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I was hoping to find you in the Three Brooms -ticks!我还想能在三把扫帚里找见你呢! No, emergency choir practice, I'm afraid, Horace. 恐怕不行了,合唱团急训,霍拉斯 Does anyone fancy a Butterbeer?


A chum of mine was sledging down Claxby Hill. 我有个老伙计,在克拉克比山上滑雪

We had a very long, homemade, Norwegian-style sledge...我们有辆自己造的,挪威风格的长雪橇 No, not there. Over here.别,别去那,到这边来 No, sit beside me.别坐对面,坐我旁边 Okay.好了

Something to drink?喝点什么?

Three Butterbeers, and some ginger in mine, please.三杯黄油啤酒。我的那份放点姜汁,谢谢 Oh, bloody hell.我靠 Slick git.是那个小白脸

Honestly, Ronald, they're only holding hands. 罗恩,他们只是在牵牵小手 And snogging.又亲亲小嘴了

- I'd like to leave. - 我得走了 - What?- 怎么回事?

You can't be serious.你不会是认真的吧

- That happens to be my sister. 那可是我妹妹 - So?- 那又怎么了?

What if she looked over here and saw you snog -ging me? You expect her to leave?要是她转头看到你亲我怎么办?你想她会走开吗? - Hey, my boy! - 嘿!

- Hello, sir. Wonderful to see you.

- 您好,教授,真高兴见到您 And you, and you.我也是,我也是

So, what brings you here?您来这做什么啊? The Three Broomsticks and I go way back, further than I care to admit.


I can remember when it was One Broomstick. 我还记得当初它叫一把扫帚时候的样子呢

All hands on deck, Granger. Listen, my boy, in the


old days...注意喽,格兰杰。

...I used to throw together the occasional supper party for the select student or two. 我会偶尔举办几场晚宴,只邀请那么一两个学生 - Would you be game? - 你愿意来吗? - I'd consider it an honor, sir. - 荣幸之至,教授

You would be welcome too, Granger. 也欢迎你来,格兰杰

- I'd be delighted, sir. 太谢谢了,教授 - Splendid. Look for my owl.

- 好极了,等我的猫头鹰送信哦 Good to see you, Wallenby.

真高兴见到你,华伦比(彻底记错罗恩名字了) What are you playing at?你这是玩的哪一手? Dumbledore's asked me to get to know him. 邓不利多让我多了解他

- Get to know him? - 了解他? - I don't know.- 不晓得

It must be important. If it wasn't, Dumbledore wouldn't ask.这事一定很重要。要不然,邓不利多也不会让我去

Got a little bit...你嘴角有一点…

Katie, you don't know what it could be. 凯蒂,你都不知道这里装的是什么 - Harry. - What?

Did you hear what she said back at the pub about me and her snogging?她在酒吧里说的那段话,关于我俩亲亲的。你也听到了吧? As if.貌似

I warned her. I warned her not to touch it. 我警告过她的,让她别碰

Don't get any closer. Get back, all of you. 别靠近,所有人,都退后

Do not touch that, except by the wrappings. Do you understand?除非包着,否则别碰,记住了? 00:53:00,634 --> 00:53:03,207

You're sure Katie did not have this in her posse -ssion...你确定凯蒂进三把扫帚的时候

...when she entered the Three Broomsticks? 没带着这个?

It's like I said.我说过了

She left to go to the loo, and when she came back she had the package.

她去上厕所,回来之后就拿着那个包裹 She said it was important that she deliver it. 她说,她要把包送到,事关重大 - Did she say to whom? - To Professor Dumbledore.

- 她有没有说,要送到谁那儿?

- 邓不利多教授

Very well. Thank you, Leanne. You may go. 很好,谢谢你,黎安,你先走吧

Why is it when something happens it is always you three?为什么每次有什么事发生。总是你们在场?

Believe me, professor, I've been asking myself the same question for six years.相信我,教授。 我问自己这个问题问了都六年了 Mc GONAGALL:

Oh, Severus.哦,西弗勒斯 What do you think?你怎么看? I think Miss Bell is lucky to be alive. 我看,贝尔小姐还能活着,真是幸运 She was cursed, wasn't she? 她被下了恶咒,是不是?

I know Katie. Off the pitch, she wouldn't hurt a fly.我知道凯蒂,在魁地奇球场之外的地方。 她连只苍蝇都舍不得伤害

If she was delivering that to Dumbledore, she wasn't doing it knowingly.就算她要把包裹交给邓不利多。也肯定不是有意识的

Yes, she was cursed.她肯定是被下了恶咒 It was Malfoy.是马尔福干的

That is a very serious accusation, Potter. 波特,这个指控非常严重 Indeed.的确 - Your evidence? - I just know.


- 你有什么证据? - 我就是知道

You just...你就是… ...know.知道

You astonish with your gifts, Potter.


Gifts mere mortals can only dream of possessing. 你的天赋,凡人做梦也别想有

How grand it must be to be the Chosen One. 多么伟大,你这救世主

I suggest you go back to your dormitories. All of you.我建议,你们都回宿舍去,所有人 What do you suppose Dean sees in her? Ginny? 你觉得迪安看上金妮哪点了? Well, what does she see in him? 那金妮又看上他什么呢?

Dean? He's brilliant.迪安?他很聪明啊 You called him a slick git not five hours ago. 不到五个小时之前,你还叫他小白脸

Yeah, well, he was running his hands all over my sister, wasn't he?


Something snaps, and you've gotta hate him, you know? On principle.神经一绷,你就非恨他不可,懂不?那是原则问题 I suppose.大概吧

- So, what is it he sees in her? - I don't know.

- 那你说,他看上她什么了? - 不晓得

She's smart, funny.她聪明,有趣

- Attractive. - 很迷人 - Attractive?- 迷人?

- You know, she's got nice skin. - Skin? - 皮肤?

- 就是,她皮肤很好啊

Dean dates my sister because of her skin? 迪安跟我妹妹好,就因为她皮肤好?

Well, no, I mean, I'm just saying it could be a contributing factor.也不是啦,我只是说,这可能


Hermione's got nice skin.赫敏的皮肤也很好 Wouldn't you say? As skin goes, I mean. 你不觉得吗?就事论事来说的话 I've never really thought about it.


But, I suppose, yeah.不过,我估计,是的吧 Very nice.是很好

- I think I'll be going to sleep now. - Right. Yeah. - 我该睡觉了

- 哦,对

So tell me, Cormac, do you see anything of your Uncle Tiberius these days?说说吧,考迈克,最近有没有见你叔叔贝卢斯啊?

Yes, sir. In fact, I'm meant to go hunting with him...有的,教授,实际上这个假期,我该去和他… ...and the Minister for Magic over the holidays. 还有魔法部部长一起去打猎

Well, be sure to give them both my best. 别忘了代我向他们二位问好

What about your uncle, Belby? 你叔叔呢,巴尔比?

For those who don't know, Marcus' uncle invented the Wolfsbane Potion.以防有人没听说过,我介绍一下。马科斯的叔叔发明了狼毒药剂(防止狼人变身的药)

- Is he working on anything new? - Don't know.

- 他最近有在搞什么新发明啊? - 不晓得

Him and Dad don't get on. Probably because me dad says potions are rubbish.他和我爸关系不好,可能是因为我爸说魔药都是垃圾

Says the only potion worth having is a stiff one at the end of the day.他说唯一有用的魔药,就是回家喝的几口烈酒

What about you, Miss Granger? What does your family do in the Muggle world?你呢格兰杰小姐?你父母在麻瓜的世界里哪里高就啊?


My parents are dentists.我父母都是牙医 They tend to people's teeth.给别人治牙齿 Fascinating. And is that considered a dangerous profession?



Although, one boy, Robbie Fenwick, did bite my father once.不过,是有个男孩,叫罗宾·芬克 咬了我爸爸一口

He needed 10 stitches.害得他缝了十针 Ah. Miss Weasley. Come in, come in.


Look at her eyes.They've been fighting again, her and Dean.看她眼色,她跟迪安又吵架了

Sorry. I'm not usually late.抱歉,我一般不会迟到 No matter. You're just in time for dessert, that is, if Belby's left you any.没关系,来得正好,还能来点甜点。当然了,要是还没被巴尔比吃精光 What?怎么回事? Nothing.没什么

Goodbye. Bye-bye.再见了,再见

- Potter.

- I'm sorry, sir.

I was just admiring your hourglass. 我刚刚在欣赏您的沙漏 Oh, yes.哦,是啊

A most intriguing object.有趣的小玩意儿

The sand runs in accordance with the quality of the conversation.沙粒掉落速度和谈话质量相关 If it is stimulating, the sand runs slowly. 如果谈话有趣,沙粒就落得慢

- If it is not...

- I think I'll be going. - 如果无聊… - 我想我该走了

Nonsense. You have nothing to fear, dear boy. 胡说,你有什么好怕的

As to some of your classmates... 至于你的一些同学…

...well, let's just say they're unlikely to make the

shelf.这么说吧,他们可上不了我的架子 The shelf, sir?什么架子,教授?

Anyone who aspires to be anyone hopes to end up here.那些有抱负的学生,都希望想上那儿

But then again, you already are someone,aren't you, Harry?不过话说回来,你已经是个人物了。 不是吗,哈利?

Did Voldemort ever make the shelf, sir? 伏地魔上过这个架子吗,教授?

You knew him, didn't you, sir, Tom Riddle? You were his teacher.您认识他,对吧?


Mr. Riddle had a number of teachers whilst here at Hogwarts.瑞斗在霍格沃兹的时候有过很多老师 What was he like?他那时候什么样?

I'm sorry, sir. Forgive me.抱歉,教授,恕我多问 He killed my parents.他杀死了我父母 Of course.当然

It's only natural you should want to know more. 你想多知道一些,可以理解

But I'm afraid I must disappoint you, Harry. 不过恐怕我要让你失望了,哈利

When I first met Mr. Riddle, he was a quiet... 我第一次见到瑞斗,他虽然聪明…

...albeit brilliant, boy committed to becoming a first-rate wizard.却很安静,一心想成为一流巫师 Not unlike others I've known.

和我认识的其他学生并没有太大区别 Not unlike yourself, in fact. 实际上,和你也没有多大区别

If the monster existed...要说真有魔鬼… ...it was buried deep within.他也藏得很深 Good luck, eh, Ron.好运,罗恩 - Nice hat! - 这帽子可真帅!

- Ron, you're a loser.- 罗恩,衰人! I'm counting on you, Ron.

I have two Galleons on Gryffindor, yeah? 我可指望你了,罗恩



- Looking good, Ron. - Loser!

- 看起来不错啊,罗恩 - 衰人!

What's he wearing?他戴的是什么玩意? So how was it, then?那个怎么样? - How was what? - Your dinner party? - 哪个怎么样? - 你的聚会啊?

Pretty boring, actually.说真的,挺无聊的 Though I think Harry enjoyed dessert. 不过哈利应该挺喜欢那些点心

Slughorn's having a Christmas do, you know. 斯拉格霍恩还要开圣诞舞会

And we're meant to bring someone. 我们可以带别人

I expect you'll be bringing McLaggen. He's in the Slug Club, isn't he? 我猜你会带麦克拉根去吧


- Actually, I was going to ask you. - Really?

- 其实,本来我是想请你的

Good luck today, Ron.今天好运了,罗恩 I know you'll be brilliant.我知道你是最棒的 I'm resigning. After today's match, McLaggen can have my spot. 我要退队,今天比完就退 让麦克拉根接替吧

Have it your way.以后的事由你

- Juice? - Sure.

- 来点南瓜汁先?

Hello, everyone.大家好啊

You look dreadful, Ron.你看上去糟透了,罗恩 Is that why you put something in his cup? 是因为这个,你才往他杯子里放东西吗? Is it a tonic?那是补药吗? Liquid luck.幸运水