七年级英语下册 Unit 2 Neighbours试题 (新版)牛津版 联系客服

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1. Something is wrong with Mike’s old watch.(改为同义句)

_______________________________________________________________ 2. Nick is lucky to go to college.(改为同义句)


3. Wang Hong wants to be a college student after her school.(对画线部分提问)


4. Mr. Wei fixes the bicycle for us in the afternoon.(对画线部分提问)

________________________________________________________________ 5. The little boy in red clothes is my new friend.(对画线部分提问) _________________________________________________________________ 二、根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。 1. 我长大了也要当一名志愿者。

I _____________________________ when I grow up. 2. 你愿意帮助我们解决英语学习方面的困难吗?

Would you like ________________________________ our English study? 3. 今天放学后以后,我打算去购物中心买东西。

I’m going to the shopping mall ___________________ after school today.

4. 我们乐意帮助他人解决各种各样的问题。

We __________________________ others with all kinds of problems. 5. 有人正在拜访老年人们,咱们去看一看他们是谁。

__________________________ the old people. Let’s go and see who they are. 三、单项选择

( )1. Sometimes we need _______to talk to.

A. someone B. anyone C. everyone D. something ( )2. Usually we _______a class meeting on Friday afternoon. A. have B. there are C will have D. are going to have

( )3. -_______ is Jack? - He is fixing his bike in the garden. A. When B. Where C What D. How

( )4. - Is Millie going to read in the reading club this afternoon? - No, ____.

A. she is B. she isn't C. she will D. she won't

( )5. Peter often helps his sister with_______ homework


A. her B. she C. hers D.his ( )6. You can get_______ in the centre if you want.

A. a help B. help C some helps D. helps

七年级下册导学案 七下 Unit 2 Grammar

学案 一.通过预习了解下列单词和短语的意思。

a) shall______________ b) plate _____________ c) fire_______________

d) take an umbrella with sb______________________ e) wait for___________________________________ f) visit one’s new neighbour_____________________ g) watch a film next Friday______________________ h) see the doctor______________________________ i) the day after tomorrow_______________________ j) make a fire________________________________ k) cook some food____________________________ 二.小组讨论回答下列问题:

a) 一般将来时的构成:______________________________________ b) 什么情况下用一般将来时?________________________________ c) 在英语中有哪些表示将来的时间短语?

________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________


1.迟到______________________ 2.生火_________________________ 3.买一些食物________________ 4.煮一些食物___________________ 5.需要一些帮助_______________ 6.决定做某事__________________ 7.计划外出一周_____________ 8.等我回电话____________________ 四、单词拼写

1. Today a lot of v_______ will come to our school. 2. We need some more p_______ and forks for the dinner.


3. There is no smoke without f_______.

4. My toy car is broken. Can you help me_______(修理)it? 5. Young people can learn a lot of useful skills in_______(学院). 五、根据句意及提示完成单词

1. I _______(wait) for you at the bus stop this evening.

2. They _________(not meet ) each other in the street in an hour. 3. Tomorrow_________ (be) Sunday.

4. _______ you _______(buy) some food from the food shop next Sunday? 5. What ____the students ______(do)? They are planting trees. 6. How about _____(read) under the tree? 7. It’s cold here. Let’s ______(make) a fire. 8. _____ you _____(bring) me some paper? Yes, I will. 9. Who _____(cook) dinner for you? My mother does. 10. It’s eight o’clock. We _______(be) late. 六、默写下列课文中的句子。 1.今天下午将会下雨。 2.我将带把雨伞。

3.我打算拜访我们的新邻居。 4.她打算下周五看这部电影。 5.九点钟了,我们要迟到了。 6.我认为将会下雨。

7.我和我父母计划后天和我叔叔一家外出一天。 8.他将生火。


七下Unit 2 Grammar



1. Mr White _________(take) you to Shanghai next month. I want to go with you.

2. There __________(not be) a new film in the cinema tomorrow evening. 3. -Where _____________ they _____________(dance) this afternoon? -At the school dancing club.

4. He ______________(come) to our school for a visit the day after tomorrow.

5. -Will you please _____________(not make) a fire in front of the classroom?

-Sorry, I won’t.

二、根据所给汉语,用英语完成下列句子。 1. 怀特夫人将会带领我们参观公园。

Mrs White ________ _________ _________ ____________ the park. 2. 明天将会是晴天。

Tomorrow ______________ ___________ a sunny day. 3. 请你帮忙为我们的学习制订一个计划,好吗?

_______ _______ _________ _________ us make a plan for our studies?

4. 我们去湖上划船,好吗?

_________ we ___________ on the lake?

5. -下个星期天你打算做什么?-我打算去看一些有趣的地方。

―What _______ you ______ ________ __________ next Sunday? ―I _______ ______ _______ _______ some interesting places. 三、句型转换

1.Nancy is going to study French.(否定句)

Nancy___________________________ study French. 2. I will go there. (否定句) I _____________go there.

3.We will meet at the bus stop tomorrow.(一般疑问句)

____________ ____________meet at the bus stop tomorrow? 4. I am going to play football.(对划线部分提问) ____________ _________ you going to do?

5.Do you watch TV every day?(用 next week 改写) ____________ __________ __________TV next week?

6.He plays football every day after school. (用 this afternoon 改