综合英语教程5(第三版邹为诚)大三上期末复习材料1.1 联系客服

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简版 苏明教育出版社

总主编: 苏 明

主 编: 丘马金 王承水 王 萍 魏秀洪 周书松 校 编: 何 凯

(PS:1、重点的★ 查询的☆ 2、此版本为先行版,后续另作补充 3、转载请注明出处~)

Unit1 P1-32王承水

1、It is, therefore, a political as well as a personal issue with many social and economic repercussion. ★n.(间接的)影响,反响,恶果 [impact, effect ]

2、National policy directives are not carried out to the full or in quite the same way across the country. ★n.指示,命令[pointing, indication, commands, prescription, instruction] 3、They receive little, if any, funding from the government but have to adhere to certain national education standards.

★坚持,遵守,遵循[stick fast, stay, advocate ] 4、A potted history of the state provision of education. ★ n.提供;供给;供应品 [item, preparation, arrangement, preliminary ] 5、This was built on over the decades by a succession of Arts of Parliament which extended state, making it compulsory for increasing numbers of young people to attend schools for longer periods of time. 一连串,一系列,连续的人(或事物)[ a series, several things in row, sequence ]

6、These moves were assisted by the gradual outlawing of child labor. ★v..宣布···不合法 [ illegalize, illegalise, criminalize, criminalise ] 7、During the 1960s, the shortcomings of this selection procedure were too obvious to ignore and 11-plus was phased out in most places. ★逐步废除 [ terminate gradually ] 8、Comprehensive education finally became the norm in the state system albeit with local variations. ★虽然,尽管 [ even if, although, while, though, as, if ]

9、Another reform was allowing schools to “opt out” of LEA control if sufficient parents and school governors were in favour.

★v.选择 [ to choose, to make a choice ]

10、Every August when GCSE examination results are released this debate resurface, especially as increasing numbers of school pupils gain passes with higher grades. ★v. 重现[ emerge repeatedly, appear again ]

11、Problems of funding will persist as more people become involved in education at different levels and higher education in particular will probably have to be even more self-financing.

★v.顽强地坚持;维持;保持[ prevail, endure, persevere, hang in, hang on, hold on, remain, stay ]

12、I remember, and some things you calculated with your mind and there was something like a quiz bee every week. 或:They even give me queen bee. ★n.竞赛[ quiz ]

13、But she was not having it. ★[ accept, take ] 14、They have laid down over a dozen rules for me.

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☆制定[draw up,formulate,draft,constitute]

15、but they just told me, “stick out this rough spell because life will be fine once you have got into college.” ★[ endure,stay with the end ] 16、My mother said that if I wrote a book she would let me off taking the entrance exams. ★宽恕某人[pardon, allow someone to get away without punishment ] 17、It is really getting me down— not being able to read any literature is murder, and I can only write in my dreams.

★[ depress, discourage ]

18、My father gave me an earful and he even said… ★ [ 给某人一个令人吃惊的回答give sb. a hash, severe verbal rebuke] 19、When you have bashed your head against a brick wall till it's cut and bleeding you can't take any more. ★ v. [ strike ]

20、It would be great if some murder bumped me off. v.[ kill ,murder]

21、I feel I'm a sheep carrying my own meat along the road, and I'm dead beat. ★ [ idiom. defeated, exhausted ]

22、and had to come home for abortions on the quiet.

★[secretly, quietly ]

23、They invited these students to give reflections on their school lives. ★[express careful consideration仔细思考] 24、Fu yawen is a quite, cultured girl of eighteen ★[well educated 有教养的] 25、disruptive: adj. causing disorder or turmoil破坏的;扰乱的;分裂性的

26、expel: vt. drive or force out ; discharge or eject 驱逐,赶走;除名;排出(气体)

Unit2 P33-60魏秀洪 1、The uncle wanted to make the kitten a champion killer of mice.

★ n.[first rate ]

2、I can judge one of the main effects of personal grading by the attitudes of students who land in my remedial course in college. ☆n.补习班[cram school ]

3、The uncle wanted to teach it that such fraternizing with the enemy was wrong ,so he slapped the kitten ,scolded it ,and sent it away in disgrace. ☆结交,亲敌[being friendly ]

4、You go to a great school not for the art of indicating assent or dissent in graduated terms……P34 ★[arranged in degrees,esp.successively]

5、But the fantasy of what I would have liked to learn as a child may be revealing,since I feel unequipped by education for problems that lie outside the cloistered , literary domain.

★[a.隔离的 sheltered ]

6、I would want to have been instructed in singing and in playing an instrument by ear. [凭听觉]

7、…..P34(the esoteric and purely self-defensive style of judo) [难懂的,深奥的]

8、I would want to have been instructed in prestidigitation.

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9、I would want to have been instructed in ventriloquism.


10、It does not promise a generation of Aristotles or Newtons , of Napoleons or Washingtons , of Raphaels or Shakespeares , though such miracles of nature it has before now contained within its precincts . ★[ n.boundary]

11、It prepares him to fill any post with credit, and to master any subject with facility. ★[n.ease]

12、It teaches him to disentangle a skein of thought……P35 ★[understand a complex idea ] 13、It teaches him to detect what is sophistical and to discard what is irrelevant. ☆[a.脆弱的sophistic]

14、Yet many educators cried foul ,citing other evidence that slowed more students doing better academically than ever before . [叫屈,喊冤]

15、Reagan said.“Racial segregation.Sex discrimination.Lack of opportunity for the handicapped.” ☆[隔离separation]

16、“Groups that had lagged ways behind and had not had access to good public education were making significant strides during the same time period. [落后;]

17、The auto industry , for example,had been losing around to Japanese manufacturers since the 1970s. ★[be beaten by]

18、They, in return , cracked down on students . [镇压,制裁;强迫]

19、And to ensure that students were meeting these new standards, an era of high -stakes testing was born. ★[high risk or reward]

20、While many debates the dire conclusions of “A Nation At risk”,argued that reform was needed in some schools.

★[a. sad, gloomy and dreadful]

21、While introducing concepts such as consumer choice and economic competition

22、 Inject competition into American’s urban school system was the strategy behind on experiment already under way in east Harlem

23、cave space:set some space aside for a special purpose 24、Mediocre:not understanding,average in quality 25、high-caliber students:students with better ability 26、the bottle line:the most important principle 27、consumer choice


Unit3 P61-75周书松 ☆★ 1、We spiced our play with a legend about an alligator that had crawled all the way up from Miramar and lay in wait for us somewhere in a deep pool of the arroyo—a monster no less real because he lived only in our imagination.

★vt. [make more interesting or flavorful使增加趣味]

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2、The diver kicked off and let go as high as he could swing,his naked brown body twisting through the air like a split string bean. ★vt.[ cut, ripped, separate ]

3、Sometimes a sword or a spear missed the cactus pad and poked the bull in the stomach or some more sensitive spot.

★vt.[ prod ,push]

4、They had to sit for hours to have their hair braided. ☆[梳辫子]

5、They were taught to halter the burros and water them at the arroyo. ☆[用绳子套住]

6、Sitting high on a boulder just above the pond I could see them,with a white skirt pulled up and pinned over one shoulder,slapping the clothed on the rocks,dipping them in the water and wringing them. ★vt.[榨取,拧干 twist,compress]

7、In this way the girl was staked out and every other young man in the pueblo was on notice. ★vt.[宣布所有权to claim as one’s own ;监视spy] 8、alco was a small,tight town and you could easily be caught shadowing the girl or even speaking to her. ★vi.[follow ]

9、But you were not ready to take the risks of going steady in Jalco until you had proved yourself a man at work. ★[维持关系稳定date someone exclusively] 10、When the trail had roughened and calloused the feet of the boy,he would do the same. ★[v.变粗糙 harden; 无情的uncaring , unsympathetic] 11、Not all the campesinos in Jalcocotan,or in all the pueblos on the mountain together took out so much that the monte and the arroyo could not replenish themselves. ★[ v.补充,添加refill,restore ] 12、They cut sugarcane,herded cattle,butchered steers,tended the crops,gathered coconuts for the soap works,and cleared land a puro macbetazo—with your bare hands and a machete. ★[tend (sheep or cattle)放牛羊]

13、The business of the capataz was to keep the peonanda,as the crews of field hands were called,hustling at the assigned tasks.

★[ vi.move or act energetically and rapidly逼迫,促使 ]

14、He either returned to his pueblo,his compadres and his milpa in some far-off place in the mountains,or he scratched for a living,lost in the forest. ★[vt.gather funds or produce a living with difficulty度日,维生 ] 15、The near side of the pond was shallow and fringed with reeds and tall clumps of grass that blossomed with plumes of cream colored fluff. ☆[用......装饰边缘]

16、In your bare feet you sank up to the ankle and by wriggling your toes you could raise oozy. ☆[扭动]

17、Trampling and squishing the mud . ★[n.挤压,蜿蜒squeeze, squash] 18、They hopped into deep water or slithered away in the grass. ☆[slip溜,滑]

19、There was a free -for -all. 混战 ★[自由的局面n.a fight , argument, contest, etc.] 20、If the commotion got out of the hands of the master of the corrida. ☆[out of control失控] 苏明教育出版社- 第 4 页 共 4 页