江苏省苏锡常镇四市2018届高三5月调研(二模)英语试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章江苏省苏锡常镇四市2018届高三5月调研(二模)英语试题更新完毕开始阅读0a1415ee370cba1aa8114431b90d6c85ec3a88f0

two of us would laugh until we thought we couldn’t stand it another minute. Then after we got calm, she’d say it again. You should have been there. It was the kind of day and friendship and occasion that made me deeply regretful that I had to grow up.

It is fun.

58. What does the author mainly want to talk about in this passage? A. The definition of fun. B. The importance of fun. C. The best way to find fun.

D. The common occasions to find fun.

59. When the author tells us to “treat fun reverently”, she is encouraging us to . A. look forward to having fun B. show great respect for fun C. have fun less frequently D. teach others how to have fun6

60. Who would benefit most from the article? A. Those who have great fun in big occasions. B. Those who prefer friendship to having fun. C. Those who are worried about not having fun. D. Those who regret having grown up.


An eclipse happens when one heavenly body such as a moon or planet passes into the shadow of another heavenly body. There are two types of eclipses on Earth: lunar eclipses and solar eclipses.

The moon orbits Earth and, at the same time, Earth orbits the sun. Sometimes Earth moves between the sun and the moon. When this happens, Earth blocks the light from the sun. This is an eclipse of the moon—a lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse can occur only when the moon is full and can be seen from Earth at night.

There are two types of lunar eclipses: total lunar eclipses and partial lunar eclipses.

A total lunar eclipse occurs when the moon and the sun are on exact opposite sides of Earth. The moon is in Earth’s shadow and the sunlight passes through Earth’s atmosphere, which causes Earth’s atmosphere to filter or block out most of the blue light. However, a partial lunar eclipse happens when only a part of the moon enters Earth’s shadow. What people see from Earth during a partial lunar eclipse depends on how the sun, Earth and moon

are lined up.

A lunar eclipse usually lasts for a few hours. At least two partial lunar eclipses happen every year, but total lunar eclipses are rare. It is safe to look directly at a lunar eclipse although a pair of binoculars can certainly help the viewer appreciate the beauty of this phenomenon.

Sometimes when the moon orbits Earth, it moves between the sun and Earth. When this happens, the moon blocks the light of the sun from reaching Earth. This causes an eclipse of the sun, or solar eclipse. During a solar eclipse, the moon casts a shadow onto Earth.

There are three types of solar eclipses: total solar eclipses, partial solar eclipses and annular eclipses(日环食). During a solar eclipse, the moon casts two shadows on Earth. Solar eclipses happen once every 18 months. Unlike lunar eclipses, solar eclipses only last for a few minutes

Scientists use solar eclipses as an opportunity to study the sun’s corona(日冕). The corona is the sun’s top layer. During an annular eclipse, NASA (the U. S. space agency) uses ground and space instruments to view the corona when the moon blocks the sun’s glare. The sudden blocking of the sun during an eclipse reduces the light and changes the temperature on the ground. This creates conditions that can affect local weather and animal behavior.

It’s important to never look directly at the sun—it can permanently damage your eyes! Solar radiation that occurs during an eclipse of the Sun can cause a form of burns of one’s eyes known as eclipse blindness. In fact, the only way to safely view a solar eclipse is by using specially-designed equipment. 61. What can we know about “a lunar eclipse”?

A. I may create conditions that can affect local weather and animal behavior. B. It can be seen when the moon and the sun are on exact opposite sides of Earth. C. It usually happens once every 18 months and only lasts for a few minutes each time. D. It happens when the moon blocks the light from the sun, which causes the moon to shine. 62. Which of the following cam replace the underlined word “glare”? A. heat B. shadow C. shine D. radiation

63. It can be inferred from the passage that . A. people will experience a temperature drop when lunar eclipses happen B. eclipses are the result of the shadow cast by the moon onto Earth

C. total lunar eclipses are more difficult to observe than other types of lunar eclipses D. there can be eclipses even if the three heavenly bodies are not exactly lined up 64. Why is it safer to watch a lunar eclipse than a solar eclipse? A. Because moonlight is not as strong as sunlight. B. Because a lunar eclipse lasts longer than a solar eclipse.

C. Because special equipment can be employed to view a lunar eclipse. D. Because a lunar eclipse has much more steady light than solar eclipse.


The eyeliner makes the dark circles less pronounced. The lipstick hides the trembling. The ponytail (马尾辫) masks missing patches of hair. I might look a bit thinner, but everyone will ask about my new diet. One hour of preparation and I look like myself. One hour out of 24. Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth it—wasting a twenty-fourth of my day on a lie.

Checking my makeup one last time, I slip on a cute pair of flats- heels are too dangerous with shaky legs—and grab my Hollister bag. Walking downstairs, I breathe in the sweet smell of waffles and juice.

“Morning, Mom,” I call.

“Moring, baby,” she sings. “Did you sleep well?” “Better than I have been.”

She sighs, and her eyes look a hundred years old for a minute. “Any improvement is good,” she says half-heartedly. “Of course.” “I made waffles.”

“Thanks, Mom. Smells delicious.”

I sit at the table and she hands me a plate. The thought of all that food turns my stomach, but I force a smile and

thank my mother again. She busies herself at the sink and fills the silence with chatter. When she turns around, she takes in the waffles still on my plate, only missing a few bites. I smile apologetically.

“I’m not very hungry this morning.”

“You’ll need your strength for this afternoon. Morrison will wait for you.” She bites her lip. “I packed your lunch.”

“I’m 18, Mom. I can pack my own lunch. You have more important things to do. ”

She reaches for the paper bag. “But now I know you’ll have something to eat. And you need to eat, okay? You

have to keep your strength up.”

Sighing, I take the bag. I know this peanut butter and jelly sandwich won’t be eaten, not any more than the one yesterday or the day before. And even if I do eat it, I’ll just throw it up later.

“Honey, have you thought about what I said the other day?” she asks. I remain silent.

“Sweetheart, you can’t hide the secret forever. Eventually you’re going to miss school and people will start asking questions.”

“Mom, I have two months left of high school. I can make it till then. I’m class president. I was voted ‘Most popular’, ‘Best smile’ and ‘Most likely to succeed’. I’m the girl who’s got it all together. People don’t want to know that the girl w ho’s got it all together doesn’t have it all together. People don’t want to know that girl is to be parted!”

“Honey, don’t say that. You’re not. . .”

“Yes, I am. You heard Dr. Morrison. I have maybe a year left. But that means I can graduate and then never see those people again. I’ ll depart and they’ll feel sorry for me, but at least I won’t have to tolerate their pity.”

“But. . .” she tries to interrupt.

“Mom, listen to me. I don’t want to be the girl everyone looks at and whispers, ‘Look at her. Poor thing. She has cancer. ’I can’t handle that. I want to be normal. Just for these last two months.”

“Okay,” she whispers. “Okay. Just remember, it’s okay if you don’t have it all together. Sometimes things just fall apart and there’s nothing we can do.”

“Thanks, Mom.” I grab my bag and lunch and kiss her on the check. “①”

“②” she replies. This exchange, once taken for granted, is now a vital part of every morning, every afternoon, and every night. Three little words, followed by four more, have come to mean more than an entire conversation. They bridge all gaps and disagreements, because we both know there is now a restricted number left.

Keys in hand, I open the door and blink(眨眼)in the early morning sun. Perfect. 65. The underlined word “half-heartedly” implies . A. the mom is worried about her daughter’s mood B. the mom believes her daughter slept well last night C. the mom is too busy doing her housework a that time

D. the mom knows there is no improvement in her daughter’s health 66. Why doesn’t the girl want to eat the food Mom packs for her lunch? A. Because she doesn’t like the smell of the food.