2019届高考英语一轮复习Unit1Art单元学案新人教版选修6 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2019届高考英语一轮复习Unit1Art单元学案新人教版选修6更新完毕开始阅读09b77fef8662caaedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4afeb6f8

concentrates on __8__ (write) calligraphy, his inner wellbeing (幸福) is inspired. I had thought computer would lead to the __9__ (disappear) of Chinese calligraphy. Now I understand that's not likely to happen. How can you give your boss computer-printed calligraphy as a gift? You don't, __10__ you want him to fire you!


1.complicated make sth.+adj.“使某物……”。此处意为“使书法变得不再复杂”。 2.making 此处是现在分词作结果状语。

3.created 根据上下文可知,此处叙述的是过去发生的事情,故应用一般过去时态。 4.which 此处是非限制性定语从句,且空格处的关系代词指代前面所说的内容,故用which。

5.a as a result 是固定搭配,意为“结果”。

6.widely 书法被广泛接受。副词widely修饰动词accepted。 7.to raise 修饰抽象名词way要用动词不定式。

8.writing concentrate on doing sth.“集中精力做某事”。此处用动名词作介词on的宾语。

9.disappearance lead to中的to是介词,故其后用名词作它的宾语。 10.unless 根据语境“除非你想让他开除你”可知,应填unless。 Ⅰ.完形填空

(2018·江西八所重点中学联考)A crying little girl stood near a small school from which she had been __1__ because it was too crowded. “I can't go to school,” she said to a teacher as he walked by. Seeing her old __2__ clothes, the teacher took her __3__ the hand and found a seat for her in the class. The child was so __4__ that she went to bed that night thinking of the children who had no place to study.

__5__ two years later, this child lay dead in one of the __6__ tenement buildings she called home and her parents called for the __7__ teacher, who had helped their daughter, to handle the final __8__. As her poor little body was being moved, a worn purse was __9__. Inside was found 57 cents and a note scribbled in childish handwriting which __10__, “This is to help build the school bigger, so more children can go to school.”

For two years she had __11__ for this offering of love. When the teacher __12__ read that note, he knew instantly what he would do. Carrying this note, he told the story of her___13__ love. He decided to __14__ enough money for the larger building.

A newspaper __15__ the story and published it. It was read by a businessman who


__16__ them a piece of land worth many thousand dollars. When __17__ that the school could not pay so much, he offered it for 57 cents.

When you are in the city of Philadelphia, have a look at the school building which __18__ hundreds of pupils. In one of the rooms you may see the picture of the sweet face of the little girl __19__ 57 cents made such a __20__ building. Alongside of it is a portrait of her kind teacher.


1.A.turned up C.turned off

B.turned out D.turned away

解析:选D 由下文可知,由于学校小、学生多,这个贫穷的小女孩被拒绝入校。turn away意为“不准……入内”,符合句意。turn up意为“露面”;turn out意为“证明是;结果是”;turn off意为“转弯”。

2.A.worn C.splendid

B.updated D.expensive

解析:选A 由下文及她两年终于攒了57美分可以看出她的家境非常贫寒。worn意为“破旧的”,符合语境。

3.A.on C.by

B.in D.at

解析:选C 介词by在这里表示触及或抓住人或物的某个部分。 4.A.confused C.touched

B.pleased D.surprised

解析:选C 得到了老师的帮助,小女孩深受感动。touched意为“受感动的”。 5.A.Any C.Certain

B.Some D.Or so

解析:选B 此处表示“大约两年以后”。some表示“大约”,用于数词前。any“任何的”;certain“一定的”;or so也表示“大约”,但一般用于数词之后。

6.A.magnificent C.comfortable

B.beautiful D.poor

解析:选D 由文章可知,小女孩家境非常贫寒,因此D项poor “贫穷的”,符合句意。 7.A.former C.beautiful

B.kind-hearted D.lovely

解析:选B 由第一段第三句以及空后的“who had helped their daughter”可知,这位老师是之前提到的帮助小女孩的那位好心的老师,kind-hearted意为“好心的”,符合语



8.A.arrangement C.amusement

B.achievement D.announcement

解析:选A 小女孩去世了,她的父母请这位好心的老师帮忙安排后事。arrangement意为“筹备,安排”,符合句意。

9.A.recovered C.opened

B.distributed D.discovered

解析:选D 此处指在挪动这个小女孩的尸体时,(他们)发现了一个破旧的钱包。 10.A.spoke C.told

B.read D.wrote

解析:选B 在表示报纸、信件或书面材料等上面的内容时,常用read或say来表示“上面写着,上面说”。

11.A.saved C.lent

B.made D.borrowed

解析:选A 由文章可知,小女孩没有经济来源,这些钱是她从平时的生活中节省下来的。

12.A.gratefully C.tearfully

B.hopefully D.painfully

解析:选C 小女孩家境贫寒,却想攒钱建更大的学校来帮助他人,教师被小女孩无私的爱心感动了。tearfully意为“含泪地”,符合语境。

13.A.unfortunate C.unbelievable

B.unconditional D.unselfish

解析:选D 由小女孩的事迹可知,小女孩的爱是无私的。unselfish意为“无私的”,符合语境。

14.A.earn C.protect

B.raise D.steal

解析:选B 由下文可知,这位老师决定募集善款来修建学校。 15.A.learned from C.learned of

B.heard from D.listened to

解析:选C 句意:一家报社听说了这件事后,将其发表。learn from意为“从……学到……”;hear from意为“收到某人的来信”;listen to意为“听……”。

16.A.offered C.provided

B.delivered D.supplied

解析:选A 句意:一个商人读了这个故事以后,主动提供了一块价值数千美金的土地。


offer sb.sth.意为“主动为某人提供某物”。

17.A.told C.asked

B.paid D.said

解析:选A 状语从句中省略了he was, told在此表示被动,意为“被告知”。 18.A.furnishes C.equips

B.houses D.fills

解析:选B house在此用作动词,意为“提供住处”。 19.A.whose C.which

B.who D.of which

解析:选A 先行词为the little girl, 57 cents属于小女孩所有,因此选whose。 20.A.changeable C.valuable

B.probable D.remarkable

解析:选D 小女孩的57美分建造了这所非凡的建筑。remarkable意为“非凡的”,符合语境。


My doorbell rings at 11 am. On the step, I find an elderly Chinese lady holding the hand of a little boy. In her other hand __1__ (be) a paper bag. She is the little boy's grandmother, and her daughter, Nicole, bought __2__ house next door last October. Nicole has __3__ (obvious) told her mother that I am having a heart operation shortly, and the result is that her mother has decided __4__ (supply) me with meals.

I know what is inside the paper bag — a bottle of hot soup and a __5__ (contain) with a meal of rice, vegetables and meat. It's become a daily occurrence.

Communication __6__ us is somewhat difficult because she doesn't speak English and all I can say in Chinese is hello. Once, she brought an iPad as well as the food. She pointed to the screen, __7__ showed a message from her daughter telling me that her mother wanted to know __8__ the food was all right for me.

So here we are, two grandmothers, neither of __9__ (we) able to speak the other's language but communicating one way or another (with some help from technology). The doorbell keeps __10__ (ring) and there is the familiar brown paper bag, handed smilingly to me.


1.is 句意:她的另一只手中是一个纸袋。联系上下文语境可知,此处应用一般现在时;本句是倒装结构,be动词的单复数与句子的主语a paper bag保持一致。故填is。