江苏省南京市2018届高三9月学情调研测试 英语 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章江苏省南京市2018届高三9月学情调研测试 英语更新完毕开始阅读09e5a9f06aec0975f46527d3240c844768eaa05d

三相学习法?三有教学法?高考英语二轮复习?模拟试卷 D Kathie, I remember the first day that 1 met you. I remember the look on your face as you rushed out from your dorm and slammed directly into me. You knocked me over, both metaphorically (比喻地) and physically. You were dressed in a sports bra and tight little shorts and I was suddenly feeling a little bitter that I was picking your roommate up for dinner and not you.

No, it can’t start that way.

Who starts a speech with a memory about what bra someone was wearing? How about this?

I remember staring at the projector image of stars in Astronomy and thinking only of your eyes. I only signed up for Astronomy because you said were taking it. You hadn't said it to me, of course, but to one of your girlfriends. I was behind you in the sandwich line at the student center and l heard you ask that redhead girl—Jessica Randolph, I think her name was. Well, it’s Johnson, now; she’s married with a baby on the way. I heard you ask Jessica if she thought the professor would talk about the possibility of aliens. That was all it took. I signed up for Astronomy almost immediately.

That sounds like I’m a huge stalker (跟踪狂).I won’t share that story. No one wants to hear about aliens and about the stars in your eyes. No one wants to hear about Jessica Johnson. Jessica and her husband will be there today. She'll cry. I’m certain that she’ll cry. A lot of people will, I’d assume.

Will I?

I can't think about that. I don't want to mess things up in front of everyone. All of our family and friends will be there, watching, and I’ve never been good at public speaking.

I remember sitting next to you on the couch while I waited for your roommate to get ready for dinner. She took so long to do her hair and makeup. It was intentional, I think. She thought it was classy to make me wait. You never did.

Anyway, I was waiting for your roommate to be ready for our date. All I wanted to do was put my hand over yours as you changed the channels. Something funny would happen on the television and you'd laugh so hard you'd snort. I loved you even then, I think.

I can't talk about that. People will think Tm a cheater. I never cheated. I was set up with your roommate on a blind date. It was you, you, always you from the moment I saw you until today. I broke up with her that night, I remember. We never even made it out of the parking lot. I don't know what made me do it, I just knew that whenever I closed my eyes I couldn’t picture anything but your face.

Today is so important, so critical. I can't mess up. Not when you’ll be there, so peaceful and lovely. Another, then.

What about the day I proposed? I had planned it out so carefully and nothing went right. The flower order was wrong. I burned my new shirt with the iron. The sweater I had ordered for your stupid dog--the one that read, “will you marry my daddy?”—arrived in the mail just that morning and was two sizes too small. I squeezed him into it anyway, and it somehow made his already giant head look even bigger. Maybe that’s why you couldn't stop laughing when you saw him. You were laughing—loudly--vour dress half on and your nails half painted. I had come to get you for our date too early. I couldn't help it. I was sweating through my burnt shirt and holding wilted flowers, kneeling like a fool. You didn’t say yes or no, but the stars in your eyes were confirmation enough.

I can share that. I’ve shared it a hundred times before. Everyone wanted to know the engagement story, which led us to the altar (圣坛).

The altar.



I stood up there and stammered (口吃)through the speech I had prepared for you—through the promise I had written for you. It was nowhere near as hard as this. My vows (誓言),then, included that eternal drivel, for better or for worse. Till death do us part.

How was I to know?

How was I to know there was another speech to write, another vow to make?

What story do I share, standing before our friends and family—before you? What goodbye can I give that honors your memory? I am selfish with my memories of you. I don’t want to share them.

You are among the stars, now—scattered among the universe that first led me to you. The universe called you home too soon, and I will let the universe praise you highly.

I don’t need a memory to say goodbye. I only need to remember the vow I made then, and the vow I’ll make now.

I’ll see you again.

65. What can be inferred about Jessica Johnson? A. She was the author’s ex-girlfriend. B. She is becoming a mother very soon.

C. She was unpopular with people at college. D. She is attending Kathie’s wedding ceremony.

66. Why does the author say that people will think of him as a cheater? A. Because he shifted his love to another woman. B. Because he fell in love with Kathie at first sight.

C. Because he got to know his ex-girlfriend through a blind-date.

D. Because he put his hand over Kathie’s when waiting for her roommate.

67. What can be inferred from the underlined sentence “your dress half on and your nails half painted”? A. Kathie cared little about her appearance. B. The author arrived early to please Kathie. C. Kathie was too busy with the dog to make up. D. The author couldn’t wait to propose to Kathie. 68. How does the author develop the passage? A. By telling stories. B. By drawing inferences. C. By listing examples. D. By making comparisons. 69. The tone of the author can be described as__________. A. regretful B. affectionate C. objective D. optimistic 70. The author writes this passage to_________. A. win back his wife’s love B. change readers’ attitude to life C. teach readers to accept misfortune D. express his deep love for his wife


请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入了个最恰当的单词。 注意:请将答案写在答题纸上相应题号的横线上。每个空格只填一个单词。

One of the most basic core values is honesty. It impacts our entire life: our jobs, our relationships, our own feelings about ourselves and the actions we take. It can move us forward and allow us to feel good about what we do. It sets an example for our children and it influences the people around us. W. Clement



Stone’s quote is a perfect example of honesty. “Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right.” These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity (正直).

“Have the Courage to Say No”

Saying “no” can be a difficult thing to do at times. When a good friend or a family member forces us to do something that we know is dishonest, it takes courage to say no. You will find people will make fun of you saying, what is the big deal, or, no one will know. You need to have self-respect to stand for what you believe is the right thing to do. In the long run you will be glad you did!

“Have the Courage to Face the Truth”

Sometimes the truth hurts and we want to deny it or not believe it. But, we have a responsibility to face it and accept it. There are those who would prefer to take the easy way out and just ignore it. And sometimes by accepting the truth we find it difficult but by doing this we are showing integrity.

“Do the Right Thing Because It Is Right”

We all know in our hearts what the right thing to do is. But again sometimes it is peer pressure, or the easy way out that can be tempting to not do the right thing. Honesty in Action

I saw honesty in action when I was in a Wal-Mart store. There was a teenage girl ahead of me. She paid for her items and left. As the cashier was ringing in my items, the teenage girl came to return the extra $5 the cashier had mistakenly given to her. The cashier was shocked that the teenager returned it. She thanked the teenager for her honesty. Once the teenager left, the cashier said to me, “That is a rare occurrence.” It made me smile to be a witness to such honesty. This was a true example of “doing the right thing”.

Another story involved an individual who left a firm that engaged in questionable practices. He was selling advertising space, however, the magazine was not being published on a regular basis. But he was expected to sell the advertising as if the magazine was published weekly. Although, he needed the money to support his family, he was unwilling to work for a firm that had questionable practices so he resigned.

In both of these examples, the people could have chosen a different action, but their own values allowed them to make a choice that they could be proud of! The direction of our lives comes down to the choices we make. Honesty is not only doing the right thing; it is living with yourself with the choices you make.

Honesty--A Core Value > Importance of honesty > Honesty plays an important Dart in all (71) ________of our life. Honesty not only (72)_______ ourselves but also influences people around. ·11·

三相学习法?三有教学法?高考英语二轮复习?模拟试卷 > Have the Courage to Say No Have the Courage to Face the truth Do the Right Thing Because It Is Right (75)________ to what you think is right. Refuse to do anything dishonest, even when (73)_______ with the pressure from friends or family members. > Keys to living with honesty Face up to the truth instead of ignoring it (74)________ it sometimes hurts. > > Honesty in action > (76) _______herself given an extra change. a teenage girl returned it without hesitation. Knowing that the magazine failed to come out (77) _______, a man refused to sell what he had no trust in. > It is our own (78) _______that help us make the right decision. The direction of our life is (79)_____ by our own choices. Honesty accompanies us all (80)_______ our life if you choose to live with it. Conclusion > >



Chinese student praised for inspiring US graduation speech

Receiving her Master of Science in Math Finance from Boston University, Cai Yujing, who comes from Nanjing city in east China's Jiangsu Province, spoke about her hometown and family members present at the ceremony, and then shared her 6-year experience studying with students from different cultural backgrounds.

In her 7-minute speech, Cai talked about how she adapted to the diverse community at the Questrom School of Business and established mutual understanding with fellow students.

Overcoming awkwardness, nervousness, and even occasional anger when exchanging ideas with people from different countries, she said she also experienced the joy of sharing, inspiring and embracing(接纳)each other, adding that such an experience opened her mind to learning about and embracing diversity.

Cai's speech won a lot of praise online with some saying her address highlighted the positive perspective of Chinese students.


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