2014年春新人教版八年级下册课时练习手册-教师版(57页) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2014年春新人教版八年级下册课时练习手册-教师版(57页)更新完毕开始阅读090c89a26137ee06eff9186d

学而思网校 www.xueersi.com

3. 你找到米饭、面条和水饺将不会有任何问题。

You won’t have any problems finding rice, noodles, or dumplings. 4. 新加坡四分之三的人口是中国人。

Three quarters of population in Singapore are Chinese. 5. 新加坡离赤道很近。 Singapore is close to the equator.


学而思网校 www.xueersi.com

课时 4 Section B (3a) -Self Check(10 min. )


1. Many teenagers like playing computer games just for their own amusement( 娱乐) . 2. Teenagers’ crime is a social( 社会的) problem.

3. You have to learn English well whether( 不管) you like it or not. 4. Spring( 春天) is my favorite season, because everything begins to grow. 5. Five Germans( 德国人) came to our city for business yesterday. 6. Don’t fear( 害怕) , I will stay with you all the time. 7. What’s the theme( 主题) of this party? 二、用下列所给词的适当形式填空 find rapid go eat be

1. He worked so hard that he made such rapid progress. 2. I saw them eating dinner with Tom at that time. 3. Two thirds of the population in China are farmers.

4. As they had no map with them, they had problem finding the hotel. 5. I think summer is the best time to go camping. 三、根据汉语意思完成句子

1. 用这种方法,你能毫无麻烦的找到那个地方。 In this way, you won’t have any trouble finding that place. 2. ———你曾去过欧洲吗? ———是的,我去过那儿两次。 —Have you ever been to Europe? —Yes, I have been there twice. 3. 气温一整年几乎都一样。

The temperature is nearly the same all year around. 4. 你曾尝试过印度食品吗? Have you ever tried Indian food? 5. 你曾去安宁凉爽的地方旅游过吗?

Have you ever traveled somewhere cool and quiet?