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6) 有必要知道他的身高吗?在我看来,这与他能否成为一个好的律师没有关系。 (not relevant to)

Is it necessary to know his height? To me, it is not relevant to whether he can be a good lawyer or not.

7) 橱柜被安装到墙里,既节约空间,又使用方便。 (build … into …)

The cupboard is built into the wall so that it both saves space and is convenient to use.

8) 这些工人挣的钱比我们多,可话又说回来,他们的工作也危险得多。 (the other side of the coin)

These workers earn more than we do, but the other side of the coin is that their job is more dangerous.

9) 海伦在大学里学的是经济学,与此同时她把哲学作为第二专业来学习。(at the same time)

Helen majors in economics at the university and at the same time she studies philosophy as her second major.

10) 重要的是你们要自己发现问题和解决问题,我是否到现场去无关紧要。(make no difference)

What is most important is that you must find out and solve the problems by yourselves. It makes no difference whether I go there or not. Enhance Your Language Awareness

第三小题(P54) 目前,许多人都享受着过去历代人想象不到的物质和技术进步带来的好处。随着科学技术的发展,人们的生活水平越来越高,寿命也大幅度提高。



Nowadays, many people are enjoying the benefits brought about by material and technological advances unimaginable in previous eras. With the development of science and technology, people's standard of living is getting higher and higher. People's life expectancy has soared, too.

However, oddly enough, many people do not feel happier than they used to be. It can be seen that there is no close correlation between people's income and their happiness. Happiness cannot, after all, be bought with money.

Although the majority of people are not very satisfied with their lives, they are happy to be alive, and the more time they live on earth, the better off they feel they'll be. What is important is that material wealth is far from enough. People need spiritual happiness, too.A 第三单元FAME AND SUCCESS 一.TEXTA(P58-61) 课文翻译:

声誉 梅尔文?霍华兹

1 声誉极像一个追逐自己尾巴的动物,抓住了以后除继续穷追不舍外,再也不知道还能做什么。声誉以及随之而来的名气迫使名人陷入穷途末路。真有点讽刺意味,不是吗? 2 名人有名多因有一技之长,如唱歌、跳舞、绘画、写作等等。成功的表演者展示出一种风格,获得声誉。而且这种声誉常常使这位表演者确信,必须把这种风格发扬光大,因为这就是大众所需要和喜爱的。可是随着时间的推移,如果歌手年复一年地用老调唱老歌,画师画千篇一律的风景或画像,演员反复饰演同一角色,他们势必都会感到厌烦。由于公众的要求,艺人竟变成了自己功名的奴隶。倘若他或她想改变笔调、舞步、唱腔的话,大众就会弃他而去,转而把那飘忽不定的声誉赐予他人,一段时间后再转给他人,这样不停地转下去。

3 一个人有了名誉,就有了名气,就能赢得忠实的追捧者的高度关注,在任何领域都是这样。一个表演者很容易相信,自己的成就当真和新闻报道的一样大。可是大多数人、大多数艺人并没有得到美誉和财富。那些失败的表演者又如何呢?其他任何一个失败者会又如何呢?奇怪的是,对许多人而言,失败往往就是对失败的回报!有些人对你表示怜悯,他们庆幸自己不是你。你的亲朋好友也会降低对你的期望,使你不必去和那些比你有天赋并获得成功的人较量。他们会找出种种借口来解释你不能功成名就的原因:你太敏感了呀;你对金钱没有兴趣呀;你对声誉所能带来的权利不感兴趣呀;因为声望要使你丧失隐私,所以你不感兴趣呀;等等。所有这些都是借口,但对失败者或假装不在意自己失败的人来说,却是安慰。

4 历史充分证明,有些人在一生的某个时刻遭遇失败,的确能激发他们更加努力地追求成功,继续对自己充满信心。美国小说家托马斯?沃尔夫的第一部小说《安琪儿,往


5 那么,人们为什么要追求声誉呢?你追求声誉吗?你希望许多人都知道你、赞赏你吗?你想得到那些往往伴随声誉而来的金钱吗你想要媒体注意你台上台下的一言一行吗?显而易见,在某些领域,出了名就意味着要成为那些不赞同你的人和诸多媒体的抨击目标。声誉把你置于所有的灯光下,一边给你权利和威望,一边把你变得不像你:你必须成为大众心目中的你,而不能是那个真实的你或你可能成为的那个人。但是,为什么人人都追求声誉呢?我想到了以下几个理由:为了在某些方面展示才华;为了赢得他人的敬仰和爱慕;为了成为人人谈论的人物;为了让亲朋好友看到你比他们想象得还要优秀。也许你还能列出其他理由,但我觉得以上这些理由是相当普遍存在的。 6 对那些拼命追求声誉、财富和名望的人们,我想说:祝你们好运。但是当你已经抓住了自己的尾巴,即成功和声誉之后,你打算怎么做呢?一直追逐下去吗?你若确已抓住了尾巴,那就舍命也不要松手。我盼你们不久都功成名就,或近乎功成名就吧!


第一小题(P77) 1) There are always people who dream of making a(n) fortune from gambling, even though they know the chances are slim.

2) The inventor Thomas Edison was regarded as a(n) dull boy when he was young because he couldn't work out easy mathematical calculations.

3) The police had chased after the robbery suspect for about two days before they finally caught him in a deserted warehouse.

4) The local newspaper has launched a campaign to raise money for the girl who has caught a rare disease.

5) Rock climbing is attractive especially to young people because it is always accompanied with hardship and adventure.

6) The face value of the bill is one dollar, but its intrinsic value is nothing but that of a piece of paper.

7) Having won several championships in international matches recently, he currently ranks second among the world's professional tennis players. 8) There has been a great deal of publicity in the media about the campaign against genetically modified food.

9) The coach was relieved that Michael had recovered sufficiently from his knee injury and he was able to play in the semi-finals next week.

10) He has dropped his old bad-boy image and now portrays himself as something of an angel.

11) Due to its inefficiency, the cable TV company has become a frequent target of criticism from the public these days.

12) A few mirrors can transform a dark room, making it look larger and lighter instantly.

13) Earthquakes had destroyed their houses, so they had no choice but to live temporarily in the tents put up overnight.

14) The argument never ceased as to whether it was fair to cover celebrities' private lives in the mass media.

15) Kelly got a new job as a secretary, but two weeks later she became bored with the endless office chores; so she quit.

16) These two TV programs are both about news or current affairs, but they have attracted very different audiences in the United States.

17) Jane's parents held her in high regard and they supported her decision to be an actress.

18) When the results of the vote were announced, the Prime Minister acknowledged defeat.

19) Scientists are unable to predict with accuracy when and where earthquakes will strike.

第二小题(P78) 1) The teachers felt sorry for Nick, a former straight-A student, because he was thrown out of college in the second year for taking drugs.

2) You can do things for your health in the way of diet, exercise, good lifestyle, and so on.

3) As the ship began to turn to its one side, the horrified passengers all clung on to the other for dear life.