2015年9月浙江高考英语听力(PETS-2)试题,原文及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2015年9月浙江高考英语听力(PETS-2)试题,原文及答案更新完毕开始阅读0c0453986c85ec3a87c2c5ce

M:Hi, Jane. I'm fine. Listen, I plan to go swimming in the sports center this weekend. But it's a long way, and I haven't got my driver’s license yet. How about us going together in your car? I'll buy the tickets.

W: Well, it's great, but I’ve got homework to do.

M: Come on! It doesn’t matter that you go out for one afternoon.

W:Oh, I really can't. Although I finished my book report, the upcoming mid-term exam really makes me nervous. I don’t think I’d enjoy an outing now. Sorry I can’t drive you. M: Oh, don’t worry. I can find someone else. Good luck with your exam! W: Thanks. See you! M:Bye!


M: Hello. I'd like this guidebook, please. How much is it? W: All things are free here.

M: Oh, thanks. I'll stay in the city for one week. Could you tell me what places I should visit? W: Well, there are a lot. Are you interested in islands, such as Lantau? M: Islands?

W:Yes. There are a lot of interesting things you can see — old villages and churches. And the scenery is beautiful. Take this booklet. It tells you more. M: Thank you very much. That’s a great suggestion. W: You are welcome. Text9

W:Dr. Green, congratulations on the success of your new book! We learned that it has been translated into 30 languages — English, of course, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, and so on.

M: Thanks, Helen.

W: Well, could you tell us what this popular book is about?

M:It’s called In Praise of Slow. It's about how the world got stuck in fast-forward, and how more and more people everywhere are slowing down. In other words, it’s about the rise of the Slow Movement.

W: What is the Slow Movement?

M:It is a revolution against the idea that faster is always better. When I say “slow”,I don’t mean doing everything slowly. It’s about doing everything as well as possible, instead of as fast as possible. It’s about quality in everything we do. W: When and where was this “slow” idea born?

M:It was born in the early 1990s in Italy. It began as the Slow Food Movement,which centered on food. More recently, “slow” has become popular worldwide.


W: Have we reached the point of trying to speed up something that cannot really be sped up? M: Of course. The Internet connects us in wonderful ways, but it also leads us into trying to hurry up relationships. So you find people online saying they have more than 4,000 friends. The very idea of friendship is not considered important. And we may be losing the ability to make friends. In Britain, a study found that in the past ten years, the number of children who say they have no best friend rose from under one in eight to nearly one in five! Text10

Good morning, everyone. I'm pleased to be here to give a talk. We’re two brothers from

Canada, and we’ve been living in Thailand for eight years. We noticed that most English lessons here in schools focus only on reading and writing, so a lot of people can’t understand and speak well in English. And we’d like to do something about it. Our idea is simple: we want to teach people how to understand and speak English like a native speaker. Different from broadcast English

programs, we design special fun English programs based on the computer and use them to teach words and expressions we use in real life. We talk in a casual style on a number of interesting topics, and we share personal stories from our real lives. Now, we have over 200 units on our

website. We make a new unit every week that you can listen to on your computer anytime you want. Our materials are from English movies, TV shows, and real-life conversations. We hope people will use the materials to practice every day. We are sure that your English will improve a lot.


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