上海版牛津英语五年级下Unit2教案 联系客服

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课题:Unit2 Our new home ① 班级: 姓名: 小组: 时间: 学习目标 1.知识与技能:帮助学生学习新词和 独立完成导学案。利用教材配套磁带学句型。 法或光盘来听书上的单词和句子,反复练2.过程与方法:能正确书本课所学有指习,并在课堂的小组活动中和小组成员对导 关月份及日期的四会词和四会句。 比发音,练习使用本课功能语言。对于仍3.情感态度与价值观:通过情景学习,使学生体会到过生日的意义。 自学导航 不能解决的疑惑,向全班同学和老师请教。 教学流程 教学重点: 词汇:why,because,study,diningroom 教学难点: 句型:Do you like…?I like… Why? Because 专题一 Think and answer Think and answerQuestions:1. Where are Sally and her father? 2. What are they talking about? 教学策略: 引导学生小组交流合作探索。 教学准备: 导学案 课件 课时安排: 1课时 基础题:新课标同步演练 探究题:新课标拓展延伸 板书设计: Unit2 Our new home why,because,study,diningroom Do you like…?I like… theirs专题二 Think and match hishers Why? Because 教学流程: 一、. Warm up Whose umbrella is this?It’s _______’s. Enjoy a song 《Where is it?》 (Let the students do “on、in、under” with the hands) 专题三 Read and match 沪教版牛津英语5BM1U2

二、Learning target colouredmarkerscrayonspaintscolourpencils Today, We’ll learn the new words about home、sofa、come、kitchen、bedroom and living room. We can read the story,act the story and recite the story. Come on! 三、Free talk Now, Let’s speak in English. T: Hello, I’m Miss Que, What’s your name? S: I’m … T: Nice to meat you , … Ss: Nice to meat you , Miss Que. T: Good morning, boy/girl, Look at my …What colour is it ? S: It’s .... T: What about his/her …? S: It’s… T: Do you like animals? S: Yes,I do. T: I like cats,what about you? S: I like… T: The cats can jump, I can jump, Can you jump? S: Yes. T: Let’s jump!(Ss jump) T: I can jump, I like sports. And I like playing games.Do you like playing games. S: Yes. T: Now ,Let’s play a game. 四、Fun time. T: When you see a picture,speak English. When you see a word,spell it. When you see a phrase or a sentence,read loudly. When you see a bomb,沪教版牛津英语5BM1U2

stand up,clap your hands and say “Bomb”. Ready? Go! 五、Presentation. 1、(Fun time最后一张:home) Teach: home (show picture)T: Whose home is it ? S: It’s Su hai and Su Yang’s home.(师引导说完整) 张贴人物板书 2、T:Look, where are Su Hai and SuYang? S: They’re in the living room. Teach: living room.(拼读) Chant: Living room, living room. In the living room. T: Su Hai, Su Yang and Mum are in the living room,What can you see in the living room? S1:Some /many boxes. S2:A sofa —— Teach: sofa沙发 S3:Two carriers—— T: Yes, they’re moving into a new home Teach: new home. 揭题:Today,we’ll learn Unit5 Our new home. 3、T: What are Su Hai and Su Yang doing? Watch the cartoon and choose. A: They’re cleaning the new house. B: 我的收获及困惑 They’re looking for their things.(√) 小组评价 独立思考 认真完成☆☆☆ 字迹工整 书写美观☆☆☆ 善于倾听 乐于表达☆☆☆ 及时纠错 补充归纳☆☆☆ 沪教版牛津英语5BM1U2

课题:Unit2 Our new home ② 班级: 姓名: 小组: 时间: 学习目标 1.知识与技能:通过Listen and say 独立完成导学案。利用教材配套磁带学中关于新家的对话,巩固本单元的核心句法或光盘来听书上的单词和句子,反复练指习,并在课堂的小组活动中和小组成员对型。 导 2.过程与方法:让学生从口头表达过比发音,练习使用本课功能语言。对于仍渡到笔头练习, 3.情感态度与价值观:综合运用本单元所学的知识和技能。 自学导航 教学流程 教学重点: 词汇:all day, why, because, study, dining room 教学难点: 句型:Why do you like it? 询问对方喜欢某物的原因,并用Because ……说明自己喜欢某物的原因。 教学策略: 引导学生通过对话,学生小组内对 话,引导学生通过阅读抓住关键信息,能够通过本单元的问句,来询问对方的生日信息。 教学准备: 导学案 课件 课时安排: 1课时 作业设计: 基础题:新课标同步演练 探究题:新课标拓展延伸 板书设计: 不能解决的疑惑,向全班同学和老师请教。 专题一 Complete and act Complete and actSally and her dad are at their new home.Dad: Do you _____________________________?Sally: Yes. It’s nice. _______________________.Dad: Why _________________________?Sally: Because ________! ______________, Dad?Dad: I like the study.Sally: _______________________________?Dad: ________________. I can _________________.Where are Peter and Paul?Sally: They’re ___________. _________________. Do you know why?Dad: Why, Sally?Sally: ____________________________ all day!专题二 Write and say Step 1: Think about your home.Step 2: Draw a mind map.Step 3: Write about your home.Step 4: Share in the class. 专题三 Write and say、