文中找出含有虚拟语气的句子。 练习2要求学生区分虚拟条件句与表示真实情况的条件句。练习3让学生用



Using language部分综合训练听说读写能力。阅读部分综合介绍了曼哈顿的主要艺术画廊。纽约富翁弗里克(Henry Clay Frick)去世后,给美国人留下了房屋、家具以及艺术收藏品,许多艺术爱好者把弗里克收藏馆(The Frick Collecting)视为最好的小型艺术画廊;古根海姆博物馆(Guggenheim Museum)珍藏着5000件现代油画、雕塑和素描作品。博物馆本身也是世界著名的建筑,走进博物馆,就好像置身于巨大的贝壳之中。(纽约)大都会博物馆(Metropolitan Museum of Art)珍藏着美国最好的艺术品,它展现给人们的是世界各地5000多年的历史。现代艺术博物馆(Museum of Modern Art)收藏着19世纪晚期到21世纪的伟大的艺术作品。惠特尼美国艺术博物馆(Whitney Museum of American Art)与时代同步,展现当代美国绘画和雕塑作品。阅读材料后设置了两个练习:一是在地图上找出各个展览馆的位置;二是根据阅读内容填表格。听说部分与阅读部分密切相关,谈论参观曼哈顿的主要艺术画廊,学习和运用表达“偏爱”的交际用语。写的部分要求学生写封信,就开办艺术画廊谈谈自己的想法。

Summing up 部分要求学生就西方艺术、艺术画廊、词语和结构等方面进行自我评价,判定是否需要进一步巩固练习。

Learning tip 部分就如何把握文章的主题思想提出建议: 1. 阅读标题和副标题; 2. 阅读图片和图表;

3. 阅读第一段或各段的第一句; 4. 阅读结论; 5. 思考写作意图。 II.本单元涉及的要点是:

㈠ 简要了解西方和中国绘画艺术的历史和风格,各时代的著名画家以及他们的作品。 ㈡ 学习有关绘画艺术的词汇。

㈢ 学会表达喜好和偏爱的日常交际用语。

㈣ 学习虚拟语气(和现在、将来事实相反)的用法。 ㈤ 学习写提出建议的信。 III.教学计划


第一课时: Warming up, Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending

第二、三课时:Language points in Warming up, Pre-reading & Reading 第四课时:Learning about language 第五课时:Using Language-Reading

第六课时:Using Language-Listening, Discussing &Writing


Period 1 Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending

Teaching Goals:

1. To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about art.


2. To develop some basic reading skills. 3. To learn some new words.

4. To know about the history of western painting. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Leading-in

Purpose: To activate Ss and arouse them to talk about art. Pair work:

Show the picture, Mona Lisa smile. Ask Ss three questions. And see how much they know about

the famous picture.

1.Who is the woman in the picture?

Mona Lisa.

2.Who painted the picture?

Leonardo da Vinci (1452~1519). 3.How long did it take him to paint it? Four years (1503~1506).

Step 2. Warming Up

Purpose: To lead Ss to prepare for both the content and the grammar focus of the unit. Group work

Look at the following pictures and discuss in groups.

(1) If you could have three of these paintings on the wall of your classroom, which would you choose? Discuss your reasons. These words might help you in your discussion:

realistic abstract nature detailed traditional line rich religious unfinished modern color shape (2) Would you rather have Chinese or Western-style paintings in your home? Give your reasons.


(3) Have you ever wished you could paint as well as a professional artist? If you were an artist, what kind of pictures would you paint?

(4) What would you rather do — paint pictures, make sculptures, or design buildings? Why?

Step 3. Pre-reading

Purpose: 1.To introduce to Ss some famous western artists of each period and their famous


2.Get Ss to talk about the famous western artists and their famous works.

1. Pair work

Do you know the names of the following western artists and their famous works? What do

you know about them? Discuss with your partner.

Giotto 乔托(1267-1337)

Giotto was recognized as the first genius of art in the Italian Renaissance. He painted religious scenes in a more realistic style.

This picture is Escape to Egypt.


Raphael was an Italian painter, whose works included religious subjects, portraits, and frescoes, exemplify the ideals of the High Renaissance. This picture is Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione. Van Gogh凡高(1853-1890)

Van Gogh was a Dutch painter who went to live in southern France and helped to develop the style of Post-impressionism. His paintings typically use bright colors and have thick lines .one of the most famous ones is

Sunflowers .He is also known for being mentally ill and for cutting off

one of his ears and later killing himself. Poor as he was during his life, his paintings are now extremely valuable and sold at very high prices. This picture is Sunflowers.

Claude Monet克劳德·莫奈(1840-1926)

He influenced the development of impressionism. He painted everyday objects. Monet had a fascination with light and that led him to not only paint this picture, but also several others showing the same effect on different objects. This picture is Sunrise.

Pablo Picasso毕加索(1881-1973)

Spanish artist. One of the most prolific and influential artists of the 20th century, Picasso excelled in painting, sculpture, etching, stage design, and ceramics. With Georges Braque he launched cubism (1906-1925), and he introduced the technique of collage. Among Picasso's masterpieces are Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907) and Guernica (1937).

This picture is Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. The above pictures can be used for Ss to talk about, and the teacher can give Ss a brief introduction to each of them.