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7 B, 据说Big Ben 得名于它在1859年修建时候的建造者 Benjamin Hall。 8 B, 威尔士位于大不列颠的西部。首府:加的夫。 9 A, 英国最大的海军基地是普茨茅斯。

10 C, 英国奉行的是两党制。其两大主要政党是保守党和工党。







英国概况 练习题:

1 Which name is NOT related to Britain? A Northern Ireland B Scotland C Wales D Toronto 2 The news agency Reuters was founded in _____. A London B Birmingham C Liverpool D Manchester

3 The tower of London, a historical sight, located in the center of London, was built by _____.

A King Harold B Robin Hood C Oliver Cromwell D William the Conqueror 4 Who were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England? A The Anglo-Saxon B The Normans C The Vikings D The Romans 5 Which is the largest city in Scotland?

A Cardiff B Edinburgh C Glasgow D Manchester 6 In Britain, children from the age of 5 to 16 _____. A can legally receive completely free education B can legally receive partly free education C cannot receive free education at all

D cannot receive free education of their parents are rich 7 The Industrial Revolution started in _____.

A the Great Britain B the United States C Canada D Australia 8 What is the name of Britain’s highest mountain? A Anne Boleyn B Ben Nevis C Snowdonia D Scafell

9 Which is the correct name to use to refer to Britain in a political way? A Great Britain B The British Isles C The United Kingdom D England 10 Britain has, for centuries , been slowly tilting with _____. A the North-West slowly rising and the South-East slowly sinking

B the North-East slowly rising and the South-West slowly sinking C the South-East slowly rising and the North-west slowly sinking D the South-West slowly rising and the North-East slowly sinking 练习题答案及题解:

1 D, 多伦多属于加拿大,与英国无关。 2 A, 路透社创建于伦敦。

3 D, 伦敦塔是1078年为防止罗马入侵由威廉大帝修建的。 4 A, 英国民族的前身是安格鲁萨克森人。 5 C, 格拉斯格是苏格兰最大的城市和经济中心。 6 A, 英国小孩 5—16岁的教育是免费的。 7 A, 工业革命起源于英国。 8 B, 本尼维斯山为英国最高峰。

9 C, 提起英国,很多人会使用名字“Britain”,“England”或“British”,但这往往会惹恼苏格兰人,威尔士人以及北爱尔兰人。从政治角度来讲,“the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”或 “the United Kingdom/UK”是英国正确的叫法。“the British Isles”则是地理意义上的名字,包括Great Britain,the whole of Ireland ( Northern and Southern),the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man 这些岛屿。

10 A, 英国几个世纪以来地势一直在缓慢地倾斜,表现为西北部在慢慢上升,而东南部在慢慢下沉,所以英国的西北部为高地。 转贴于:TEM考试_考试大

【责编:虫 纠错】








1.The Old Man and the Sea is one of the great works by ____

A Jack London B Charles Dickens C Samuel Coleridge D Ernest Hemingway 2.In which novel can \A John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress B Edmund Spencer's The Faerie Queen C Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels

D Henry Fielding's Tom Jones

3.The Catcher in the Rye is written by ____

A J.D. Salinger B Jack London C Flannery O'Connor D Saul Bellow 4.The image of the famous \

A Washington Irving B Fennimore Cooper C Edith Wharton D William Dean Howells 5.The literary spokesman of the Jazz is often thought to be ____ A O'Neil B Pound C Robert Frost DScott Fitzgerald

6.____ is the most important person of the transcendental club. A Hawthorn B Whitman C Emerson D Hemingway

7. The main theme of Emily Dickinson is the following except____ A fridendship B love and marriage C life and death D war and peace 8.Robert Frost is a famous ____

A novelist B playwright C poet D literary critic 9.Dover Beach is written by ____

A Robert Browning B Alfred Tennyson C Mathew Arnold D Dylan Thomas

10.The period from 1865-1914 has been referred to as the ____ in the literary history of the United States.

A Age of Realism B Age of Clasicalism C Age of Romanticism D Age of Renaissance 答案

1.D 《老人与海》是海明威的作品。

2.C Jonathan Swift的Gulliver's Travels(《格列弗游记》)中yahoo暗指人类,集人类丑陋面于一身,服务于动物的一类生物。

3.A The Catcher in the Rye(《麦田里的守望者》)是J.D. Salinger(J.D. 赛琳格)的名著。 4.A henpecked husband 是指“怕老婆的男人”,改典型形象出自Washington Irving 的Rip Van Winkle。

5.D 二十世纪出现Jazz Age,这一代的年轻人物欲膨胀,沉迷酒色。Scott Fitzgerald的 Great Gatsby《了不起的盖茨比》根据时代特征,对深深讽刺了所谓的美国梦。

6.C Emerson是超验主义的重要代表,所著Nature《论自然》代表了他的哲学观。

7.D Emily Dickinson(1709-1784),美国女诗人,终生未嫁。主要诗歌包括:I Could Not Sto for Death还有,I'm Nobody. Who Are You? 诗歌主题为:爱情,自然,友谊,死亡与不朽。

8.C Robert Frost是十九世纪的美国诗人,后因父亲过世已经英国,在新英格兰享有很高名望。主要作品有:The Road Not Taken,Mending Wall。

9.C Dover Beach(《多弗的海滩》)是Mathew Arnold 的作品。

10.A 1865-1914,也就是美国内战结束之后,第一次世界大战爆发之前。这个时候涌现的作家,比如Mark Twain刻画出美国经济政治发展引发的社会现实问题,包括“Gold Rush”。








1 The two areas in Britain where a lot of immigrants live are _____. A London and Cambridge B London and heart of England C Manchester and Birmingham D Edinburgh and Nottingham

2 The flag of the United Kingdom, known as the Union Jack, is made up of _____ crosses. A one B two C three D four

3 Which flower is symbol of England? A Thistle B Shamrock C Daffodil D Rose

4 _____ was the home of the Lake Poets William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor, Coleridge and Robert Southey of 19th century Britain.

A Lough Neagh B Windermere C Lake District D Coniston Water 5 The first known settlers of Britain were the _____. A Iberians B Beaker Folk C Celts D Anglo-Saxons

6 Who invaded and conquered Britain for the first time in 55 BC? A Emperor Claudius B King Alfred C King Ethelred D Julius Caesar

7 Which one is not the reason for the very limited influence of Roman to Britain? A The Romans always treated the Britons as a subject people of slave class.