人教新目标(go for it!)八年级英语上册Unit10知识点大全 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章人教新目标(go for it!)八年级英语上册Unit10知识点大全更新完毕开始阅读099d8cc00a4e767f5acfa1c7aa00b52acec79cf6

But I think talking to someone helps a lot.

但我认为与某人沟通有很大的帮助。(建议积累) 小知识:关于简单的非谓语动词的概念(了解)


那么如今,我们要学习一种新的可以将动词用作主语的方式,即:动词ing形式作句子主语。它常常用于描述经常性的,习惯性动作,以动词的ing形式作句子主语。 说明1:是不是只有动词ing形式可以做句子主语?




说明3:何时用it作形式主语,何时用动词ing形式作主语呢? 答:在某些固定的用法中必须只能用it作形式主语,至于其他一些句子用it作形式主语或动词ing形式作句子主语都可以,不过对于头重脚轻现象明显的句子还是应该用it作形式主语的方式去表达的。同时是否用it作形式主语来表达也取决于句子含义的复杂程度。过于复杂的句子往往没办法通过it作形式主语表达清楚,此时就依然选择动词ing形式作句子主语。 e.g. Talking to people is difficult for me. = It is difficult for me to talk to people. e.g. Talking to people helps a lot. = It is helpful to talk to people. = It is a great help to talking to people.

e.g. Doing math homework can help me to learn math. Unless we talk to someone, we’ll certainly feel worse. 除非我们与某人交谈,不然我们当然会感到糟糕。 小知识:unless引导的真实条件句。

unless 连词,意为“除非···,如果不···”。可用于引导条件状语从句,其意为“除非···,不然···”,“如果不···,就···”。目前只要求掌握其引导的真实条件句,主从句时态规则与书写方式与if引导的真实条件句一致。

e.g. Unless you help me, I will never help you. 除非你帮我,不然我将再也不帮你。

e.g. Leave my home unless you help me. 如果不帮我的话就离开我家。

e.g. You can’t play the guitar well unless you practice it every day. 除非你每天练习吉他,不然你没法弹吉他弹得好。 Laura once lost her wallet, and worried for days. 劳拉曾经丢了她的钱包并且担心了好几天。 回忆:once n. 一次。

小知识:once adv. 曾经。(用于助动词/be动词/情态动词之后,实意动词之前)(常做句子的时间状语) e.g. I was once a student. 我曾经是一名学生。

e.g. I could once buy a pair of jeans for only 4 yuan. 我曾经可以


小知识:wallet n. 钱包,皮夹。(可数)

小知识:worry for days 动词词组,意为“担心好几天”。 e.g. I didn’t pass the English exam. I worried for days. 我没有通过英语考试。我担心了好几天。

She even walked three miles to school each day because she didn’t have any money.


小知识:mile n. 英里。(可数)(说明:和中国人常用的公里是不一样的)

小知识:walk ··· miles to sp. 步行多少英里去某地。 e.g. I walked one mile to the cinema and watched a movie. e.g. John walked three miles home. 约翰步行了三英里到家。 In the end, she talked to her parents and they were really understanding.


小知识:understanding adj. 宽容的,通情达理的。(为元音音素


e.g. She is an understanding person. e.g. She is understanding. 辨析:finally, at last与in the end

1)finally多用于列举事物时,用以引出最后一项内容。 e.g. First, go across Long Street. Next, turn right at the first crossing. Then, go along Bridge Street.

Finally, turn right when you see the library. e.g. First, peel the bananas.

Next, put the bananas in the blender. Then, pour the milk into the blender. Finally, turn on the blender.

2)at last往往指经过重重困难或不愉快的经历后,最终最后如何。(强调为达到目的所做的努力)。 e.g. At last, we ate dinner in a small restaurant.

3)in the end强调事情的结局,有时可与at last换用,但in the end

可以用于将来时,而at last 则不能。 e.g. In the end, we ate dinner in a small restaurant. e.g. In the end, all people will come to my party.

Her dad said he sometimes made careless mistakes himself. 她爸爸说他有事自己犯了粗心的错误。 小知识:careless adj. 粗心的,漫不经心的。

e.g. Children these days are careless. 现今的孩子很粗心/漫不经心。

e.g. She is a careless person. 她是个粗心的人。 小知识:

make a mistake 动词词组,意为“犯(一个)错误”。 make mistakes 动词词组,意为“犯错”

e.g. I am sorry that I made a mistake. It won’t happen again. 小知识:make mistakes (by) oneself 某人自己犯错误。 e.g. I made mistakes (by) myself. 我自己犯了错误。

e.g. John says,“If my friends make mistakes (by) themselves, I will tell them to face the mistakes.”

They got her a new wallet and asked her to be more careful. 他们给她买了一个新钱包并且叫她更加小心些。 小知识:get在口语中有“买”的意思。 复习:ask sb. to do (sth.) 叫某人做某事。 小知识:careful adj. 谨慎的,仔细的,小心的。 e.g. I need to be more careful. e.g. She is a careful person. e.g. She is always careful.

I will always remember to share my problems in the future. 我将会一直记住将来分享我的困难。 小知识:share v. 分享。

常见用法:share sth. (with sb.) 动词词组,意为“(与某人)分享···”

e.g. I would like to share my stories with you. 我想要和你分享我的故事。

e.g. I don’t want to share my secrets with you. 我不想和你分享我的秘密。

Robert Hunt advises students about common problems. 罗伯特亨特在共同性的困难的方面给与学生建议。 辨析:advice与advise

advice为不可数名词,advise为动词。 小知识:advise v. 建议。 常见用法:

1)advise sb. (not) to do (sth.) 建议某人(不要)做某事。 e.g. My father advises me not to swim in the river. e.g. I advise you to talk to your friends.

2)advise sb. about sth. 关于某方面给与某人建议。 e.g. The expert advised my parents about educational problems. 3)advise that ··· should (not) ···


e.g. My father advises that I should not swim in the river. e.g. I advise that you should talk to your friends.

He feels the same way as Laura. 他和劳拉有着同样的感受。(建