山东省泰安市泰山区2016-2017学年六年级英语上学期期末考试试题(五四制) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章山东省泰安市泰山区2016-2017学年六年级英语上学期期末考试试题(五四制)更新完毕开始阅读097c297985c24028915f804d2b160b4e777f816c



本试卷分第I卷 (选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。考试时间100分钟,满分120分。

第I卷 (选择题 共60分)

第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) (一)听句子,选择适当的应答语。每个句子读两遍。 1. A. It's a model plane.

B. This is her model plane. C. No, it isn't.

2. A. It's in my schoolbag. B. They are on the desk. C. This is my pencil box.

3. A. Yes, he has. 4. A. Yes, she does.

B. He has a computer. C. No, he doesn't. B. She likes eggs. C. She likes green.

C. They look

5. A. They' re 8 dollars. B. It' s 8 dollars. nice.

(二)听五段对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 6. Where are the keys?

A. They' re on the sofa. B. They' re on the table. under the table.

7. What color are Anna's shoes?

A. Black. B. Red. C. Green. 8. Where's Helen's basketball? A. It's on the desk. bed.

9. Who likes milk? A. Jenny.

B. Jack. C. Bill.

C. They' re

B. It's under the desk. C. It's under the

10. What does the woman want to buy for her daughter?

A. A sweater. B. A T-shirt. C. A sweater and a T-shirt.


听第一段对话,回答11至13小题。 11. What color is this pen?

A. Red. B. Black. C. Yellow.

12. What color is Jack's pen?

A. White. B. Red. 13. What' s Tom's phone number?

A. 457-3152. B. 457-3125. C. 547-3125. 听第二段对话,回答14至16小题。 14. The girl needs ________ for school.

A. a hat B. a skirt 15. How much is the blue sweater?

A. Nine dollars. B. Three dollars. C. Two dollars. 16. The girl will take ________ pairs of yellow socks. A. four

(四)听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。听录音前你将有20秒钟的时间阅读下面4个小题。 17. Where are the math book and the computer?

A. On the table. B. On the desk. C. On the chair. 18. Where is the model plane?

A. In the schoolbag. B. Under the bed. C. On the desk. 19. What's in the schoolbag?

A. Some CDs. B. A math book. 20. What color is the schoolbag?

A. Blue. B. Yellow.

第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分20分)

第一节 语法和词汇(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 21. 单词about划线部分的读音是_________。 A.




C. Green. C. A model plane.

B. five C. two

C. a sweater

C. Black.

22. 下列单词中划线部分发音与其它三个不同的选项是_________。 A. breakfast B. please

23. I have ________ basketball. Let's play ________ basketball. A. an; / B. a; the 24. —Is this your dictionary?

C. the; a D. a; / C. easy D. teacher

—________. It's Linda's.

A. Yes, it is B. No, it is C. No, it isn't D. Yes, it isn't

25. —________ do you spell it? —B-A-S-E-B-A-L-L. A. Where

B. How C. Who D. What

26. —What do you have ________ lunch? —Two hamburgers and two bananas.

A. to B. with C. for D. of 27. —________ she have a soccer ball? —No, she________.

A. Is; isn't B. Does; doesn't doesn't

28. —Do you like volleyball? —No, it's ________.

A. boring B. interesting 29. —Let's ________ computer games. —That sounds good.

A. playing B. plays 30. —_________?

—Yes, please. I need a sweater for school. A. How much is it you

第二节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Good afternoon. I am Gina Brown. I am in Classroom 5B. Here is a white bag. Is this bag 31 ? No, it isn't. I 32 it in the school library. 33 ID card and a watch are in it. The watch is green. Is this 34 bag? My telephone number is 034 -5772. Please call me. You can 35 Ms. Wu for it, too.

This girl is Sally 36 . She is my sister. She lost a 37 . She wants to know the time (时间). She must find it. What 38 is it? 39 is purple. Please call her 40 034 -5776. Thank you for your help.

B. Can you help me C. Excuse me D. Can I help

C. play

D. to play

C. relaxing

D. easy

C. Does; isn't D.


31. A. I B. me C. my D. mine 32. A. lost B. meet C. found D. call 33. A. A 34. A. your 35. A. ask

B. An C. The D. / B. yours

C. you D. her

B. thank C. help D. excuse

C. Brown D. Smith

36. A. Green B. Miller

37. A. pen B. eraser C. notebook D. watch 38. A. photo B. map C. color D. bag 39. A. It B. She C. Those D. They 40. A. in B. at C. of D. to

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)



Dear Alan,

How are you? Here' s a picture of my classroom.

I am in Class Seven in our school. This is my classroom. 15 desks and 30 chairs are in it. They are for my classmates and me. You can see a brown desk in the front (前面) of the classroom. It is for my teacher. A clock is on the wall(墙). Next to the clock is a map. It's a map of China. A bookcase is in the classroom, too. Some books are in the bookcase. We like the books very much. A pencil box and some books are on my desk. What' s in the pencil box? A pen, an eraser and a ruler are in it.

What about your classroom?

Yours, Linda

41. The underlined word(划线单词) \指代)__________. A. the classroom B. the map of China C. the chairs D. the brown desk 42. You can see _________ chairs in the classroom.

A. fifteen B. thirty C. forty D. twenty 43. What's on the wall of the classroom?

A. A map of England. B. A map and a picture.