人教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语第三次月考试卷(I)卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章人教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语第三次月考试卷(I)卷更新完毕开始阅读096ab40288eb172ded630b1c59eef8c75ebf9557

C . control D . fall (6)

A . strong B . weak C . old D . young (7)

A . top B . side C . corner D . line (8)

A . coming over B . putting off C . going up D . giving away (9)

A . discover B . separate C . experience D . improve (10)

A . air B . time C . space D . money

三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)17. (8分)阅读理解

第 5 页 共 13 页


Every school has rules for students to follow. But what happens when students break the rules? In the UK, when students don't behave well at school, they will be given a warning. But if they go on behaving badly, like talking over the teacher, they'll be punished (惩罚). And there are a lot of ways for students to be punished!

Generally speaking, there are five punishments in UK schools: detention, isolation education unit (IEU), supervision, suspension and expulsion.

If you receive a detention, you'll find yourself sitting in a room with your teacher during break, lunch or even worse, after school. The longest time for a detention is two hours. Depending on how naughty you've been, you can get two detentions in one day!

If you get IEU, you're isolated(隔离)from other students. And you have to stay in a room all day to complete your lessons.

Supervision means that you cannot take part in PE lessons. In other classes, a teacher will always keep an eye on you while you sit at the front of the class. It can make students very uncomfortable. Suspension means you cannot go to school for a certain amount of time.

The most serious punishment you can ever receive is expulsion. You can't go to the school any more. You'll have to find another school to go to, and it will be on your school record.

(1)What's the Chinese meaning of \ A . 隔离 B . 留校查看 C . 开除 D . 警告

(2)If a student is sent to an isolation education unit (IEU), he or she will stay _____. A . in the teacher's office B . at the front of the class C . in a room all day with tasks D . at school after classes are over

(3)In the UK, a student cannot take part in PE lessons if he or she gets _____. A . a detention B . a supervision C . a suspension D . an expulsion

第 6 页 共 13 页

(4)Which can be the best title of the passage? A . Rules in schools in the UK. B . School punishments in the UK. C . Ways to be a good student in the UK. D . Bad student behavior in the UK.

18. (8分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Michelle and Ryan often stopped by a pet shop on their way home from school. They stopped for Sugar and Spice. Sugar and Spice were two cats that shared a cage. They were cute and played nicely together. Michelle and Ryan thought that they must be best friends like them.

Things got busy at school, so Michelle and Ryan didn't have time to stop by the pet shop. How they missed seeing Sugar and Spice! One Sunday morning, Michelle went to the supermarket. Her mother asked her to buy some fruit. She was happy that she could stop by the pet shop to have a look. To Michelle's surprise, Spice wasn't there. She only saw Sugar. Maybe someone bought Spice and the two best friends would never be together again. She went home in tears.

Two days later Ryan's parents held a birthday party for him. At the party Michelle, Ryan and their friends played games, sang and ate cake. Then came the best part—the presents. Ryan's dad brought out a small box with holes in it. Ryan carefully opened it and found Spice inside!

Ryan was excited to have a new cat, but he was also sad that Spice was not with Sugar any more. Ryan's dad realized his sad feeling and motioned (示意) to Michelle's mum. Then she walked in with a small box with holes in it. The box looked just like the one that Ryan got. Michelle's mum asked Michelle if she wanted an early birthday present. But before Michelle could answer, Ryan took the box aside and Sugar jumped out! Sugar and Spice started playing together. Ryan looked at Michelle and said. \the best birthday ever!\

(1)What did Michelle and Ryan think of Sugar and Spice? A . They were perfect. B . They were good friends. C . They were easy to take care of D . They were different from each other.

(2)Which of the following shows how Michelle felt that Sunday? A . Happy → Angry → Sad B . Surprised → Angry → Happy C . Happy → Surprised → Sad D . Surprised → Sad → Happy

(3)Who sent Ryan a cat for his birthday?

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A . His father. B . His mother. C . Michelle.

D . Michelle's mother.

(4)The passage mainly talks about _______. A . perfect pets for children B . how to make friends with pets

C . how to plan a birthday party for children D . a story between two children and two cats

19. (10分) Do you know the Chinese saying “He who doesn't reach the Great Wall is not a true man”? Mr. White knows it. Next month he is going to Beijing with his wife. They are going to visit the Great Wall. They are staying in Beijing for about a week. They have a lot of Chinese friends there, so they are visiting them. Then they're flying to West Lake in Hangzhou. They are going boating there and staying there for about three days. Mr. White knows that the Yellow Mountain is very famous in China. So they’re going to Anhui to go hiking in the great mountain. After two days in Anhui they'll have to go back to Sydney.

“I'm taking lots of photos in China. When I get back to Sydney, I am going to show the photos to my friends. I want my friends to know more about China.” said Mr. White.

(1)Who is Mr. White going to China with? A . His friends B . His parents C . His wife D . His children

(2)Mr. White is staying in Beijing for about . A . two weeks B . three days C . one month D . seven days

(3)Mr. White is in Hangzhou. A . going boating B . going hiking

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