(16份试卷合集)甘肃省平凉市名校高中2020届英语高二下学期期末模拟试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章(16份试卷合集)甘肃省平凉市名校高中2020届英语高二下学期期末模拟试卷更新完毕开始阅读0a4985ed8f9951e79b89680203d8ce2f00666584

the most part,coffee drinking sounds good for health.Not to mention I need coffee to stay awake.\32.What is the people's attitude towards the effects of coffee on health according to Paragraph 1?





33.What does the underlined word \A.Personal.




34.What can we infer about Harwood? A.He'll keep on drinking coffee.

B.He loves his high school life. D.He has some health problems.

C.He often falls asleep in class.

35.What would be the best title for the text? A.Why People Love Coffee?

B.How Coffee Affects Health?

D.The New Findings of Heart Disease

C.The Culture of Coffee Drinking



How to Set Goals

Whether you have small dreams or high expectations,setting goals allows you to plan how you want to move through life.Some achievements can take a lifetime to attain,while others can be pleted in a day._36_

●Determine your life goals.Ask yourself some important questions about what you want for your life.What do you want to achieve: today,in a year,in your lifetime?The answers to this question can be as general as \

●Set specific goals.Be specific and realistic about what it is that you want to achieve.Research shows that setting a specific goal makes you more likely to achieve it._38_For example,\healthier\too big and vague to be a helpful goal.\want to eat more vegetables,and I want to run a marathon.\

●Write out your goals.Be detailed,be clear,and include your steps._39_Keep your list in a place where you can get informed frequently.This will help keep you motivated.

●_40_You may find yourself set in your ways concerning broad life goals,but take the time to re-evaluate your smaller goals.Are you acplishing them according to your timeline?Are they still necessary to keep you on track towards your larger life goals?Allow yourself the flexibility to make some small changes to your goal. A.Adjust your goals.

B.Track and measure your progress.

C.Having deadlines will keep you motivated.

D.Consider what you hope to achieve in 10,15,or 20 years. E.Here are some important ideas that you may find helpful. F.Writing them down tends to make them feel a little more real. G.Remember that you may need to break large goals into smaller goals. 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)


Not many people can say they've been hit by a vehicle,but I can.I rode my bike to my daily_41_practice in a gym last summer.I crossed the street as the light_42_;however,a young woman_43_me with her fancy racing car. Like James Bond in a very_44_situation,I rolled across the hood(引擎罩)onto the other side of the car.You may wonder_45_a woman driver could be so careless.The truth is that the woman was on her phone while driving,so her _46_was clearly drawn away from driving and caused the accident.

After assessing my_47_and believing that all my bones were undamaged in any way,I_48_and talked to the woman driver.I could tell she was obviously quite_49_,as was I.After assuring her of my well-being,we_50_ways.

_51_my surprisingly shabby bicycle,I went on my way.I rode into the_52_only 20 minutes late.Upon my arrival, my tennis coach and friends asked me why I was late.Nervously,I_53_the car accident.Everyone seemed to be far more_54_than I was.In fact,I_55_joked,saying that now I know how the squirrels feel after a nice escape.

After this_56_,I realize the importance of bike lanes and watching out for pedestrians. Now as I drive,I always_57_for people on bikes so that they do not_58_the same fate(命运)that I did_59_,for all the bikers and runners out there,watch out for cars,as one small mistake could_60_an unforgivable mistake. 41.A.football




42.A.permitted B.broke 43.A.passed 44.A.romantic 45.A.how

C.appeared D.exploded




B.humorous C.awkward D.dangerous



D.where D.excitement

46.A.passion 47.A.needs

B.attention C.interest

B.behaviors C.injuries D.conclusions

48.A.stood up 49.A.rude 50.A.parted

B.walked away C.lay down D.blew up B.cautious C.forgetful D.scared

C.explored D.changed C.Putting aside D.Giving away

D.bike store


51.A.Turning in B.Picking up 52.A.garage 53.A.avoided

B.parking lot C.gym


C.prevented D.mentioned

54.A.grateful 55.A.still 56.A.attempt

B.inspired C.anxious D.curious B.even



B.sacrifice C.exploration D.accident B.work out Ce out D.set out



57.A.look out 58.A.accept 59.A.Thus 60.A.repeat

B.deserve B.However B.cause

C.Otherwise D.Also C.correct




Many of my friends like fall and take it as their favorite season.Last weekend,I went outdoors and soon_61_ (find) a deeper appreciation for this season.

The change of leaf colors is a mon reason given_62_the love of fall.Each tree reacts_63_(different) to the change of the season.Some shed their leaves in hopes of reproducing;however,other_64_(tree) remain green for as long as possible to gain additional energy from the sun to survive the winter.This effect_65_(call) the flight-or-fight response.

Fall is a time of_66_(reflect) and preparation for the year ahead.I have found a meaning of fall for me.I'm_67_ 18 year-old boy in the final year of high school and my life is a work in progress.There are times I want to give up, but then I look around me and realize life keeps_68_(move).The natural cycle of life is beautiful and doesn't stop growing so I have to learn to keep up.

The meaning of fall is different for each person I encourage you_69_(go) out to follow some path or sidewalk and discover_70_fall means to you. 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)




修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


I am writing to tell you anything about the transportation in China.Over the past few decades we have developed an amazed network of public transportation.Besides,we have been decided to make efforts to make them much better.I am sure a network will satisfy your needs for traveling everywhere more convenient.People usually chose the means of transportation based with some aspects,such as the cost and the time needed.For example, businessmen are more likely travel by plane or high—speed train to save time while office worker tend to take buses or drive to work themselves.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

假定你是李华,从上得知一美国中学正在招募中国中学生志愿者。本次招募旨在通过络帮助美国学生体验中国春节。请用英语写一封电子邮件提出申请,内容包括:1.愿意参加;2.自身优势;3.计划与期望。 注意:1.词数100左右;




1-5 CBAAC 6-10 BAABC 11-15 CCACB 16-20 BACBA 21-25 DBABC 41-45 BACDA 61.found

26-30 DACBC 46-50 BCADA


31-35 ADCAB 51-55 BCDCB

36-40 EDGFA 56-60 DACDB

65.is called

63.differently 64.trees 68.moving 69.to go

66.reflection 短文改错:

67.an 70.what

I am writing to tell you anything about the transportation in China.Over the past few decades we have developed an amazed network of public transportation.Besides,we have been decided to make efforts to make them

amazing 去掉been it much better.I am sure a network will satisfy your needs for traveling everywhere more