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The CPC vowed to tackle corruption in its promotion system, putting an end to the buying and selling of official posts and vote rigging. Requesting an official post, honor or special treatment is not allowed under any circumstances, and bargaining with Party organizations or disobeying decisions made by Party organizations is forbidden.

10党内不准搞人身依附关系 任何人都不准把党的干部当作私有财产,党内不准搞人身依附关系。 No one should be allowed to consider Party officials as their private property. There should be no \

11领导干部对党员不能颐指气使 规范和纯洁党内同志交往,领导干部对党员不能颐指气使,党员对领导干部不能阿谀奉承。

Relationships among Party members should be honest. Party officials should not act arrogantly before Party members, and Party members should not flatter officials.



13决不能以言代法、以权压法、徇私枉法 党的各级组织和领导干部必须在宪法法律范围内活动,决不能以言代法、以权压法、徇私枉法。

对涉及违纪违法行为的举报,对党员反映的问题,任何党组织和领导干部都不准隐瞒不报、拖延不办。涉及所反映问题的领导干部应该回避,不准干预或插手组织调查(leading officials involved in issues reported should not participate in, intervene or meddle with investigations)。



Leading officials are banned from using their positions to seek benefits for friends and family. Family members and friends of leading officials will be banned from interfering in the work of leading officials, including personnel arrangements.


The Party will stick to the policy of no restricted zones, full coverage and zero tolerance in its fight against corruption. There will no longer be any place for corrupt officials to hide in the CPC.

15党内监督没有禁区、没有例外 党内监督没有禁区、没有例外。

No prohibited zone or exception will be allowed in intra-Party supervision.


16监督重点对象是主要领导干部 党内监督的重点对象是党的领导机关和领导干部特别是主要领导干部。

The main targets of supervision are the CPC's top organs and officials, particularly senior officials.