七年级英语下册Unit1阶段能力训练(Lessons4 - 6)(新版)冀教版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章七年级英语下册Unit1阶段能力训练(Lessons4 - 6)(新版)冀教版更新完毕开始阅读09bc839bbfd5b9f3f90f76c66137ee06eef94e10

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Unit 1

阶段能力训练(Lessons 4—6)


Do you know Disneyland? How much do you know about __1__? All the children around the world __2__ visiting Disneyland. Now there __3__ six Disneyland theme(主题) parks in the world. There are __4__ in the U. S., and the others are __5__ Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Shanghai.

The __6__ Disneyland is in California, the U. S.There are __7__ great places. In the park, you __8__ enjoy the world in the future. You can __9__ be in ancient times. The sixth Disneyland theme park in Shanghai __10__ to the public(公众) in June, 2016.

( )1.A.them B. its C. it D. it's ( )2.A.hope B. enjoy C. want D. likes ( )3.A.have B. has C. is D. are ( )4.A.one B. two C. three D. four ( )5.A.in B. from C. to D. at

( )6.A.one B. first C. last D. five ( )7.A.a lot B. much C. lot of D. lots of ( )8.A.must B. should C. can D. need

( )9.A.too B. never C. not D. also ( )10.A.will close B. opened

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C. will open D. closed Ⅱ.任务型阅读


Dear Mr. Zhang,

Next week, a group of exchange students(交换生) from the U. S.will come to visit Taizhou. I make a plan for them. We will eat breakfast at our school first. Then we can take them to Mei Lanfang's Former House(故居) by bus. It takes only 25 minutes. They can learn to sing Beijing Opera there.

In the afternoon, we will go to Tiandehu Park and take some photos there. In the park we can have a picnic. Then we will go to the cinema to watch a new film. After that the girls can go to the shopping malls to buy things they like and we will take the boys to our school playground to play football for one and a half hours.

In the evening we will invite(邀请) them for dinner in a restaurant. They can try Chinese food. I'm sure they will have a good time in our city.

Yours love,


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